Standard loaf of bread in Vancouver will be 1.5 pounds – June 15, 1887

Standard loaf of bread in Vancouver will be 1.5 pounds – June 15, 1887

room at City Hall to be fitted up for the use of Justice McCreight, and a City constable to be detailed to attend on Court days. City Solicitor to prepare a by-law that the weight of a loaf of bread be fixed at one and a half pounds. Board of Health recommends acceptance of the land donated by Mr. Miller to establish a city “dumping ground”. City Clerk to write to Minister of Marine & Fisheries asking permission to extend city sewage pipe to a point below low water mark.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 370-377

Vancouver June 15th 1887

The Council met on Wednesday June 15th 1887 at 7.30 P.M.

Present Aldermen Hamilton, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer and Sanders.

Moved by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer
that Alderman Lefevre take the Chair in the absence of the Mayor.

The Auditor’s Report for May shewing accounts correct was read and filed.


From C.G. Johnson asking that a room be fitted up in the City Hall for the use of Justice McCreight.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mannion
that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Justice McCreight that a room will be furnished for him at once.

From C.G. Johnson asking for the constant attendance of a constable in the City Hall on Court days.
Moved by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman Humphries,
that one of our constables be detailed for duty on Court days.

From H.P. Ceperley, and others, asking Council to prevent piling and burning.
Action already taken.

From Henry Arkell and others asking Council to regulate the weight of bread by By-Law.
Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Mannion
that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a By-Law to that effect and that the weight for each loaf be fixed at 1 1/2 pounds.

From E.J. Clark offering Site for a Public Hospital.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From I.W. Powell and others praying Council to make certain improvements on the South Side of False Creek.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Jas. A. Robinson, City Clerk of New Westminster inviting Mayor and Council to that City to take part in celebration on 21st and 22nd.
The City Clerk was instructed to reply to communication.

From Wm. Cargill and Thos. Dunn re the further improvement on Dunlevy Avenue.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From H.A. Jones re the improvement of Ninth Avenue.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From J.H. Carlisle re the placing of a drain on Water Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

Report No 14
Board of Health.

The Board of Health met on Friday June 10th 1887.

The Board would deem it advisable to have a regular dumping ground for the City and would recommend that Council accept the land lately offered by Mr. Miller for that purpose and have it put in proper shape.
The following accounts were recommended to be paid.
G. Fred Upham, Milk & Drayage $7.60
Hayes and McIntosh, Meat $14.40
Wm. Mariner, Digging grave $3.50
G.H. Wright, Bread $3.30
H. McDowell & Co. $15.00
Owen Hughes, Washing $3.50
F.W. Hart, Furniture $33.00
Sgd. Geo. H. Lockerby
Acting Chairman

Adopted, Mannion – Sanders.

Report No 26
of Finance Committee.

The Finance Committee met on Friday June 10th 1887, and report that they have examined the following accounts and recommend their payment.

Blake & Muir, preparing Agreement $50.00
R. Mathison, printing 10.50
H.A. Berry, Draying 5.00
Northcott & Palmer, groceries 9.95
F.W. Hart, Furniture etc. 7.50
Jas. M. Gates, Rubber stamp 5.00
News-advertiser, Advertising 122.29
Bindley & Longherd, Furniture 27.00
Returning Officers 74.00
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 42.05
Jacob Sehl, Furniture 16.50

We have taken into consideration the remuneration to be paid to Geo. F. Baldwin as Tax Collector and would recommend that he be paid twenty-five dollars a month for acting in that capacity.
We recommend that the City Solicitor be instructed to apply to the Supreme Court to have two trustees appointed to invest the Sinking Fund for the City – also to apply to the Supreme Court judge to have an injunction placed upon contractors to prevent them from piling and burning within certain limits in the City.
sgd D. Oppenheimer

Adopted Hamilton – Lefevre.

The Mayor arrived and took the Chair.

Report No 27
Of the Fire Water and Light Committee

The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Monday June 13th 1887, and report that they have again considered the application of the Fire Engineer for an increase of salary but would deem it inadvisable to increase his salary at this period on account of no provision being made for such an advance when the estimates were made up at the beginning of the year.
The following accounts were recommended to be paid.
Robert Grant, Drayage .50 cents
F.W. Hart, Lamp Chimneys $16.45
Robert Couth, Coal $49.00
Palmer Brothers, Coal $7.40
Tattersall Stables 5.00
W.W. Ayer, Firing Engine 10.00
sgd L.A. Hamilton
for Chairman

Adopted, D. Oppenheimer – Lockerby.

Report No 42
Of the Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Saturday June 11th and Monday June 13th and report that they have considered the following accounts and recommend their payment.
Boyd and Clandenning, Dufferin & Lorne $1586.55
Boyd and Clandenning, Harris Street $619.50
McDonald & Cameron, Seymour, Richards & Pender $5454.32
J.B. McKern, Abbott Street $1883.84
Wm. Harkins, Westminster Avenue $10394.00
Thos. Egan, estimate on Dupont Street $779.86
W.C. Muir, digging drains $230.75
Palmer Brothers, teaming $1.00
William Cullen, taking out stumps $5.00
H.A. Berry, teaming $10.75
R.C. Planing Mills, Lumber $118.80
Moodyville Saw Mill Co., Lumber $88.00
Brunette Saw Mill Co., Lumber $2.20
Shearer & Kemp, Drawing Board $3.00
John Gibson, Approaches $27.00
Edward Mohan on account of plans $250.00
We recommend that the approaches to the lane between Powell Street and Oppenheimer Street east of Westminster Avenue be made passable and the logs removed.
We have instructed the City Clerk to communicate with the Minister of Marine and Fisheries to obtain permission to extend the outer pipe for sewerage purposes to a point below low water mark.

The following tenders have been received for the tank on Granville Street.
W.L. McDonald & Co. $475.00
McDonald & Cameron 487.00
We recommend the acceptance of the tender of W.L. McDonald & Co.
For Alexander St.
Stephenson & McCraney
Grubbing grading &c per ft. $1.09
10 ft. Sidewalks per ft. 43
8 ft. Sidewalks per ft. 35
Plank for Culverts per M $16.00
Patterson and Wise
Grubbing and grading per ft. $1.65
8 ft. Sidewalks per ft. 34
Planking for Culverts per M ft. 17.00
Boyd and Clandening
Grubbing & grading per ft. $1.17
10 ft. sidewalks per ft. 35
8 ft. sidewalks per ft. 28
Lumber for Box Culverts per M. $15.00
Wm. Harkins.
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 89 cts
Sidewalks per ft. 37 cts
Planking for culverts $15.00
McDonald & Cameron.
Grubbing & grading per ft. 97 1/2 cts
10 ft. sidewalks per ft. 40
8 ft. sidewalks per ft. 33
Lumber for Box Culverts $16.00
For Cordova Street
McDonald & Cameron
Grubbing grading &c per ft. $1.67
10 ft. sidewalks 42
Box Culverts 17.00
Street Planking 15.00
James McKin
Grubbing grading per ft. $1.65
10 ft. sidewalks per ft. 39 cts
Planking per M. $14.50
Boyd & Clandenning
Filling & Ditching per ft. $1.74
10 ft. sidewalks per ft. 44 cts
Planking per M. 14.45
Box Culverts 15.00
Stephenson & McCraney
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 1.69
10 ft. sidewalks 48
Lumber for culverts 16.00
Street plank 15.00
For Columbia Avenue.
McDonald & Cameron.
Filling per foot $3.45
Lumber Box Culverts per M. 20.00
Wm. Harkins.
Grubbing filling &c per ft. $1.80
Plank for Culverts 15.00
Boyd & Clandenning
Filling & Ditching per ft. $1.94
We recommend that McDonald & Cameron be awarded the contract for Alexander Street, Boyd & Clandenning for Columbia Avenue and James McKin for Cordova Street.
sgd J. Humphries
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer,
that the Report of the Board of Works be amended by awarding the contract for the improvement of Alexander Street to Wm. Harkins.

Report adopted D. Oppenheimer – Lockerby.


A By-Law to make certain amendments to Liquor By-Law was read a first time.

Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre,
that the City Treasurer be instructed to pay cash on the following streets improved under the Local Improvement system where the amount is less than the Debenture issued: – Cambie Street – $19.86, Hastings Street east – $32.68, Hastings Street west – $18.00, Oppenheimer Street – $132.96.

Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mannion, that the Treasurer be authorized to return the deposit of the Coquitlam Water Works Co.

The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk