The City Engineer instructed to examine the “stability” of the Market Hall to accommodate large meetings. A motion to withdraw the Street Railway By-Law was overturned, and the By-Law allowed to “take its course”. Two bondsmen required at $250 each to guarantee the Race Course will be left in good repair at the end of the lease. Dr. Kendall refused to hand over the rock crushing plant “except under certain conditions” although his contract with the City had expired.
This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
City of Vancouver Archives BuP70.1, Sentell House on Grove Crescent
First Roger’s Building, 1895, courtesy Canadian Historic Places
to see original handwritten minutes – click here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 134-143
[Volume 6, Page 134]
Vancouver June 25th 1894
The Council met on Monday June 25th 1894.
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McCraney, McPhaiden, William Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown and Bethune.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From W.E. Stevens, etal, asking for a sidewalk on Grove Street {today’s Atlantic Street}. Referred to the Board of Works.
From L.G. Comstock of New Whatcom, inviting the Mayor, Council, etc to his City on the 4th of July. Invitation accepted on motion of Alderman McCraney; Seconded by Alderman Salsbury.
From J.R. Anderson {Statistician of the Department of Agriculture} acknowledging receipt of communication re disease among cattle on Lulu Island {and same had been referred to the Inspector of Diseases for explanation}. Filed.
From George Bartley, Secretary of the Celebration Committee thanking the Council for the additional grant of $250. Filed.
From the City Solicitor and A.M. Beattie regarding the Market By-Law. {In the opinion of the Solicitor, cattle can be herded on lots in the city by the owner of the lots; and that A.M. Beattie can take in a partner in the market lease with the consent of the Council, that the city cannot be held liable for altering the market limits unless it had given butchers an assurance that the limits would not be changed, that butchers in the market have no recourse unless they get an assurance that the limit would be kept on, that Mr. Beattie is bound to fall in with any changes made in the by-laws by the Council}. Laid over.
From Major Townley {Commanding the local company of the RCBGA} stating that there would be no military demonstration on the 1st of July and asking that the grant of $500 be given to the Celebration Committee.
[Volume 6, page 135]
Moved by Alderman Shaw; Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Resolution granting $500 to the Militia be rescinded. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Salsbury; Seconded by Alderman Queen
That the former resolutions regarding grants to the Dominion Celebration Committee be rescinded. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Salsbury; Seconded by Alderman Queen
That the sum of $1000 be granted to the Celebration Committee. Carried.
From J.J. Blake asking permission to add other charges to the list sent in by Alderman Franklin against the City Engineer. Filed.
The following Reports were received and read: –
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday June 21st 1894.
Present: Alderman McCraney, Queen, Shaw and Franklin
Messrs. Wickenden and Richards appeared before the Board in regard to the plans for the Arcade Building.
That the plans be approved and a permit issued subject to the foundation wall being made 16” thick and the end brick wall 12” thick.
[Volume 6, page 136]
Mr. Hutchings, Supt Street Railway Company submitted cuts of street car rails, the pattern approved by the Board of Works on March 15th last; not being obtainable.
Resolved that this Board recommends that the rail known as girder rail No 3, 77.5 lbs per yard, manufactured by William Wharton Jr of Pittsburg (Incorporated) according to section submitted be recommended for approval provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Finance Committee for the extra cost.
From E. Cook making application for the use of 50 feet of the paved street opposite proposed Rogers’ building, {303 West} Hastings Street.
Resolved that the former resolution declining to grant this permission be confirmed but that Mr. Cook be granted the use of the space occupied by the sidewalk only for a length of 50 feet under the usual conditions and that he be notified to this effect.
From James Errington etal, asking that Lansdowne Street {today’s West 4th Avenue} be cut down to grade. Laid over.
From the Street Inspector submitting a progress report. Filed.
Resolved that the Street Inspector be instructed to put Hastings Street east in a passable state of repair.
From C. Doering asking that the bridge near his brewery being widened so as to give access to the new addition to the building. Laid over pending the passage or rejection of the money by-law.
From A.F. Griffiths and others asking for a ……
[Volume 6, page 137]
…. sewer in Blocks 8 & 22. 541. 185. Referred to the Health Committee.
From G.B. Blanchet, Architect, asking for means of drainage for the St. Paul Hospital building. Referred to the City Engineer.
From John Brenton, asking for a drain or trench to carry off surface water from lane in rear of his premises. Referred to the Street Inspector to examine and report.
From A.L. St. George, asking for an extension of the time for the reception of tenders for the Street Sprinkler on account of delayed mails. Resolved that the time be extended to the 28th instant.
From Carter Bros, applying to have the sidewalk at the new Gambrinus Hotel put to the established grade. Referred to the Street Inspector to see that the old sidewalk is replaced.
From Davis, Marshall & McNeill, Solicitors for W.H. Kendall in reference to the rock crushing plant declining to hand same over to the City except under certain conditions. Referred to the City Engineer & City Solicitor for joint action.
Resolved that E. Cosgrove be again notified to have the kitchen of the Regina Hotel so moved, or altered that it will not encroach on the lane in the rear as it now does.
[Volume 6, page 138]
The following tenders were received and opened:
Burrard Street 10 feet sidewalk
A.D. McDonald New walk 5.5 cents per foot
Moving old walk 5 cents per foot
S. Sheridan New walk 3.75 cents per foot
Moving old walk 3.75 cents per foot
Resolved that the tender of S. Sheridan be recommended for acceptance.
Resolved that the account of Ludger Roy amounting to $14.65 for Sewer connections be recommended to the City Engineer to look into and report.
The following accounts were recommended for acceptance:
Thomas Dunn & Co Supplies $39.86
H. Extense Express $1.50
Gurney Cab Co Drayage $1.50
William Ralph Supplies $.60
H. Lomas etal Labor $1259.20
Signed H.P. McCraney, Chairman
Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown; Seconded by Alderman Shaw
That the report be adopted. Carried.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday June 22nd 1894.
Present: the full board.
From William McGirn claiming to own the shingles…
[Volume 6, page 139]
….at the Race Course. Resolved that he be notified to remove them.
From the Board of Works stating that they were unable to get the rail approved of by them and recommending 77.5 lb girder rail No 3 and asking for the additional funds to be provided.
That their request be granted, the additional cost being estimated at $600.
The following tenders were received for printing the balance sheet:
News, advertiser $32.50
Marshall, McCrae & Co $32.00
Trythall & Son $19.50
The tender of Trythall & Son was recommended for acceptance.
That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with Mrs. Whyte of Hastings {Park} to the effect that she be required to furnish two bondsmen in two bonds of $250 each as a guarantee that the race track and other property will be left in good repair at the expiration of her lease; also that the City Solicitor be instructed to insert a clause to the effect that she, Mrs. Whyte will not be permitted to sub-lease the track without the consent of the Council.
The following accounts were recommended for payment: –
City Printing Works Supplies $16.50
[Volume 6, page 140]
J. Miller Supplies $50.00
News, Advertiser Ads $4.05
Signed W.F. Salsbury, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Queen; Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
Water Committee
The Water Committee met on Tuesday June 19th 1894.
Present – Aldermen William Brown, McPhaiden, Bethune and McPhaiden
From BC Iron Works Company re price paid for machine work. Filed.
From J.A. Coldwell asking for water service at Stanley Park bridge.
Resolved that if Mr. Coldwell pays cost of putting in service and usual water rate that the service be put in for him.
The following tenders for lead pipe and brass work were received: –
BC Iron Works Co. Lead pipe $1274
BC Iron Works Co. Brass goods $620
Charles Stinson Lead pipes $1267
John Boyd & Co Lead pipes $1269
McLennan & McFeely lead pipes & brass $1599
E.G. Anderson & Co lead pipes & brass $1424.50
Creamer & Langley brass goods $263.75
Resolved that E.G. Anderson & Co tender amounting to $1424.50 for lead pipes and brass goods be accepted.
[Volume 6, page 141]
Resolved that tenders be called for driving about 22 piles at the Narrows.
The foreman’s report of work done to date was received and filed.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Godfrey & Co Supplies $3.41
John Boyd & Co Supplies $3.42
Thomas Dunn & Co Supplies $32.32
Diplock & Co Supplies $16.50
Watts & Trosh Hire of launch $3.50
Creamer & Langley Supplies $.18
A.M. Beattie Weighing iron $1.25
W. Hooper etal Labor $216.80
Signed William Brown, Chairman
The Report was adopted on motion of Alderman Queen; Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
Moved by Alderman William Brown; Seconded by Alderman Bethune.
That the recommendation of the Water Committee passed on the 27th of March in reference to Mr. Beattie’s account for water rates due to that date be amended to the effect that all charges then due be struck off and that in future he be allowed water free to the value of $2.00 a month. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Shaw; Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
That the amount granted for investigating the charges against the City Engineer be confined to $500 that is to say $250 for each side of the case including all expenses of whatsoever connected with the case. Carried.
[Volume 6, page 142]
Moved by Alderman Salsbury; Seconded by Alderman Shaw
That the salaries of the City Officials including H. Henderson and School Teachers for the month of June be paid on or before Saturday the 30th instant; July 1st being Sunday and the two following days Jubilee holidays. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Salsbury; Seconded by Alderman Shaw
That the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to examine and report upon the stability of the Market Hall to carry with safety the largely packed political meetings likely to be held therein during the next two weeks. Carried.
Moved by Alderman William Brown; Seconded by Alderman Shaw
That the Street Railway By-Law be withdrawn.
Moved in amendment by Alderman Salsbury; Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown.
That the By-Law take its course. Amendment carried, 3, 5.
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McCraney; Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown
That the amendments to the Fire Limit By-Law passed at last meeting of Council be re-committed. Carried.
The Council went into Committee of the whole for its consideration. Alderman William Brown in the Chair.
[Volume 6, page 143]
It was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McCraney; Seconded by Alderman Salsbury.
Notices of Motion
Alderman C.L. Brown gave notice that at the next general meeting of Council he will recommend an amendment to the Market By-Law in regard to limit.
Alderman Salsbury gave notice that at next regular meeting of Council he will introduce a By-Law to provide for the destruction of noxious weeds.
Alderman McDowell gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he will introduce a By-Law to amend the Health By-Law.
The Council then adjourned.
Thomas Francis McGuigan R.A. Anderson
City Clerk Mayor
Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; The City Council column, June 26, 1894, pg 7.