City requests Province to “appoint a Commissioner with full power to call on, subpoena, and examine on oath any person or persons in relation to the facts of the alleged Chinese Riots or outrages said to have recently taken place in the City of Vancouver.” Bank of B.C. empowered to sell $164,000 worth of debentures on behalf of the Corporation (of Vancouver).
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 279-286
Vancouver March 14th 1887
The Council met on Monday March 14th 1887 at 7.30. P.M. all the Members being present.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From Leamy and Kyle re the opening up of Lorne Avenue and Dufferin Street.
Referred to Board of Works.
Petition from Merchants praying Council to enforce License on Transient Traders.
Referred to City Solicitor.
From H. Abbott, re exemption of land on which work-shops and round-houses are located.
Moved by Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Humphries,
that Communication be referred to a Special Committee of the Council for consideration such Committee to consist of Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Lockerby, Mannion and D. Oppenheimer.
From H. Abbott re planking and grading of Hastings Street between Howe and Burrard Streets. Referred to Board of Works.
From Thos. C. Sorby re fixing of Gore Avenue.
Referred to Board of Works.
From F.X. Martin and others praying Council to prevent blasting in the Vicinity of their residences on Westminster Avenue.
Referred to Board of Works with power to act.
From Hon John Robson, Provincial Secretary re Act recently passed suspending Magistrates.
From Thornton Fell re claim for damage done to Chinese property.
From F.D. Boucher claiming damages from City for property destroyed by mob.
Referred to City Solicitor and Finance Committee.
From Edward Mohun, C.E. correcting error in his sewerage scheme.
Abrams & Co., Supplies. $8.75 F.W.L.
Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee met on Friday March 11th 1887 and report that they have considered the motion referred by Council re an increase of salary for the City Clerk and Treasurer and would recommend that the question of increase be deferred for the present.
Your Committee have had an interview with the manager of the Bank of British Columbia in Vancouver respecting the disposal of the debentures under By-Law No. 12 for $14,100, as well as those to be issued if passed under By-Law No. 29 for $150,000 and believe that those could be sold to advantage in London and would therefore recommend that power be given to your Committee to make the necessary arrangements with the Bank of B.C. and that a resolution be passed appointing the Bank of B.C. as the agents of the Corporation of Vancouver in this matter.
The following accounts we recommend to be paid.
E.P. Hamilton to fixing doors and placing City Safe. $10.00
Sgd. D. Oppenheimer
Adopted, Hamilton – Isaac Oppenheimer
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lockerby
Whereas it is expedient that this Council shall empower a person or persons on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Vancouver to negotiate the sale of the $150,000 debentures, created under By-Law No. 29 and the $14,100 under By-Law No. 12,
Be it therefore resolved that the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled, hereby appoint the Bank of British Columbia Agents for the City of Vancouver to negotiate the sale of said debentures upon such terms as may be arranged between said Bank and the Finance Committee,
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and City Clerk under the seal of the Corporation be sent to the Bank of British Columbia. Carried.
F.W. and Light Committee.
The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Saturday March 12th 1887 at 3. P.M. and submit the following Report: –
On account of John Clough refusing to at in the capacity of Lamp Lighter we have instructed the Chief of the Fire Brigade to employ temporarily, a man for the position at a salary not to exceed $1.25 per diem which action we trust will be approved of.
We recommend the payment of the following accounts.
E.P. Hamilton, setting lamp posts etc $79.30
D.A. Reesor, Clock $10.00
R. Rutherford, Teaming $1.00
H.A. Berry $2.50
Sgd, Rich H. Alexander
Adopted, Humphries – Mannion.
Police Commissioners
A Meeting of the Police Commissioners was held on Saturday March 12th 1887 at 11. A.M.
The following sums will be necessary to meet proposed expenditure.
To Boarding prisoners $20.50
To Fixing Desk $2.50
To Special Police $2.50
To Stage Hire $6.00
To Stage Hire 3.00
To Door for Jail 6.50
sgd M.A. MacLean
Adopted, Clark – Isaac Oppenheimer.
Board of Works.
A Meeting of the Board of Works was held on Wednesday March 10th 1887 at 2. P.M. and submit the following Report:
The Tenders for the improvement of Richards, Pender and Seymour Streets were opened and read as follows: –
Muir & Co
Seymour Street
Grubbing, grading etc 47 cts per L. ft
10 ft sidewalks 40 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 35 cts per L. ft
3 In. planking $15.75 per ft
Boyd and Clandening
Richards Street
Grubbing grading etc 80 cts per L. ft
10 ft sidewalks 44 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 39 cts per L. ft
3 in. planking $16.90 per ft
Pender Street
Grubbing, grading etc 82 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 39 cts per L. ft
3 in planking $16.90 per ft
McDonald and Cameron
Seymour Street
Grubbing and grading 46 cts per L. ft
10 ft sidewalks 41 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 33 1/2 cts per L. ft
3″ planking laid in Streets 16.00 per M
3″ planking laid in Culverts 21.00 per M
Richards Street
Grubbing and grading 59 cts per L. ft
10 ft sidewalks 41 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 34 cts per L. ft
3″ planking in Streets $16.00 per ft
3″ planking in Culverts $21.00 per ft
Pender Street. grubbing and grading 47 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 34 cts per L. ft
3″ plank in Streets $16.00 per ft
3″ plank in Culverts 21.00 per ft
Horvet and Siceley
Seymour Street
Grubbing and grading 70 cts per L. ft
Sidewalks 39 cts per L. ft
3″ planking $16.50 per ft
Stephenson and McCraney
Seymour St.
Grubbing and grading 64 cts per L. ft
10 ft sidewalks 44 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 36 cts per L. ft
Planking $14.95 per ft
Richards St.
Grubbing and grading 74 cts per L. ft
8 ft sidewalks 36 cts per L. ft
10 ft sidewalks 44 cts per L. ft
3″ planking 14.95 per ft
Pender Street
Grubbing and grading 64 cts per L. ft
Sidewalks 36 cts per L. ft
planking $14.95 per ft
For gravel laid $1.70 per cubic yard or $1.05 per Lineal foot.
We recommend the acceptance of the Tender of McDonald and Cameron for the grading, grubbing and sidewalking of all the streets above mentioned if the Council see their way to provide the necessary funds.
Your Committee would recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to have the site for the addition to the City Hall drained and the lane adjoining cleared.
Regarding the request of Wm. Harkins for an extension of time to complete his contract for the planking of Westminster Avenue, we have instructed the City Engineer to notify him that his request will be considered in due course if it appears in the meantime that he is making every effort to complete this and all his other contracts.
The following account we recommend to be paid.
Royal City Planing Mills Corp. $23.00
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Report adopted.
Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Mannion:
that this Council request His Honor (sic) the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of British Columbia to appoint a Commissioner with full power to call on, subpoena, and examine on oath any person or persons in relation to the facts of the alleged Chinese Riots or outrages said to have recently taken place in the City of Vancouver.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Humphries,
that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plan of the proposed opening and improving of streets for the Current year and also to give a detailed estimate of costs of such improvements and that he present such plans and estimates at the next meeting of Council.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Mannion, that the ten specials appointed by Special Committee be suspended for the present, to be re-instated again when necessary. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer, that Special be paid off when discharged.
Water Works Propositions.
The propositions of the Coquitlam and Vancouver Water Works Companies were read.
Moved by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman Sanders,
that both of the propositions be printed and laid before the Council for their final decision at their next regular meeting. Carried.
The Council then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.