The City Engineer will interview two applicants for the position of caretaker of the bathing sheds on English Bay. The Edison General Electric Company billed the City $140.50 for wiring the hospital.
George Gagen on behalf of the Labour Council complained of a new Chinese wash house outside the “prescribed limits”. The Street Inspector asked to get prices and specifications for a street sweeping machine.
This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo CVA 1376-228 –
[Residence of Roderick F. MacKenzie at English Bay beach]
photo of original handwritten minutes here : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 464-468
[vol 5 pg 464]
Vancouver June 26th 1893
The Council met on Monday June 26th 1893.
Present – Aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, Cargill, McCraney, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Fowler.
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Cargill.
That Alderman Collins be appointed Chairman.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
The Mayor arrived and took over the Chair.
From D. McGillivray stating that the stones at the corner of Pender & Seymour were placed there by order of Messrs Anderson & Co. and could not see why he could be compelled to removed them.
From the City Auditor submitting Report for April & May.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From Wm Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine requesting to be informed as to the amount the City requires for Board, Medical attendance and treatment of Seamen in the City Hospital.
Referred to the Board of Health.
From Geo Gagen, Secretary of the Trades & Labor Council drawing attention to the erection of a Chinese Wash house outside of the prescribed limits etc.
Referred to the Board of Health.
From J.C. Keith, Treasurer of the Dominion Day Celebration Committee giving list of accounts paid which were incurred last year in connection with the Celebration.
[vol 5 pg 462]
The following Reports were received and read.
Police Committee
The police Committee met on Tuesday June 20th 1893.
Present – Aldermen Fowler, Hackett & Hobson
It was recommended:-
1. That the Communication from John Boultbee re Mr Jones’ cows be filed.
2. That Malcolm McLean’s salary be increased $10.00 a month from the time he completes one year’s service as police officer.
3. That if the License Commissioners fix a salary of $10.00 a month for M.G. McLeod for his services as License Inspector that his present salary as Jailer be not reduced on that account.
4. That the following accounts be paid:-
Vancouver Gas Co Fixing Water Closets $62.00
V.W. Haywood Expenses to N. W. 3.50
News. Advertiser. Supplies 7.50
C.F. Foreman “ 32.55
J.P. Blake “ 48.30
W.A. McIntosh & Co “ 23.00
E. Clough Drayage .50
Tilley & Son Supplies 1.00
B.C. Mills “ 16.26
Atkins & Atkins “ 11.53
J.D. Brown Drayage 1.00
Cook & Carriere “ .75
D.J. McLean Supplies 21.25
Philp Bros. “ 18.14
D. McRae Labor 22.50
F.W. Hart Supplies 21.25
R.S. Watmough Expressage 1.00
sgd W. Fowler
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
[vol 5 pg 463]
Finance Committee
This Finance Committee met on Friday June 23rd 1893.
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Cargill and Brown.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following account be paid:-
U.S.S. Co. Hire of S.S. Swator $10.00
2. That Alex Philp, who wrote requesting the Council to enrol as members of the Municipal association be informed that the Council is heartily in accord with the movement and that as many as possible will be induced to join.
sgd R. A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be adopted.
F.W. & L. Committee
The F.W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday June 21st 1893.
Present – Aldermen Franklin, Salsbury, Hackett and Cargill.
It was recommended:-
1. That two Kennedy Water Meters be purchased from Wm Crickmay at $29.55 and $40.90 respectively.
2. That Mr. McDonald be appointed driver and D. Biggar driver fireman at $55.00 and $45.00 a month each respectively and that McDonald’s wages date from the time he was appointed by Chief Carlisle.
3. That the pipes for the new main be ordered from Garldrone (?) & Co. of Hamilton, through the B.C. Iron Works Co at 3 cts per lb delivered at Vancouver provided they can supply them by the 15th of August.
4. That the following accounts be paid:-
D. Brown Battery $1.50
Can Genl Elec Co. Wire 24.55
Thomson Bros. Stationery 1.40
[vol 5 pg 464]
McLennan & McFeely Supplies $36.95
D. Wilson “ 5.50
L. Roy “ .50
Creamer & Langley “ 6.36
N. Allan Boat 35.00
Thos. Dunn Supplies 31.25
B.C. Iron Works “ 188.98
W. Thurston & Son “ 7.40
E.G. Prior & Co “ .40
Vancouver Carriage Works “ 81.00
McLennan & McFeely “ 27.75
Thos Dunn & Co “ 33.44
B.C. Mills “ 59.88
G.H. Bagley horseshoeing 10.50
Cunningham Hardware Co. Supplies 27.52
Creamer & Langley “ .42
W. Hooper etal. Labor. 519.40
5. That new specifications be prepared for a hose wagon and fresh tenders called for.
sgd J.L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Friday June 23rd 1893.
Present – Aldermen Collins, Anderson, Cargill and Fowler.
It was recommended:-
1. That the Communication from J.A. Coldwell asking for the position of Inspector be filed.
2. That the Communication from the B.C. Iron Works quoting prices for an iron door be referred to the City Engineer to accept offer if suitable.
3. That the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plan for a mixing room at the crematory and that tenders be called for its erection when the plans are ready.
4. That the following accounts be paid:-
Edison General Electric Co. Wiring hospital $140.50
Atkins & Atkins Supplies 3.40
Texas Lake Ice Co. “ 1.20
W & I Tramway Co “ 60.00
J. Mitchell Repairs 1.55
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 5.35
Wm Walsh Labor 29.10
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Cargill.
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday June 22nd 1893.
Present – Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Franklin, Hackett and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-
1. That the City Engineer see Messrs Watts & Trott in reference to their proposal for looking after the bathing sheds and report on Monday evening.
2. That the communication from Hunter Bros & Rogers re the grading of the lane in rear of their building on Columbia Av be referred to the City Engineer for attention when there is any material.
3. That the Communication from Innes & Richards in reference to the drain on Water Street be referred to the City Engineer and City Solicitor to look into.
4. That the City Engineer write to E. Cosgrove regarding the moving of his building on the lane in Block 10.541 and inform him that the matter will be allowed to lay over if he is likely to be in the City in a few weeks.
5. That the petition re the sidewalking and grading of Vernon street be laid over for the City Engineer to obtain the probable cost.
[vol 5 pg 466]
6. That the City Engineer be instructed to get particulars and prices for a street sweeper.
7. That the Street Inspector be instructed to fill in under the planking on Dupont Street as soon as he can get the material for it.
8. That the Street Inspector be instructed to furnish the City Solicitor with all the information in his power regarding the extras claimed by McQuarrie & Co.
9. That the City Engineer be instructed to have the portion of the street at the Gore at Holland Block, corner of Water & Cordova Streets paved with Bituminous Rock as soon as possible and prepare specifications and estimate for cement or artificial stone walk.
10. That D. McGillivray be notified to remove all stones on Pender Street placed there by him when excavating at Lots 1 & 2, Block 34.541 as soon as possible or else the City will be obliged to put on men to have the stones taken away and have the cost charged up to him.
11. That the B.C. Iron Works be notified to see that the syphons supplied by them for the sewerage extension are put in good working order.
12. That the City Solicitor be instructed to take the necessary steps for expropriating a triangular piece of land from Lot 12 Block 11.541 10 feet on each street from the extreme corner of lot.
13. That tenders be called up to Thursday the 6th of July at three p.m. for the following works:-
Grant St: grading 20 feet wide and slashing full width
Powell St: cutting down grade
Prior St.: 6 ft sidewalk from Heatley to Jackson on the south side.
Jackson av. 6 ft walk from Princess to Keefer on the West side
Dunlevy Av 6 ft walk “ Princess to Harris on the west side.
14. That the following accounts be paid:
[vol 5 pg 467]
A.D. MacDonald Dunsmuir St $48.10
C.G. Garrison sidewalk 227.90
T.M. Thomas 7th av 270.00
W.H. Kendall Crushed rock 2569.14
Thos Vietch Oil “ “ 553.07
Evans, Coleman & Evans Sewer Pipe 194.76
E.C. Britton Prior St. 392.54
C.G. Garrison Sidewalk 197.54
D.H. Morgan 5th Av. 92.41
E.C. Britton sidewalk. 56.76
D. MCGillivray St. paving etc. 3385.25
B.C. Iron Works supplies 511.68
H. Lomas etal. Labor 537.65
sgd H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the Report be adopted
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the salaries of the City Officials falling due on the 1st of July be paid on the 30th of June. Carried
That the City Solicitor be instructed to give a written opinion as to the City’s liability regarding the payment of G.W. Thomas for attendance in the Market Hall at Concerts etc.
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Rules be suspended and to allow of the introduction of a By-Law to expropriate a portion of Lot 12. Block 11.541 for the widening of Hastings Street.
The By-Law was then read a first time
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Rules be suspended and the By-Law read a 2nd time.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole for its consideration, Alderman Collins in the chair.
It was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete without amendment.
The rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McCraney seconded, by Alderman Anderson.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Anderson.
That the Council go into Committee of the whole to resume the reading of the Water Rate By-Law, Alderman Collins in the Chair. Carried.
The Committee concluded its consideration and reported it complete to Council with amendments. It was then read a 3rd time on motions of Alderman Franklin, seconded by Alderman Fowler.
Notice of Motion
Alderman Brown gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would move resolution to notify Thos. Stephenson that his services as street inspector for this City will not be required after thirty days.
The Council then adjourned.
F. Cope
Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk