City closes out Sinking Funds – June 12, 1893

City closes out Sinking Funds – June 12, 1893

The Chief of the Fire Department authorized to purchase a hose wagon for $540.00. City Engineer be authorized to make arrangements with Chief Capilano for a stable for the horse at the north side of the Narrows, the cost not to exceed $20.00. City Sinking Funds were closed and the Committee retired from service. Fireman J. W. Campbell, who broke his leg in the service of the City, was awarded full salary for four months.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Cathy Harmer

Illustration: Vancouver Archives FD P51 – [Horse drawn hose wagon
from Fire Hall No. 4 at Broadway and Granville Street]
photo of original handwritten minutes here : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 444 -397


Vancouver June 12 1893.

The Council met on Monday June 12 1893. Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Collins, McCraney, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Fowler.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Geo Bartley Secretary of the Dominion Celebration accepting the grant from Council on the conditions laid down.

From the Registrar of the Supreme Court stating that an application would be made on the 25th June inst. for the appointment of a Liquidator for the winding up of the Vancouver Electric Railway & Light Co.
From John Boultbee, solicitor for a Mr. Jones asking the City to refund $24.00 collected from his client for pound fees.
Referred to the Police Committee
From Mr. Cunningham calling attention to the unfinished condition of Trounce Alley and holding the Council responsible for loss of business thereby.
Referred to the Board of Works
From Mr L Curry et al asking the Council to grade the lane in Block 2, 185.
Referred to the B of Works
From Henry Gain, Mr Pleasant asking for the extension of the sidewalk past His place on 7th
Referred to the Board of Works
From D. G. McDonald asking Council to open up Front Street to Quebec Street.
Referred to the Board of Works
From B. F. Cassellman et al asking for another


plank sidewalk on 13th Av from Westminster Avenue to Sophia Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From J. R. Hayden, Seattle, Chairman of the Reception Committee inviting The Mayor and Council to attend the Celebration to be held on the completion of the Great Northern Railway about June 16th.
Moved by Alderman Mc Craney
Seconded by Alderman Andersen
That the invitation be accepted.

From certain parties submitting tenders for Kalsomining The City Hospital and from others applying for the position of Hospital Cook.
Referred to the Health Committee with the power to act.

The following reports were received and read:-

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Monday June 12th 1893
Present Alderman Anderson, Cargill and Brown.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid: –
James Peake Clerical Activity $60.00
Mr. A. Harvey Hack Hire 20.00
C.P.R. Co. Rent Block 48.541 5.00
C.P. T Co. Telegrams 3.84
News Advertiserr Supplies 13.20
Crowder & Penzer Supplies 22.01
Thos F. McGuigan Cash paid out 21.25
Telephone Co. Telephone rent 37.60
A. St. G. Hamersley Law costs 267.93

2. That the Report of the City Auditor on the Books of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund be received and filed.
3. That the Manager of the Bank of BC be authorized to instruct the Manager of the Bank of Commerce to Cancel the Local Improvements


Debentures now held by said Bank and have same returned here.

4. That the sum of $332.86 be granted to the Board of Works for the Construction of Bathing Sheds on English Bay.
Signed R.A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday June 8th 1893, All present:
It was recommended
1. That the communication for J.M. Holland asking for the paving of the triangular piece in front of his new block and “the removal of the existing poles be referred to the City Engineers to report on the cost of paving and having the poles removed.
2. That Alderman Brown arrange with Contractor Garrison to put down a 3 plank sidewalk on the east side of Manitoba Street as requested by Wm Godfrey et al.
3. That the communication from H. Miller asking for an approach to the lane in black 60,196 be referred to the Street Inspector for attention; also the Communication from the Health Inspector regarding the lane in rear of ex Alderman Doering’s residence and to fix the bad places on Dufferin St east of Westminster Av. with crushed rock fill and the other places afterwards.
4. That the communication from A. Powell asking for the opening up of a roadway to give access to his property be referred to the City Engineer to have the cutting made.
5. That the City Engineer be instructed to interview


Mr. Abbot with a view of getting a train load of granite from Barnet for use on the streets.
6. That the contractor for the Haro Street sidewalk be instructed to extend same as far as Jervis St.
7. That the work on Section 6, of the sewers be taken over with the exception of the blocks mentioned in the Inspectors report and on condition that all necessary work to complete the contract is done.
8. That the following contracts be awarded:-

Comox Street Grading to Thos Powell $318.75
Alberni “ “ do 224.00
8th Av “ H. B. Connacher 232.50
6th “ “ D. Gibbons 640.00
Georgia St “ D. L. Smith 242.00
Vernon St “ Boyd & C. 745.92
7th Av Six Ft Sidewalk E.C. Britton @ 16 ½ per ft
Ontario St do do do
Gore Av do do do
Bathing Shed English Bay H. T Adams $352.86
Subject to the money being provided by the Finance Committee Burnaby Street grading postponed.

9. That tenders be called up to 3 P.M. on Thursday the 15th inst for the following:
Grant St grading 3- ft wide, slashing full width between Victoria Drive and Park Drive
8th Av Fairview, 6 ft sidewalk 2 block east of South Granville thence 3 plank as far as the houses extend.
10. That the following accounts be paid:-
B.C. M. T & T Co. Lumber $164.23
Evans Coleman & Evans Sewer pipe 371.08
H Extenco Expressage .50
D. McGillivray Paving 3659.34
do Drains 50.35
A.D McDonald Alexander St; 10.22
do Robson St: 26.52
Godfrey & Co Supplies 6.84
Wm Tierney & Sons Sec. 11 Sewer 229.23
McLuarrie & Co “ “ 265.99


H Lomas et al     Labor     534.90

Signed H.P McCraney

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the report be adopted

F.W. & L. Committee

The F.W. & L Committee met on Wednesday June 7th 1893.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Salsbury, Fowler and Hackett.
It was recommended:-
That the following accounts be paid:-

H.H. Layfield & Co. Crape $13.95
G. L. Wilson Do 7.75
Queen Bros. Hacks 7.00
B. F. Henry Supplies .60
M.A. Harvey Team 5.00
T. Forbes Horse Shoeing 2.00
Thos Dunn & Co. Supplies 3.60
Crowder & Penzer Supplies 210.04
Van Elec Ry & L Co Lights 1552.68
W. Hooper et al. Labor 310.90
Crowder & Penzer Supplies 26.05
S. T. Tilley & Son “ 3.50
B. F. Henry Repairs 5.00
Creamer & Langley Supplies .78
B. C. M. T & T Co “ 16.28
J.H. Carlisle “ 5.50
Can Genl Elec Co. “ 2.25
McLennan & Mc Feeley “ 22.82
Gutta Percha & Rubber Co. “ 70.00
Atkins & Atkins “ 8.99

2. That Chief Carlisle be authorized to have the fire engine repaired:
3. That the tender of the Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co be accepted for supplying a hose wagon for the sum of $540.00 subject to alterations to be ordered by the Chief of the Fire Department.


4. That the City Engineer be authorized to make arrangements with Chief Capilano for a stable for the horse at the north side of the Narrows, the cost not to exceed $20.00.
5. That tenders be called for laying the new submerged main across the narrows, tenders to be in by June 21st.

Signed J. L. Franklin,

Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the clause in reference to the hose wagon be referred back to the committee.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report as amended by adopted.


Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Fire Limit By-law be read a first time.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That the By-Law be read a 2nd time.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole for its Consideration, Alderman Collins in the Chair.
After reading several clauses the Committee rose to report progress and asked leave to sit again.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Fowler
That the Fire By-Law be read a 2nd time.


The Council went into Committee of the Whole for it’s consideration, Alderman Collins in the Chair. Several Clauses were read when the Committee rose to report progress and asked to sit again.

Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Anderson
That the Amendments to the Market By-Law be read a 2nd time.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole for its consideration, Alderman Anderson in the Chair. The by-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as Complete without amendments.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Anderson seconded by Alderman Fowler.


Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McCraney
That J. W. Campbell be paid his full salary while laid up with a broken leg for the space of 4 months.

Moved by Alderman Anderson.
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the Manager of the Bank of BC be requested to pay to the credit of the Sinking Fund account at the Bank of BC any monies now to the credit of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund and that the Mayor be authorized to make such arrangements as may be necessary to carry out this resolution and obtain the transfer of the account.
And that any monies to the credit of the City Sinking fund account be deposited at the Bank of BC and all interest paid in the account be paid into the said bank, funding investments in mortgages in accordance with


the provisions of the Charter and with the accounts of the City Sinking Fund be kept by the accountant in separate books from all other City Accounts. And that all investments be made by the Finance Committee sitting as a Loan Board after the properties offered as security have been valued and approved of by the Valuator appointed by the Council and after the Title has been approved of by the City Solicitor.
And that the Manager of the Vancouver Loan Trust Savings and Guarantee Company Limited be requested to pay over any monies now held by the Company on accounts of the Sinking Fund to the Bank of BC to the credit of the Sinking Fund and that he be requested to deliver all deeds, books of accounts and documents to Council with the investments of the Sinking fund to the City Treasurer.
And that a letter be written to the Trustees of the Sinking Fund thanking them for their Services in the past.

A deputation from the Vancouver Elec Ry & Light has waited upon the Council regarding the laying of the Streets Railway Track on the Streets now being paved and asking that the Council bear the expense in the first instance pending the reorganization of the committee.

No actions have been taken by Council on the request of the deputation they sent in a letter to the effect that if any unwarrantable interference should take place on the part of the City, the Trustees and Company would take such steps for their protection as they would be advised.

The Council then adjourned

F. Cope

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk