The Secretary of the Trades & Labor Council asked to have By-Law enforced for weighing coal and measuring wood.
Referred to the City Solicitor for a Report as to the City’s power in the matter. Illustration shows the S. S. Joan, which was to be used for the upcoming Press Excursion.
Illustration Source: S.S. Joan – University of British Columbia. Library.
Rare Books and Special Collections. The Chung Collection. CC_PH_01580
Source: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 715-E-02 Vol 9
pages 162-169
[Volume 9 page] 162
Vancouver June 21st 1899
The Council met on Monday June 21st 1899
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Grant, Gilmour, McQueen, Skinner, McPhaiden, Brown, Foreman, Bruce and Wood.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the Mayors of New Whatcom, Blaine and Seattle inviting the Mayor, Council and Citizens to their respective cities for the 4th of July.
Accepted with thanks.
From C. W. Murray, Secretary of the School Board asking that the sum of $1750 be placed to their credit for the purpose of completion of the 3rd storey of the east end school.
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That his request be granted.
From Geo. D. Scott complaining about being misinformed by the City Engineer as to the grade of Nicola Street; also, from A. E. Maenang (illegible) to the same effect.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From the Police reporting on the electric lights.
From Chas. Woodward, Acting for the Trades and Labor Council asking for the use of the Council Chambers for Wednesday evening June 28th to hold meeting re east end of False Creek and other Foreshore matters and asking that and asking for correspondence, maps etc bearing on the subject.
Moved by Alderman Bruce
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That his request be granted.
From A. K. H. Macfarlane, Secretary of the Foot Ball Club requesting that the earth to be taken from Westminster Avenue be placed on Powell Street Grounds.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From J. Focke again complaining of …..
[Volume 9 page] 163
… the premises occupied by Mrs. Plews on Keefer St.
Matter attended to.
From John Oben, confectioner asking permission to leave his sign up until the 1st of July.
From Boyd & Co giving notice of an advance in prices of wrought iron etc.
From Jas. D. Hall, Secretary of the Celebration Committee requesting that the Government be asked to proclaim June 30th a Public Holiday.
Attended to.
From F. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries, acknowledging receipt of telegram re reduction of Docking charges.
From Evans, Coleman & Evans, stating that the S. S. Joan would be open for engagement for the Press Excursion.
From C. G. Major offering Lots 8 to 24. Block 63 185 for $17500.
Laid over for By-Law.
From J. C. McLagan presenting a panoramic view of the City.
Accepted with thanks.
From Beddis etal asking for improvements on 9th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.
The following Reports were received and read:
Fire and Police Committee
The Fire and Police Committee met on June 13th 1899.
Present: Aldermen Brown (in the Chair), Skinner, McPhaiden and Bruce.
The following account was recommended for payment:
H. S. Philp | Supplies | $5.41 |
R. Richardson | Supplies | 1.00 |
[Volume 9 page] 164
Canada General Elec. Co. | Supplies | $13.28 |
McLennan & McFeely | Supplies | 13.38 |
Miller & Co | Supplies | 50.00 |
Johnson, Kerfoot & Co. | Supplies | 6.00 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | .50 |
Dunlop & Co | Supplies | 2.73 |
Mackenzie BrP | Supplies | 114.70 |
Porter & Sons | Supplies | 26.95 |
S. McPherson & Co | Supplies | 723.45 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | Supplies | 14.60 |
Carter House | Supplies | 1.00 |
Mc Rae | Pound Charges | .80 |
F. A. Lee | Hack hire | .75 |
A. A. Andrews | Fire Alarm boxes | 561.85 |
City Grocery Co. | Supplies | 31.63 |
J. Dodson | Supplies | 17.30 |
McDowell & Co | Supplies | 12.34 |
J. Storey | Labor | 15.75 |
Valley Dairy Co. | Supplies | 1.50 |
B C M T & L Co. | Supplies | 10.85 |
E. G. Prior & Co. | Supplies | 52.50 |
John Sudmin | Supplies | 3.00 |
R. Robertson | Supplies | 2.50 |
From W. B. Ross asking that his claims for damages be referred to arbitration.
From the Pound Keeper furnishing Report.
From Purdy & Colliers asking for suits of plain clothing.
Laid over.
From J. H. Carlisle asking for a pair of (illegible).
Request granted.
H.B. Gilmour,
Moved by Alderman Gilmour
Seconded by Alderman Skinner
That the Report be adopted.
[Volume 9 page] 165
Water and Market Committee
The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday June 14th 1899.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Wood and McQueen.
Mr. Hackett waited upon the Committee and asked for a 3- or 4-inch pipe to be laid to their mill and a hydrant to be placed near the mill.
It was resolved that the City put in a 4-inch pipe and hydrant for Messrs. Robertson and Hackett’s Mill on the CPR reserve provided they pay half the cost of laying and supplying pipe and hydrant and that the property in the pipe and hydrant remain in the City with right to remove them or either of them at anytime and that free access for the Fire Brigade be always kept t o the hydrant.
From Messrs. Wm Godrey and Robertson BrP. asking for a reduction on rates for elevators.
The Committee do not consider it advisable to move any special reduction in rates for elevators as the Water Works cannot undertake to compete with electricity or gas for power purposes.
From the Secretary of the Trades & Labor Council asking to have By-Law enforced for weighing coal and measuring wood.
Referred to the City Solicitor for a Report as to the City’s power in the matter.
From L. Arndt etal, asking for a larger water pipe on 6th Ave Fairview.
Will be attended to as soon as culvert is put in.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
McLennan & McFeely | Supplies | $136.68 |
Geo. Hardy | Supplies | 7.50 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | Supplies | 5933.15 |
Van City Iron Works | Supplies | 20.58 |
J. Dodson | Supplies | 26.10 |
B C M T & T Co. | Supplies | .95 |
Armstrong & Morrison | Supplies | 3.75 |
[Volume 9 page] 166
City Grocery & Co. | Supplies | $428.05 |
Robertson & Peppard | Teaming | 7.50 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 6.35 |
Jas. Robertson Co. | Supplies | 1552.87 |
Boyd & Co. | Supplies | 55.19 |
McRae & Hall | Supplies | .25 |
J. Davidson | Supplies | 18.00 |
Canada Pacific Transfer | Teaming | 19.75 |
ThP Veitch | Teaming | 21.05 |
W. C. Marshall | Teaming | 4.25 |
S. S. Halifax | Towing | 30.00 |
W. Jefferson | Labor | 2.00 |
Mackenzie BrP. | Supplies | 30.25 |
R. Porter & Sons | Supplies | 285.22 |
Water Works Pay Roll | Labor | 2377.73 |
Armstrong & Morrison | Supplies | 10569.48 |
Wm Brown,
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday June 16th 1899.
Present Aldermen McQueen, Brown and Wood.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
B. S. Parsons | Hack hire | 3.50 |
Free Library Board | Grant | 1000.00 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 13.80 |
J. B. Grant | Supplies | 7.00 |
T. F. McGuigan | Disbursements | 3.50 |
Trythall & Son | Supplies | 30.15 |
Resolved that all salaries falling due on the 1st of July be paid on the 23rd of June.
Resolved that the Debentures for Local Improvements on Nicola and Hastings Streets be printed in denominations of $1000 each.
James McQueen,
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Wood.
That the Report be adopted.
[Volume 9 page] 167
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on June 15th 1899.
Present: the full Board.
From R. Marpole, General Superintendent CPR Co. re providing for sewer for Block 16 DL 541.
Approved the City to provide the pipe from the CPR crossing to Burrard St.
From Hope, Graveley & Co re opening up of Comox St.
Laid over to be taken up for Street Improvement By-Law.
From Hope, Graveley & Co re chasing and grading corner Comox St & Beach Av.
To be notified that it is intended to be done.
From P. Fewster re septic tank system.
From S. A. McDowell re surface water on Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 0. DL 196.
Laid over for levels to be taken.
From N. Naine etal requesting the opening up of Park Drive south from Grant St.
Laid over for examination.
From H. Robinson etal requesting a 6-foot sidewalk on Raymur Avenue.
From Wm. Skene re supplying the City with public urinals.
Laid over for consideration.
From Chas. Scurry etal requesting that Barbers poles be allowed to remain on street in present position.
It was resolved that the Board’s former resolution be confirmed.
J. Windebank’s offer to sprinkle streets to the end of September for $400 was brought up.
Tender accepted and amount pre –
[Volume 9 page] 168
-vously paid to be kept out and Solicitor to draw up agreement.
Re Nicola Street Sewers
Resolved that notice be given the sureties in Messrs. Mowat and Keen’s contract to complete the same as they are liable under the bond to extent of $5000 and provided all monies owing for wages due to June 14th 1899 on said contract be paid by Messrs. Burns & Boyd any balance due on the contract by the City to be paid over to them.
Repaving tenders for Cordova Street East and Westminster Avenue.
The tender of Martin Kelley for stone curbing and Messrs. Ironsides & Co for the balance of work be recommended for acceptance subject to the Court of Revision to be held on June 21st 1899.
Plans for Holmes Block on Hastings Street were approved.
Plans for Walker Block on Hastings Street held over until he fixes the other building in front to conform to the By-Law.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Wm. Tyster | Supplies | $368.57 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | Supplies | 8.65 |
B C M T & L. Co. | Supplies | 25.64 |
W. L. Tait & Co | Supplies | 215.35 |
Vancouver City Ironworks | Supplies | 42.66 |
Robinson & Peppard | Teaming | 4.00 |
S. S. Halifax | Towing | 5 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 19.80 |
E. G. Prior & Co. | Supplies | 35 |
Robertson & Hackett | Supplies | 6.55 |
S. Elkins etal | Labor | 3696.98 |
Alex Bruce,
Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by Alderman Grant.
That the Report be adopted.
[Volume 9 page] 169
Notice of Motion
Alderman McQueen gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to amend the Trades License By-Law.
The Council then adjourned.
Thp F. McGuigan | James F. Garden |
City Clerk | Mayor |