English Bay bath houses may never be built – June 13, 1892

English Bay bath houses may never be built – June 13, 1892
English Bay bathhouse, early 1900s; photo courtesy City of Vancouver Archives

English Bay Bath Houses question was deferred, as the available budget was not sufficient. Federal Minister of Marine offers to pay 91 cents per day for care of sick mariners in the city hospital. BC Department of Lands and Works refused Deadman’s Island for quarantine. Book budget for the Library to be paid in a lump sum.

This transcript was made in 2017 by Transcribimus volunteer Susan M. Willows
and sponsored by the Woodward  family

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 39-46

[Volume 5 page 39]
Vancouver, June 13th 1892.

The Council met on Monday June 13th 1892 at 8. P.M. Present His Worship Mayor Cope and Aldermen Anderson, Connon, Scouller, Collins, McGuigan, Odlum, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From G. W. Thomas reporting on the Market Receipts filed

From F. G. Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands & Works refusing to give Deadman’s Island for pest house purposes.

From A. Campbell Riddie, Deputy Provincial Secretary in reference to the Police Magistrate.

From the Police Magistrate asking for an increase in salary.

Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by Alderman Gavin
That the Police Magistrate’s salary be increased to $150.00 per month,

From J. W. Morrison asking the City to abate the nuisance on Water Street in rear of Edmonds Buildings.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From W. A. Kum Yow asking the City to provide a site for a guest house for Chinamen.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From E. L. Kirkland, submitting a tax account for water pipes, etc.
Referred to Finance Committee

From Leamy & Kyle submitting an assignment of an account from Angus Fraser.
Laid Over

From R. Llewellyn submitting an account amounting to $123.50 for diving and the use of Diving outfit.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman Connon
That the amount claimed be paid.

[Volume 5 page 40]

From Wm Smith Deputy Minister of Marine offering to pay 90 cts a day for the case of sick mariners in the City Hospital.

From Dr. Kendall asking the City to recommend the resolution re the refusal to accept orders in his case
Laid over

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.

From J.C. McLagan asking that a sidewalk be laid to the proper grade around the World office
Referred to the Board of Works

From the City Solicitor advising the Police Committee to consider the Market By-Law before it is submitted to Council
Referred to the Market Committee

From Angus McAllister that asking for the City Water on Hornby Street.
Referred to the FW&L Committee

From the owner of the S.S. Afries submitting Jan account for $176.00 for services rendered.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman Connon
That the amount be paid if found correct.

From Wm Brown, Chairman of the Library Board asking the Council to pay the amount voted to the Library Board for books in a lump sum.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by Alderman Gavan.
That the request of Mr. Brown be granted


The following were received and read

Fire, Water & Light
The FW&L Committee met on Wednesday June 8th 1892
Present Aldermen Franklin, Mills, Scoullar

[Volume 5 page 41
It was recommended:
1. That the petitioners on 12th be informed that as soon as the City lifts the water pipes from Dunlevy Avenue they will be relaid on 12th Avenue
2. That the Engineer of Fire Hall No. 2 be paid $70.00 per month dating from the 15th of May and Hugh Campbell $50.00 per month dating from the 15th of May.
3. That a new suction hose be purchased for the fire engine and that the Chief be allowed to connect with the hydrants when necessary.
4. That tenders be invited for delivering water pipes etc, tenders to be in by Monday the 13th inst at noon. Specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer.
5. That the City Engineer be instructed to report to the FW&L Committee every week on the work done in connection with the water works department.
6. That the following accounts be paid :
Wm Hamilton Mfg Co. Supplies $ 1.85
Atkins & Atkins Supplies 2.90
S. T. Tilley & Son Supplies 1.25
Godfrey & Co Supplies 6.90
Van Electric Light Co. Lights 1275.87
C. Veysey Supplies 2.00
John Martin Drainage 2.50
C. Nelson Supplies 1.00
David Wilson Supplies 11.90
H. P. Dunn & Co. Supplies 3.57
Daily Telegram Supplies 3.75
B.C. Iron Works Co Supplies 54.19
C.M. Hawley Supplies 7.85
J.W. McFarland Supplies 11.40
Crowder & Penzer Supplies 8.00
C. Nelson Supplies 1.50
McDonald Bros. Supplies 2.00
H. McDowell & Co. Supplies .25
H.P. Veitch Delivery pipes etc 53.57
Hastings Saw Mill Co. Supplies 2.00
Keil & Kerr Drayager 2.00
I. Robinson Drayager .50 cts

[Volume 5 page 42]

E. Shugold Drayage .75 cts
Fraser & Co. Supplies 17.58
Palmer Bros Supplies 6.00
Gurney Cab Co. Drayage 46.50
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 3.40
Fraser & Co Supplies 10.00
I. Forbes Horse Shoeing 4.00
Alex Gartshore Flexible Pipe 2376.70
H. T. Devine & Co Supplies 69.98
Signed J. L Franklin,

Moved by Alderman Gavan
Seconded by Alderman Mills
That the Report be adopted

Police Report

The Police Committee met on Tuesday June 7th 1892
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Collins, Odlum and Gavin
It was recommended:
1. That Alderman Collins be appointed to meet the Trades Union to arrange to secure the Market Hall for the 1st of July for a Citizens’ ball.
2. That Geo Brown be appointed Night Watchman in place of Malcolm McLean at a salary of $10.00 per month.
3. That Friday in each week be fixed as a Jubilee Market day and that all tolls on that day be remitted.

Sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Scoular
Seconded by Alderman Gavin
That the Clause in the report relating to a Jubilee Market day be laid over until the Market By-Law is passed and that the balance of the Report be adopted

[Volume 5 page 34]

Finance Report

The Finance Committee met on Friday June 10th 1892.
Present Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Odlum, and Mills.
It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid :
Daily Telegram Supplies $25.45
Telephone Co. Rents 44.80
C. P. Telegraph Co. Telegrams 27.95
Jas England repairing typewriter 1.50

2. That $250.00 be granted by Council in aid of the Provincial Exhibit Association.
3. That Jonathan Miller and Michael Costello be accepted as A.M. Beattie’s sureties on the Market Lease.
4. That the consideration of the erection of bathing houses on English Bay be deferred
5. That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Provincial Government to ascertain if permission can be obtained to erect a pest house outside the City limits.
Sgd. R.A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by Alderman Franklin
That the matter of erecting bathing houses on English Bay be referred to the Board of Works.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by Alderman Gavin
That the Report be adopted as read

Works Report

The Board of Works met on Thursday June 10th 1892
Present Aldermen Scoular (in the Chair) Connon, Gavin and Franklin
It was recommended:

[Volume 5 page 44]

1. That the Communication from J.B. Henderson re the opening up of Powell Street be referred to the Chairman and the City Engineer to examine and report.

2. That the communication from J. B. Smith re the cutting down of trees be referred to the Street Inspector also the communication from John Brown that’s asking for a sidewalk on Sophia Street.

3. That R. Smith be informed that the grade of 6th Av east is not yet established.

4. That the City Engineer notify the sureties on J. Hartneys Contract for grading 9th Av to complete the work without delay.

5. That the plans for the proposed building submitted by Mr. E. Carter to be erected on the E ½ of Lot 7. B5 O.G.T. be approved subject to the walls on the street being built of the required thickness. Mr. Carter also to submit a section and basement plan to be deposited in the City Engineer’s office.

6. That the City Engineer examine Beach Av at Mr. Creery’s new residence to see if same can be improved to admit of better access to his building.

7. That J.M. Holland be supplied with broken stone @ $1.50 per yard at scow, for use in a concrete sidewalk at his new block corner Cordova and Water streets.

8. That tenders be called for the supplying of the materials in connection with the extension of the Sewerage system, the tenders to be in by noon July 7th next and that the advertisement be inserted in whatever Eastern newspaper the City Engineer thinks best.

9. That the following accounts be paid :

Nelson Carter Hospitals $ 81.00
D. H. Morgan 8th Av 230.40
J. Telford Scotia Sheet 54.00
Ths. Thomas 14th & 15 Av 367.92

[Volume 5 page 45]

A. Fraser Lorne Street $ 331.20
McDonald & Garrison Gore Av 278.25
Gibbons & Myers Carolina St. 292.50
McDonald & Garrison Robson St. 227.09
Wm Jones Harris St. 283.14
T. Bailey Melville St. 108.60
Ths. Thomas Quebec St. 270.00
Do do Lanes 247.50
E. Cook Rent for Wharf 25.00
Thomson Bros. Blue permits 2.85
Godfrey & Co. hardware 3.10
Daily Telegram Letterheads 3.75
W. S. Cook Davie Street 81.15
E. Kingcombe Blue permits 1.10
Ths Dunn & Co. hardware 6.08
Van Elec Ry & Co. Car brackets 5.00
H. Lomas et al Labor 315.65

Sgd A.W. Scoullar

Moved by Alderman Connon
Seconded by “ Gavin
That the Report be adopted

Health Report

The Health Committee met on Tuesday June 7th 1892.
Present Aldermen Collins (in the Chair) Gavin and Odlum.

It was resolved that Geo Pollay be paid $112.50 for the buildings and contents in the rear of the City Hall destroyed by order of the Council to prevent the spread of Small pox.

Sgd Henry Collins
Chairman Protem
Report adopted

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Connon
That a select committee be appointed to confer with the Chief Commissioner of Lands re the purchase of the present site of the Court House for City buildings, that the Committee

[Volume 5 page 46]

be composed of the Mayor & Aldermen Anderson, Franklin, McGuigan, Mills, & Scoullar


Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Odlum

Whereas the City of Vancouver having leased the Market for a time of years to Mr. A. M. Beattie and as it will be impossible under the circumstances to any longer retain the services of Mr. G.W. Thomas as Marshal, be it resolved that he be notified to that effect and requested to hand over the keys to Mr. Beattie.


F. Cope

Ths. S. McGuigan
City Clerk