Regulations formed for the sanitary storage & transportation of the deceased – June 29, 1891

Firemens’ salaries were raised to $10 per month ($25 for Fire Chief J. H. Carlisle). Nurses’ salaries were raised by $5 per month ($10 for matron Swan). Council chambers were ordered painted and repaired. Detailed regulations for sanitary storage and transportation of “the bodies of persons dying in this City” to be printed and distributed to each undertaker and practising physician.

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous

and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 388 – 394

[Volume 4, pg. 395]
Vancouver June 29 1891

The Council met on Monday, June 29th 1891 at 8 p.m.

Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Brighouse, Carroll, Godfrey, Scoullar, Templeton, Hobson, Brown, Doering & DePencier.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Alderman Scoullar Seconded by Alderman Hobson.

The following communications were received and read:-

From A. H. B. Macgowan, Secretary of the Board of Trade, calling attention that no Mortuary Statistics were published for Vancouver.
Referred to Health Committee

From McPhillips & Williams asking the City to pay over to them certain monies belonging to W. J. McMillan, against which they had a lien.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From. J. M. Darling et al of Fairhaven, and W. R. Forrest of Seattle inviting the Mayor & Council to their respective cities on the 4th of July.

From Thos H. Tracy stating that he would be here on Tuesday.

From W. L. Fagan stating that we would not accept the position of Poll Tax Collector.

From F. W. Hart stating that he would bury the pauper dead for $17.00 each.
Referred to Health Com.

From W. E. Brown, drawing attention to the danger

[Volume 4 page 396]

of children playing on Powell Street in front of the Street Cars.
Referred to the Police Committee

From the Market Clerk furnishing his weekly report.

From the City Clerk of New Westminster asking the Council for the loan of the Steam Road Roller.

From J. T. Williams etal petitioning for the removal of the Fire Limits from part of Block 53.541

From the Chief of Police furnishing his weekly report on the Street Lights;

From Rand Bros. et al petitioning against the location of the crematory at the end of Gore Av.
Referred to the Crematory Com.

Mr. E. Odlum appeared before the Bar of the Council in support of the petition

The following Reports were received and read:-

No 14
The Police Committee met on Tuesday June 23rd 1891.
Present Aldermen Hobson, Scoullar, Carroll


From Dr. Langis, asking for payment of his account for mental examination of Mrs. McMillan.
Resolved that the accounts of both Dr Langis

[Volume 4 page 397]

and McGuigan for mental examination of Mrs McMillan be forwarded to Mr McMillan with a request that he will pay them.

The list of charges made against Mr Hallet and the list of convictions against which appeals have been entered were submitted to the Committee, and approved, and it was ordered to the Provincial Secretary with a copy of the resolution passed by the Council on March 16th, and a statement that the charges had been investigated with the exception of one or two which were of such a trivial nature as not to be worth investigation.

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
That Mr. Hallet’s salary be paid in full.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
John McLaren Transport $3.00
Champion & White Scavengering .25
Van Strantie Dog Tags 6.25
sgd H. De Pencier
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the Report of the Police Committee [sic]
Works No 19.
The Board of Works met on Thursday June 25th 1891.
Present Aldermen Brighouse, Brown and Templeton.
It was recommended:-
1. That Wm Crickmay be supplied with such articles as he may require at the North Arm Quarry subject to the directions of the Street Inspector.
2. That the petitioning of D. C. Cowley et al re Tenth

[Volume 4 page 398]

Av clearing be laid over to be dealt with by the new City Engineer
3. That the communication from George Douglas et al asking for permission to lay down boards for a floor on a vacant lot on Cordova Street be referred to the Fire Inspector.
4. That tenders be called for the completion of the work on the East End Park left unifinished by Mssrs McDonald & Barton.
5. That the following accounts be paid:-
H. Lomas et al Labor $132.00
M. S. Rose Plumbing 2.50
Tye & Co. Hardware 2.00

The Communication from F. T. Mc Intosh relative to the right of way etc through certain Streets was received, read and discussed.

It was resolved that the Board proceed to carry out the details in accordance with the motion passed in Council in reference to the subject of the Communication.
sgd S. Brighouse

Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted as read.

Moved in Amendment by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ De Pencier
That the Rep Council go into Committee of the Whole on the Report:
Amendment Carried (5.3)

Alderman Brighouse was asked to take the chair but refused. Alderman Schoullar [sic] was then appointed.

[Volume 4 page 399]

The Report was read over Clause by Clause
It was moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ Doering
That the portion of the Report relating to the Tramway be referred back to the Board of Works for reconsideration.

The Committee then rose and reported the Report as Complete.

It was then adopted as amended on motion of Alderman Scoullar seconded by Alderman Hobson.


The Licensing Board met at 11 a.m. of Monday June 29th.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Brighouse, Hobson & Godfrey.
Your committee beg to report, as follows:-
1. Upon receipt of Certificates of Safety of buildings Hotel de Europe, Powell Str. and Queens Hotel Water St. were granted licenses.
2. The conditions of the By-Laws having been complied with the licenses, as Hotels were granted to the Victoria, West Av. Grotto, Cordova St, International, Cordova St – Pullman Water St. and, also Wholesale Licenses to Springer and Mellon, Cordova Street and Baker Bros. Water St.
3. That action be deferred on the applications of B. Springer, assignee of the estate of Stevens, and Gordon, applicants for a Retail Shop License.
4. That a transfer be granted to A. C. Murchison from E. Myers, Victoria Hotel, West Av.
That the Inspector’s Report on the above be filed.
sgd D. Oppenheimer
[Volume 4 page 400]

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by “ Templeton
That the report of the Licensing Board by adopted.

F. W. & L.
No 9
The Fire Water & Light Committee Met on Wednesday June 24, 1891.
Present Alderman Templeton, Brighouse, Godfrey and Doering.

The Petition of J. T. Williams et al, asking for the removal of the Fire Limit from a part of Block 53.541 was ordered to be returned to the petitioners they to get the signatures, at least one half of the property owners in the part of the block in question.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
J. R. Morrow Drugs etc $1.95
D. J. McLean Blankets 12.00
J. Wolfe Scavenger 2.00
McLennan & McFeely Axes etc 9.40
sgd W. Templeton

Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by “ De Pencier
That the Report of the F. W. & L. be adopted.

Health No. 14

The Health Committee met on Tuesday June 23rd 1891
Present Aldermen Carroll, Scoullar & Templeton

From Miss Swan complaining of one of the nurses at the hospital.

[Volume 4 page 401]

1. That the Matron and Nurses be written to, advising them to work amicably together.
2. That the cemetery caretaker be authorized to get a man to help him for 2 or 3 days to put the cemetery in good order.
3. That the City Solicitor be instructed to draft, a By-Law in accordance with the amended City Charter such By-Law to prohibit slaughtering within the City Limits.
The following accounts were recommended for payment –:
W. J. McGuigan Inquests $40.00
M. S. Rose Plumbing 53.00
Palmer Bros. Fuel 5.00
Carl Olsen Nursing 4.00
H. H. Layfield Supplies 3.05
Van Steam Laundry Washing 22.10
Champion & White Scavenger 31.90
James O’Connor Express 1.50
Mayes & McIntosh Supplies 45.76
sgd. J. T. Carroll,

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ De Pencier
That the Report of the Health Committee be adopted.

Finance No. 19

The Finance Committee met on Friday June 26th 1891.
Present Aldermen Brown, Scoullar & Hobson.
From Corbould & McColl asking for payment of the balance of their account, amounting to $10000. Resolved that the account be paid if found correct by the City Solicitor.

[Volume 4 page 402]

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
That the Council Chamber be painted and repaired.

The following account were recommended for payment:-
Herman Schussler Expert Witness $2500.00
T. Whitelaw Driver 80.00
Davis & Taylor Cab Shields 19.50
International Hotel Lunch for Witnesses 11.00
sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ Doering
That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by “ Godfrey
That the following accounts be paid:-
J. Romang Salary for June $58.50
E. Kingcombe “ “ “ 48.00
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ De Pencier
That the request of the City Council of New Westminster for the use of

[Volume 4 page 403]

steam roller be granted on condition that it be returned when required in good order and condition, and that A. W. Cameron accompany it to run it.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Templeton
That the City Officials be paid their June salaries on the 30th of June instead of July 1st.

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by “ De Pencier
That the following increases in Salaries be paid the nurses in the City Hospital:
Nurse Drummond $1000 for month
Nurse Woodward 500 “ “
Increase to date from May 1st 1891.
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ Brown
That the adoption of the site for a crematory at the South end of Gore Avenue be reconsidered and the Committee be given further time to report.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Templeton
That John Brenton be appointed to take charge of the Sewers paid appointment to date from May first, at a salary of $7500 per month.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ Brown
That the following increases in firemen’s salaries be approved of:-
J. H. Carlisle $2500 for month
A.W. Cameron 1000 “ “
J. Cooper 1000 “ “
J. Campbell 1000 “ “

[Volume 4 page 404]

G. Evans 1000 “ “
F. Whiston 1000 “ “
H. Campbell 1000 “ “
S. L. Hayward 1000 “ “
Said increases to date from May 1st 1891.

Consideration of By-Laws

The Council went into Committee of the Whole to resume the reading of the District Telegraph By-Law. Alderman Brighouse was appointed Chairman.

Moved by Alderman Brown
That all the words after the word “having” in Clause 8 be struck out and the following inserted in lieu thereof:-
Actual Cost less depreciation in value together with 10 per cent thereon.

Moved by Alderman De Pencier
That Clause 9 be struck out.

Moved by Alderman De Pencier
That “Two” be inserted for “Six” in Clause 10.

Moved by Alderman Templeton.
That all the words after the word “provided” in Clause 12 be struck out

The Committee then rose and reported the By-Law complete with amendments.
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Doering
That the By-Law be now read a 3rd time.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Carroll

[Volume 4 page 405]

That Section No 1 be amended and the time limit fixed at 10 a year.
Amendment lost motion carried.

The By-Law was then read a third time, and passed.

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ Carroll
That the Amendments to the Fire Limit By-Law be read a second time.

The Council went into a Committee of the Whole on the By-Law with Alderman Templeton in the Chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause. It was resolved that a clause to be known as Clause No 2 be added exempting the East half of Block 53.541, as petitioned for by J. T. Williams et al.

The Committee then rose, and reported the By-Law as complete with amendments.

It was read for a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Templeton seconded by Alderman Doering.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the Cemetery Regulation By-Law with Alderman Carroll in the Chair.

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
That wherever the words “City Clerk” occurs in the By-Law, the words “Acting City Clerk” be inserted thereafter.

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
That the Clause 7 be amended by inserting the words “The Mayor” after the word “property”

[Volume 4 page 406]

That Clause “C” be struck out.

The Committee then rose and reported the By-Law complete with amendments.

It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Carroll and seconded by Alderman Doering.

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by “ Doering

Whereas it is deemed expedient for the presentation of Public Health that Certain Rules and Regulations governing the disinterment, transhipment, and transportation of the bodies of person dying in this City or who are now buried in the Cemeteries under the control of the Corporation of this City shall be passed.
Therefore be it resolved:-
1st That the body of any person buried in any Cemetery under the control of the Corporation of the City of Vancouver, or of any person who may hereafter die within said City provided death has not been caused by Smallpox, Diphtheria, Asiatic Cholera, Leprosy, Typhus or Yellow Fever, may upon proper application in writing to the Board of Health, giving full particulars as to cause of death, attending physician, date of death and where proposed to remove body to, and when, over what route removal is to be made, and upon payment by applicant of the fee set out for disinterment permit be disinterred under the following restrictions:
2nd Every body disinterred for removal or the body of any deceased person which it is proposed to transport for burial to any place other than the cemeteries in control of this Corporation, must immediately on the disinterment being effected or the decision to transport elsewhere for burial being arrived at, be placed and encased in an air tight zinc, tin, lead

[Volume 4 page 407]

or copper lined coffin or in an hermetically sealed and enclosed airtight iron casket, all enclosed in a strong, tight wooded box, or the body must be wrapped in a sheet and be disinfected by a solution of bi-chloride mercury, and be placed in a strong coffin or casket hermetically sealed or soldered, made of zinc, copper, lead or tin, and all must be enclosed in a strong outside wooden box or case of material not less than one and a half inches in thickness, furnished with four strong iron casket handles, two on each side thereof.
3rd That no variation from these rules will be permitted or allowed and that a copy of same and of the Cemeteries Regulation By-Laws be printed and furnished to each undertaker and practising physician in this City.

The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk