Board of Works accepted L. Law’s tender to furnish cast iron junctions for the sewers at 4 cents per pound. Cemetery to be enclosed by a rail fence with cedar posts to be sunk 2 ½ feet below ground, and a double gate. Requests for opening up of Ninth Street (now Broadway) and Quebec Street put off until later.
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 381-384
Vancouver June 27 1887
The Council met on Monday June 27th 1887.
Present Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Humphries, Lockerby, Mannion, David Oppenheimer, Isaac Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From John Rankin asking the use of the Chairs for Saturday evening next.
Request granted on motion of Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mannion.
Report No 12
Police Committee
The Police Committee met on Friday June 24th 1887 and report that they have considered the following accounts and recommend their payment.
V. Stroube, Fixing Key 75 cents
Special Police $22.00
Dr. McGuigan, Medical Advice $20.00
Dr. Langis, Medical Advice $5.00
C.P.R. Telegraph Co. $7.60
John M. Stewart, Boarding $89.000
Thos. Crawford, Special Police $10.00
sgd Jas. Mannion
Adopted Sanders – I. Oppenheimer.
Report No 22
F.W.L. Committee
The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Saturday June 25th 1887 and report that we have considered the following accounts and recommend their payment: –
Freight on Hose, and Lanterns $13.94
R. Rutherford, Hauling Engine $30.50
Patrick Heffron $6.25
Thos. Porter $6.25
In considering the account of John Dougall for refreshments furnished to the Vancouver and Westminster Fire Brigades we consider that one hundred dollars would be ample remuneration for such refreshments and recommend the payment of that amount.
We recommend that the Fire Hall Lot be fenced in at the rear end.
sgd Rich. H. Alexander,
Adopted Mannion – D. Oppenheimer.
Report No 43
The Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Friday June 24th 1887 and report that they have considered the petition of Bewick and others for a bridge over a creek on 200 A and have instructed the City Engineer to examine and report.
We recommend that a contract be given to Stephenson and McCraney to enclose that part of the Cemetery improved by a rail fence, cedar posts all around sunk 2 ft. 6 in. in the ground and put in a double gate hung, for the sum of $90.00
We have instructed the City Engineer to make the crossings of the lane possible between Powell and Alexander Streets east of Westminster Avenue, and to give W.B. Wilson the grade asked for and to run the street line according to the old survey.
With reference to the petition of H.A. Jones for the opening up of Ninth Avenue we recommend that the consideration of the matter be deferred as money is more urgently needed to be expended in other parts of the City.
We recommend that Dunlevy Avenue be improved as petitioned for by Thos. Dunn and others and that two six foot sidewalks be laid and that the tank be provided with as soon as possible.
We recommend that no action be taken towards the opening up of Quebec Street until Westminster Avenue is improved.
With reference to the Petition for the improvement of Hamilton Street we recommend that their prayer be granted and that one six foot sidewalk be laid down and that the work be proceeded with in rotation.
We recommend the acceptance of the tender of L. Law for the furnishing of cast iron junctions for sewers at 4 cents per pound.
The following tenders have been received for the drain between Dupont and Oppenheimer Street.
Boyd and Clandenning 20 cents per foot
W.C. Muir 15 1/2 cents per foot
We recommend the acceptance of the tender of W.C. Muir.
We recommend the payment of the following accounts.
W.S. Cook, hauling lumber $6.00
John Cuthbert, making crossings $7.00
Wm. Harkins, Tank on Oppenheimer St. $400.00
Wm. Harkins, grading street to Sprotts $50.70
Alcock and Smole, filling $20.00
H. Bowers, digging drain $7.00
Adopted I. Oppenheimer – Lockerby
Alderman Humphries voting nay.
The Council then adjourned.
L.A. Hamilton
Chairman pro tem
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk