Stanley Park to have lodge and outbuildings, twenty seats built, and dead wood cleared or burned – total cost about $800. Claim of $3760.00 damages from J. D. Schmidt for injuries sustained by falling into an open ditch. Fire Inspector instructed to prosecute any person or persons found draining water from the City tanks.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 715-724
[volume 2 page 715]
Vancouver March 4th 1889
The Council met on Monday March 4th 1889 at 7:30 P.M.
Present His Worship, Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Clark, Costello, Horne, Lefevre, McConnell, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.
The Minutes of last regular and special meeting were read and adopted.
From Chas. Doering et al asking the Council to use its influence to have the Water Works System extended across False Creek. Referred to the F. W. & L. Committee.
From D. Giles et al calling the attention of Council to a nuisance which extends on Hastings Street in connection with Messrs Irving and Stracher’s Factory. Referred to Police & Fire Inspector.
From the Secretary of Vancouver Water Works Co. agreeing to supply water to the City at Manufacturers rates. Referred to F. W. & L. Committee.
From J. B. Kennedy et al asking Council to enforce the Sunday Closing Act and prohibit the Chinese from working on the Sabbath. Referred to the License Committee.
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From J. D. Farmer asking permission to remove his building from a point outside the Fire Limits to another point outside the Fire Limits. Referred to the Board of Works.
From Messrs Drake, Jackson & Helmcken giving explanations re the Grist Mill to be erected by Messrs Hatch & Webster. Referred to Finance Committee.
From Messrs Drake, Jackson & Helmcken making a claim of $3760.00 damages on behalf of J. D. Schmidt for injuries sustained by falling into an open ditch left unprotected by the Water Works Co. Referred to Finance & City Solicitor.
From Jos. D. Fraser withdrawing from his gravel tender and asking for a refund of his deposit. Referred to Finance Committee.
From the City Solicitor asking for instructions in the Hartney Law Suit. Referred to Finance Committee.
From the City Clerk of New Westminster re the payment of money by the Municipalities for the support of High Schools. Referred to Finance Committee.
From Wm. Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine re assistance to the Hospital at Vancouver. Filed.
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From George Byrnes et al praying for the improvement of lane in Block 46, 541. Referred to Board of Works.
From Messrs Drake, Jackson & Helmcken re petition supporting the application of Messrs Hatch & Webster. Referred to Finance.
Accounts to the following amounts were read and referred.
Finance, $159.15, Works, $44.00, Health, $576.72
F. W. & L. $335.05, Police $59.00
Finance No 6
The Finance Committee met on Friday March 1st 1889 at 8 P.M. All of the Board being present.
We beg to recommend:
1. That $1495.23 be voted out of Revenue to meet the final payment on Granville Street Bridge.
2. That the appointment of Thos. Stephenson Street Superintendent be referred back to the Board of Works for reconsideration as requested by the Chairman of said Board.
3. That the Police Committee place in its estimates a sum sufficient to provide for the payment of W. D. Haywood and D. J. R. Cameron, the two policemen added to the Force at $60.00 per month each.
[volume 2 page 718]
4. That the following estimates of the Board of Works be passed for payment:
Stephenson & McCraney, Georgia St., $210.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan, Shed & Fence, 125.00
D. J. McDonald, Dupont St. 841.47
Hugh McDonald, Columbia Av. 472.50
5. That $200.00 be sent down to the Clerk of the Legislature to pay fees for amendments to the City Charter.
6. That no more contracts be let for public works until the Board of Works submits their Estimates for the current year and that said Board be asked to immediately send in their Estimates to this Committee.
That inasmuch as there is said to be an unexpected balance out of the sale of Debentures at the Credit of Ward 3, amounting to the sum of $2800.00 odd, work to that extent only in said ward is recommended by your Committee.
(Sgd) W. F. Salsbury, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.
Park No 3
The Park Commissioners met on Wednesday February 27th 1889 and beg
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to report that tenders have been received for the erection of a Lodge and outbuildings in Stanley Park, the construction of 20 seats and the burning of the timber piled along the drive and the cutting down of the dead timber standing in sight of the drive.
The following have been accepted:
For Lodge, F. Young Cost $458.00
For outbuildings, Young Cost 98.00
For 20 Seats, Young Cost $3.40 each
For burning etc Goodmurphy & McLellan, $625.00
Sgd. Thos. F. McGuigan, Secretary
Moved by Alderman Horne seconded by Alderman Salsbury. That the report of the Park Commissioners be adopted. Carried.
F. W. & L. No 4
The Fire, Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday Feb 13th 1889 at 3 P. M. all of the members being present:
We beg to recommend:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Vancouver Electric Ill Co. Street Lights $246.25
John Scuitto, Coal Oil 6.50
F. X. Martin, Coal etc 4.75
John McDowell, Horse Hire 9.00
Palmer Bros. Coal etc 97.11
F. W. Hart, Chimneys .50 cents
Tattersall’s Stables Horse Feed 11.00
Chas. M. Hawley, Horse Whip etc 2.85
[volume 2 page 720]
Crowder & Penzer, feed $194.50
Godfrey & Co. Waste 1.50
J. McAllister, Horse Shoeing 6.40
Henderson Bros & Co. Coal 9.50
2. That the Fire Inspector be notified to prosecute any person or persons found draining water from the City tanks.
3. That the Chairman of this Committee be authorized to procure the necessary hooks for the Fire Department and have the fresh water tank at the north end of Carrall Street placed and filled.
4. That hereafter the bell at the Fire Hall No. 1 be rung only for fire alarm purposes.
5. That a fireman be employed permanently at Fire Hall No 1 to assist the Engineer to do any work required of him by said Engineer.
Sgd. I. Oppenheimer, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman Clark. That the report of the F. W. & L. Committee be adopted. Carried.
Works No 5
The Board of Works met on Thursday the 14th of February 1889 and beg to recommend.
1. That as James D. Fraser, has thrown
[volume 2 page 721]
up his tender for supplying gravel that the tender of D. J. McDonald, being the next lowest be accepted.
2. That a six foot sidewalk be laid on Dunlevy Avenue from Princess Street South one block.
3. That Sinclair Harcuss, be notified to stop work repairing and fitting up the building he moved across Carrall Street until the 10 days’ notice has expired.
4. That the Chairman of the Fire, Water & Light Committee confer with the Chief Engineer in the matter of crossing the Railway Track with the Fire Hose, and if Mr. Abbott’s plan be feasible it be carried out.
5. That the City Engineer’s Salary be increased from $100.00 to $150.00 per month.
6. That the Chairman of the Board of Works meet the Finance Committee at their next regular meeting to explain in reference to Thos. Stephenson’s appointment as Street Inspector.
7. In regard to Blake’s building at the corner of Carrall and Cordova Streets damaged by the late fire in our opinion the building is injured beyond repairing, according to the By-Law that is over 50% of the original cost. But in case a dispute arises as to the value of the property injured we recommend that Mr. Hoffar be appointed Arbitrator for the City when the required deposit is paid on behalf of the City.
8. That the following tenders be accepted.
Burrard St. Sidewalk, McMillan & Kelley
[volume 2 page 722]
Seymour St. Sidewalk, McMillan & Kelley
Drake St. Sidewalk, McMillan & Kelley
Columbia Av Sidewalk, F. Young
Dunsmuir St. Sidewalk, F. Young
Lane in Block 9, 196, A. Bunker
9. That the following accounts be paid:
S. McLelan, Labor on Hastings St. $12.00
Wm. Seely, Street Repairs 5.00
Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman
Works No 6
The Board of Works met on Thursday the 21st of February 1889 and beg to recommend:
1. That a 2 foot sidewalk be laid on Haro Street from Burrard to Bute Street on the South Side and across Bute to the North Side of Haro. Hence along the North Side of Haro for about 100 feet.
2. That Messrs Keefer & McGillivray be paid at the rate of $18.00 per m for the tender on the wings of the False Creek Bridge instead of $16.00.
3. That the post in front of Alderman Whetham’s Brick Building at the corner of Cordova and Cambie Streets be removed.
A Special meeting of the Board of Works was held on Saturday the 23rd inst for the purpose of considering a plan submitted by the Street Railway Company.
The Board would beg to recommend
[volume 2 page 723]
that the City Engineer be authorized to sign the plan submitted as being approved of.
The following Estimates were recommended for the payment:
H. McDonald, Columbia Av. $472.50
Goodmurphy & McLellan, Shed & Fence 125.00
Stephenson & McCraney, Georgia St. 210.00
D. J. McDonald, Dupont St. 841.47
McDonald, Cambie St. 290.88
Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman Costello. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Whetham seconded by Alderman Horne. That the City Solicitor be asked to give his opinion as to the powers of the City to spend money outside of the Corporation on the Road leading to the public cemetery. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Horne. That all communications from Mr. Pooley in reference to the point in dispute with the Mayor be laid on the table. Carried.
[volume 2 page 724]
Moved by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman Clark. That Mr. Hart be requested to have double doors cut in the Opera House on the Lane side. Carried.
Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Costello. That tenders be called for the gravelling and sidewalking of Westminster Road as by resolution of the Council. Carried.
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk