City Band funding cut off – March 11, 1895

The City Band having given an inventory of its instruments, Alderman Coupland and Alderman McCraney to inspect each instrument, and give the band a final grant of $50. Jennie W. Smith given the laundry contract for the City Hospital. The City Engineer was instructed to have the sidewalk on the west side of Burrard Street between Georgia and Nelson Streets moved to correspond with the sidewalk on the east side.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

original handwritten minutes:
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 458 – 467
to see original handwritten minutes – click here

[Volume 6 page] 458

Vancouver March 11th 1895
The Council met on Monday March 11th 1895
Present – His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Gallagher, Queen, McCraney, McPhaiden Wm Brown, Franklin, Thomas and W.P. Brown.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From John Devine asking that the sidewalk on Cambie Street at the Regina Hotel be laid at the expense of the City
Referred to the Board of Works

From Wm Brand, Secretary of the City Band giving list of band instruments and in whose possession they now are.
Referred to the Finance Committee, the Clerk in the meantime to notify the members of the Band to appoint a day and hour to meet a deputation from the Finance Committee to discuss band matters.

From Dr. Tunstall stating that Louis Pomerlo was affected with heart disease. Laid over

From Merryweather & Sons, asking the City to purchase their Fire Engines.
Referred to the Fire Marshall & Police Committees

From W.D. Le Suer acknowledging receipt of petition re free delivery on Mount Pleasant. Filed

From Aulay Morrison, Barrister stating that Chas Dorring had served a lien on the City in

[Volume 6 page] 459

connection with the Reservoir contract.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Evans, Coleman & Evans serving a writ on the City in connection with the Reservoir contract
Referred to the City Solicitor

From John Morton stating that it was his intention to appeal against the decision of the Court of Revision
Referred to the Court of Revision

From E. Crow Baker asking if the City was prepared to receive offers for the lighting of the City.
Referred to the Water & Light Committee

From Mrs Nellie Walker asking the City to take care of Mrs Addison
Referred to the Health Committee.

From Clement Mundy stating that he had filed a lien on the Reservoir.
Referred to the Water & Light Committee

From J.B. Hamilton asking that a tree be cut down on Grant Street; Grand View
Referred to the Board of Works

From D. McGillivray asking to be permitted to proceed with his street paving contract. Laid over

From J. McLaren reporting on the electric lights. Filed

From R.G. Tatlow asking that barrels etc be burned around the reservoir.
Referred to the City Engineer and W & L. Committee

From the Board of Works reporting on the amount spent on relief work to date. Filed.

[Volume 6 page] 460


Board of Works

The Board of Works met on March 7th 1895
Present – Aldermen Shaw, Queen, McPhaiden, Brown and Thomas

Dr Kendall appeared before the Board with a request to be permitted to send the rock down faster while the fine weather lasts. Request granted


From J. Buntzen, Business Manager of the Consolidated Railway and Light Co in reference to the lowering of the track between Pacific and Drake Streets on Granville Street.

Mr F.S. Barnard appeared before the Board in relation to the same matter.
Resolved that an agreement be drawn Dra up by the City for the representatives of the Street Railway Co to sign whereby they will undertake to lower the track on Granville Street to the permanent grade without considering said track and rail as a permanent one and guaranteeing to put down a permanent track and rail to replace the present one at any future time when called upon by the City to do so.

Resolved that this Board recommends that the Council fixes a date as early as possible to meet Mr. Barnard in reference to the question of double tracking Granville Street etc.

From E. Odlum asking that the lane in Block 102 be made passable.
Referred to the Chain Gang.

From the City Solicitor stating that the City will be liable for water from the streets running on to Mr. Browning’s property thereby causing damage.

[Volume 6 page] 461

Resolved that a box drain to carry the water down to Granville Street be put in on Dunsmuir Street by repair gang.

From O. Martrand re a crossing and sidewalk to his residence on 5th Avenue
Request granted.

Petitions from Stanley Smith etal re opening up Front Street and from H.A. Berry etal re opening up 5th Av 3 blocks west of Quebec Street were placed in the estimates

From H. Earle etal asking that the lane in Block 23.185 be opened up
Referred to the Chain gang.

That the City Engineer be instructed to have the sidewalk on the west side of Burrard Street between Georgia and Nelson Streets moved to correspond with the sidewalk on the east side.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Vancouver Hardware Co. Supplies $69.50
V.E.Ry & L. Co                  “                 5.00
Crowder & Penzer             “                8.00
Smith & Freeland               “                5.40
Geo Cassady & Co             “            228.64
Clarke & Stuart                  “              12.50
G.E. Meek                          “               4.00
Market Hardware Store     “                4.00

Resolved that the following estimates be submitted to the Finance Committee:-
Salaries                $4000.00
Stationery                250.
Street Cleaning      2000.
“         Repairs           70.00

[Volume 6 page] 462

2 Street Sprinklers & Sprinkling $1000.
Street Improvements, rock, etc. 45,350
Sewer repairs                                1000.
“          extensions                         1500.
Bridge repairs                               1000.
Surface drains                               1000.
House numbers                               100
Street scraper                                  180.
Contingencies                               2000.
Total                                         $66,880
sgd H.P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Shaw.
That the report as amended be adopted. Carried

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Thursday March 7th 1895.
Present – Aldermen McPhaiden, Shaw and Queen.

The following tenders were received for the washing of the City Hospital.
Pioneer Steam Laundry and Jennie. W. Smith.
That the Contract be awarded to Jennie. W. Smith provided she furnishes satisfactory sureties.

From James McGeer reporting that he had been informed that there were several cases of tuberculosis

[Volume 6 page] 463

at the North Arm. Filed

From Miss Macfie furnishing monthly report. Filed

From Miss Macfie reporting the resignation of Miss Ives and the engagement of Miss Burnett.
That Miss Burnett be appointed at a salary of $10.00 per month dating from the 21st of February.

From Mrs Satchell asking for the City washing Filed.

That the salaries of Mrs Watmough, F. Humphries and Thos Becket be raised $5.00 per month dating from the 1st of March.

From the City Clerk asking the Committee to compile their estimates. Filed

From Dr. Tunstall stating that Louis Pomelo was affected with heart disease.
Referred back to Council.

From R.F. Swalwell stating that Robert Marrion had been chosen to represent the Master Plumbers on the Board of Plumbing examiners. Filed.

From F. Humphries asking for an increase in Salary.
That his salary be advanced $5.00 per month dating from the 1st of March on condition that he takes his meals at home except dinner.

From J. Buntzen stating that all electric light poles had been removed from Pender Street

[Volume 6 page] 464

in front of the City Hospital. Filed.

From Miss Macfie asking for certain supplies for her bed room.
Resolved that her request be granted.

From John Brenton asking that doors be placed at the entrance to the Crematory.
Laid over for estimates

From James McGeer furnishing report on Milk Tests. Filed

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Robert Clark            Supplies $20.25
J. Carnahan              “                   .50
Crowder & Penzer   “               67.35
Champion & White  “                 9.25
C.F. Foreman            “               24.21
F.Filion                     “               26.16
J. Izery                     “                 9.60
C.B. Lockhart         Burials        8.90
Mellish & Gray       Supplies 173.74
McIntosh & Co.      “                90.61
News.Advertiser     “                52.00
C. Nelson                “                59.54
J.A. Skinner & Co  “              236.55
Superior Dairy        “                39.20
W. Towler               Repairs       2.50
Van Hardware Co   Supplies      1.20
J.C. Woodrow         “                29.55
Weeks & Robson    “                11.25
sgd D. McPhaiden

[Volume 6 page] 465

Moved by Alderman Thomas
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted
Moved in amendment by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by Alderman Coupland
That the clauses respecting increases of salaries be laid over.
Amendment carried.
Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ W P Brown.
That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday March 8th 1895.
Present – Aldermen McCraney, Gallagher, Coupland, and Wm Brown.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Telephone Co             Rents            $37.50
J.W. McFarland          Insurance       30.00
Evans & Hastings      Supplies          48.50
Clarke & Stuart         “                      55.03
Crowder & Penzer    “                      42.62
J. Carnahan               Scavengering    1.00
The Colonist             Advertising     44.00
C.P. Telegraph Co     Telephones       4.58
The Can Ry & L. Co Lights             41.95

From the Board of Works submitting Estimates
Laid over for future considerations

From E. Kingcombe asking for a grant of $60.00 for extra services in connection with the Assessment. Refused.

[Volume 6 page] 466

From C.F. Yates stating that he had transferred all his interest in the Union Assurance Society to D.C. McGregor. Filed

From Davis Marshall & McNeill re Gore Avenue Slip.
Laid over to ascertain what action the City Solicitor has taken.

From G.F. Moncton asking for an appropriation for advertising the City in England.
Laid over to be considered with estimates.

From Wm Brand, Secretary of the Band asking for a grant of $80.00 to be donated to J.W. Trendell for services rendered. Laid over

That the Chairman and Alderman Coupland be appointed a Committee to inspect the band instruments.

sgd H.P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Thomas
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the Report be amended by adding the following clause thereto:- That the appropriation to the band cease and that $50.00 be granted to them on condition that every thing is found in order after examination. Lost.

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

[Volume 6 page] 467


Moved by Alderman Shaw.
Seconded by “ Thomas.
That the following Relief accounts be passed:-
Wm Tierney etal Labor $809.30 Carried.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Thomas.
That the Council adjourn to meet again on Tuesday the 12th next at 730. P.M.

Henry Collins

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk