Continual damage to fire engines intentional? – March 11, 1889

Repeated damage to fire engines may be the result of tampering by “person or persons unknown”; fire department to check condition of engines twice daily.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 725-733

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Vancouver March 11th 1889

The Council met on Monday March 11th 1889 at 7:30 P. M.

Present His Worship, Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Clark, Costello, Horne, Lefevre, McConnell, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From P. AE. Irving, Deputy Attorney General, drawing the attention of Council to a Verdict of the Coroner’s Jury on the death of James Ward. Referred to Board of Works.

From August Ammon et al praying for the grading and sidewalking of Princess Street between Carl and Heatley Avenue. Referred to Board of Works.

From the City Solicitor giving his opinion on the rights of the City to expend money on the road leading to the cemetery, which rights he claimed were not clearly defined in the Charter. Filed.

From the City Solicitor re the case of J. D. Schmidt. Filed.

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From E. J. Clark of Toronto enclosing Deed of Conveyance of the lands offered by him to the City in 264A. Referred to Finance Committee.

From J. C. McLagan, returning accounts for printing and advertising and explaining matters in connection therewith. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From J. C. McLagan asking for an investigation into the allegations made against the World regarding the City Advertising. Filed.


F. W. & L. No 5

At a Special Meeting of the Fire, Water and Light Committee held on Thursday the 14th day of February inst; an investigation into the causes of the accident to the engine “M. A. MacLean” of which delayed it from working at the fire on the 9th day of February instant was made.

From the evidence advanced Your Committee are of the opinion that same person or persons at present unknown tampered with said engine disabling it.

Your Committee are further of the opinion that the circumstances in connection with said interference with said engine do not warrant us in ensuring Mr. Cameron the Engineer in charge

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but to guard as far as possible against a recurrence of such a circumstance we direct that the Engineers in charge of each fire engine shall in future make a thorough examination of their respective engines in the morning and evening of each day and deliver a written report of the result of such examination daily to the Chief of the Fire Brigade.

Sgd. I. Oppenheimer, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the F. W. & L. Committee be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 7

The Finance Committee met on Friday March 8th 1889.

Present His Worship, the Mayor, Aldermen Salsbury, Whetham, Costello and Lefevre.

The following accounts are recommended for payment:

S. T. Tilley, Stationery $30.75
Palmer Bros. Coal 33.00
Starrett & Leatherdale 3.50
Telephone Co. 8.00
Electric Illuminating Co. 22.00
News Advertiser 5.60
C. Tilley, Caligraph 12.50
F. W. Hart, Oil Cloth etc. 42.66
C. P. Telegraph Co. 8.55

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D. Oppenheimer, Telegram 55 cts
F. A. Boehlofsky, Refreshments $38.00
Burrard Inlet, Steam Ferry & Towing Co. 15.00

The following Board of Works accounts were read and confirmed:

H. Woodaman, Blacksmithing $1.20
Leon La Chapelle, Street Work 15.00
Palmer Bros. Street Work 10.00
Tattersall’s Stables, Buggy Hire 4.00
Thos. Stephenson, Feed of Park Horse 20.00
DL. Gow, Granville Street $891.00
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 8.00
Henry Avison, Park Ranger 60.00
James Haggarty, Work on Park Road 16.00
John Williams, Work on Park Road 16.00
Edward Flachiff , Work on Park Road 11.00
John Hall, Work on Park Road 11.00
F. W. Hart, Supplies 1.00
The World Printing & Advertising 22.00
Middle Crook & Taylor, Street Work 6.30

We beg further to recommend:

1. That the consideration of an increase of salary for the City Engineer be laid over until the Estimates for the year are framed.

2. That the sum of $741.45 be paid through the City Solicitor in full satisfaction of the Judgment of the Court and costs in re Hartney vs. the City.

3. That Messrs Drake, Jackson and Helmcken Solicitor’s for Messrs Hatch and Webster be communicated with to the effect that Corporation will be willing

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to exempt their lands and buildings from taxation for a period of years as may be mutually arranged.

4. That James D. Fraser’s deposit on gravel tender be forfeited and paid into the City Treasury.

5. That Messers Davie and Pooley be paid $500.00 as a Retainer in the Suit between the C. P. R. Co and the City.

Sgd. W. F. Salsbury, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Whetham. That the clause in the Finance Report relating to a Retainer for Messrs Davie & Pooley be referred back to said Committee. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the report as Amended be adopted. Carried.

Health No 3

The Board of Health met on Friday March 8th 1889.

Present His Worship, the Mayor, Aldermen Lefevre, Salsbury, Costello and Whetham.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

John Scuitto, Groceries etc. $28.25

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World Printing & Publishing Co. $13.30
Telephone Co. 8.00
Thos. A. Greer, Milk 26.05
W. J. Taylor, Burials 21.00
Van Electric Ill. Co. 62.00
Harry Frick, Lunches 2.00
Starret & Leatherdale, Livery 3.00
W. J. McGuigan, Inquests etc. 30.00
Van Wfg & Stg Co. Rent 15.00
F. X. Martin, Groceries 37.14
Hayes & McIntosh, Meat 15.52
A. W. Wright, Groceries 3.39
M. Goldstein, Milk 1.00
F. W. Hart, Chimney 1.00
Palmer Bros, Coal .10 cts
Godfrey & Co., Hooks .20 cts
R. I. Winch, Groceries 38.05
H. McDonald, Drayage 1.00
Campbell & Martin, Bread 8.10
Charles Nelson, Drugs 26.60
J. McGeer, Milk 19.60
Morrow & McDowell, Drugs 29.95
Hong Sing, Washing 18.00
W. D. Ferris, Inquests 9.60
J. S. Clute & Co. Supplies 2.20
Van Volkenburgh & Bro. Meat 67.32
C. P. Tel Co. .30 cts
Davidson Bros, Clocks 38.50
Thos. Becket, Setting panes 1.50

The Chairman of the Board submitted the Estimates for the Health Committee for the current year, which were received and referred to the Finance Committee.

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Communications were received from Miss B. Crickmay asking for an increase of salary and from Murray Thain, Harbour Mosler notifying the Corporation to stop dumping refuse matter into the Harbor both of which communications were laid over for future consideration.

Sgd. J. M. Lefevre, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Board of Health be adopted. Carried.

Works No 7

The Board of Works met on Thursday, March 7th 1889.

Present Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Horne and Oppenheimer.

We beg to recommend:

1. That J. D. Farmer be permitted to remove his cottage from Lot 25, Block, 28, 541 to Lot 23, Block 72, 196.

2. That Arthur Sullivan be permitted to remove his house from Lot 5, Block, 3, 6, G. T. to Lot 6, Block 2, 6, G. T. provided he makes no unnecessary delay.

3. That Jos Huntly be instructed to carry out the provisions of the By-Law in relation to John Cartwright’s Veranda and in all other cases of a Similar nature.

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4. That Mr. Tretheway be notified to settle for the damages done to False Creek Bridge and pay for all repairs within 4 days to the satisfaction of the City Engineer otherwise he will be dealt with according to law.

5. That two telephones be put up, one at J. Johnston’s at the foot of Westminster Avenue and the other at Yale Town, provided each party pays half the rent of the telephone.

6. That the bad portions on Beach Avenue be repaired and made passible.

7. That the following accounts be paid:

F. W. Hart, Supplies $1.00
S. T. Tilley, Profile Paper 8.00
Thos. Stephenson, feed of Park Horse 20.00
Tattersall’s Stables, Carriage 4.00
Palmer Bros. Street Work 10.00
Leon La Chapelle, Street Work 15.00
Thos. F. Woodaman, Blacksmithing 1.30
DL. Gow, Granville St. 891.00
Middle Crook & Taylor, Street Work 6.30
The World P & P. Co. 15.00
Henry Avison, Salary 60.00
Jas Haggarty 16.00
John Williams 16.00
Edward Flachiff 11.00
J. Hall 11.00

Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman

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Moved by Alderman Horne seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the clause in the Report relating to telephones be laid over for one week. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Salsbury. That the balance of the Report be adopted. Carried.

Alderman Costello voted Nay.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk