The Finance Committee recommended the purchase of two sea lions that were currently on display at a price of $115. Aldermen Franklin, Connon and Gavin appointed to meet with the Jockey Club about Hastings Park. Council also sent a request to the Governor-General asking the Canadian government to appoint someone as a [chemical] analyst to carry out the 1884 “Adulteration Act” respecting the adulteration of food and drugs.
This transcript was made in 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 693 – 707
The Council met on Monday March 14th 1892. Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Connon, McGuigan, Odlum, Franklin Mills + Gavin.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
The following communications were received and read:-
From Chas. Whetham etal, asking the Council to pass a By-Law in conformity with the Library Act.
Laid over.
From the City Solicitor enclosing a resolution to the Dominion Government praying for the establishment of postal facilities on the shores of B.C.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ McGuigan
Whereas the District Situate North of New Westminster along the coast line and inland as far North as Seymours Narrow, and the Islands adjacent to the coast line are being rapidly settled and becoming populated
And whereas at present there exists no regular means of Communication between the various parts of said District and the Cities of Vancouver and New Westminster and in consequence of the want of a postal communication the settlers already there are most seriously inconvenienced
And whereas it is considered that if postal communication were established it would be largely conduce to the future of the paid District and the development of the same
Be it therefore resolved that the Government of the Dominion of Canada be urgently requested to grant and adequate subsidy
[vol 4 pg 694]
to any person or persons or body corporate who will undertake to establishment and maintain, a regular steamboat service to carry Her Majesty’s Mail to and from the Said District calling at the following points en route
Gibsons Landing (or Elphinstone)
Sechelt Peninsula
Pender Harbour
Slate Quarry, Jarvis Inlet
Grief Point, Lund, Savary Island, Cortez Island and to Comox, returning by same route.
From A Benoit; Secy of Minister of Militia acknowledging receipt of commendation re Militia Corps.
E. Cook asking for about 100 yds of crushed rock.
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ Mills
That his request be granted
From C. A. Coldwell and others asking for the grading of Quebec Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From John McLaren reporting on the Electric Lights.
From H. Walden et al asking for the widening of the grade on Hastings Street east.
Referred to Board of Works
From H. Abbott in reference to water rates on wharf.
Laid over for report.
From R. D. Pitt, asking for further remuneration for loss of leg.
[vol 4 pg 695]
From J. W. Horne writing in reference to certain resolutions passed by Council.
From R. W. Harris claiming payment on behalf of the Telegram for Debentures.
From C. F. Pretty for New Westminster declining to accept the City’s offer re fish freezing establishment:
From F. C. Cotton acknowledging receipt of resolution re Lazaretto.
From E. Cook asking for permission to erect a rail in front of his building on Cordova Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From A. St. G. Hamersley asking for a refund of the interest on the Brockton Point Bonds.
Referred to Finance Committee
From F. C. Cotton, President of the Jockey Club asking the Council to appoint a Committee to confer with them re Hastings Park.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Odlum
That Aldermen Connon, Franklin and Gavin be appointed a Committee to confer with the Jockey Club.
From Phillip Fewster asking the Council to appoint a market day.
Referred to Market Committee
From Geo Pollay, asking that the rate on realty be struck off.
Referred to Finance Committee.
From John McLaren reporting on the Electric Lights.
From G. L. Thomas reporting on the Market.
[vol 4 pg 696]
From the Vancouver Electric Railway + Light Co. stating that the additional lights required would soon be erected.
From R. W. Harris threatening suit for the printing of Debentures which should have been printed by the Telephone Co.
From Geo Gagen drawing attention to the fact that the firemen were being asked to do painting in interior of fire hall.
From Drake Jackson + Co. asking for payment for appearing for City in Police Court.
Referred to Finance Committee
From J. A. Forin asking for a bonus for a Railway
Laid over for one weeks.
From Thos Boyd etal asking that Oppenheimer Street be changed to Cordova Street.
Laid over for one week.
From Nelson + Bousman of the Market asking for the ceiling of the Stalls.
Referred to Market Committee
From John Wolf stating that he would run the crematory for $70.00 per month
Referred to Board of Health.
From Joseph Huntly asking for assistance
Referred to Board of Heath
From A. E. Beck asking for the improvement of Comox St etc.
Referred to Board of Works.
From John Brunton claiming that the Sewers were being obstructed.
Referred to Board of Works
From Wm Lyman etal asking for the
[vol 4 pg 697]
grading of Block 75. D. L. 196.
Referred to Board of Works.
From Edgett Bros asking for the improvement of Harris Street.
Referred to Board of Works.
From C. O. Wickenden asking for permission to use a part of Granville Street for building material.
Referred to Board of Works.
From F. W. Hart, asking for the improvement of the cemetery road.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From John Devine etal, asking for the opening up of 7th Av.
Referred to Board of Works.
That Thos Tidy etal asking for the grading of 6th Av.
Referred to Board of Works.
From Wm Godfrey etal asking for the grading of Manitoba Street
Referred to Board of Works
From Thos Aikman etal asking for the grading of Westminster Av to Boundary.
Referred to Board of Works.
From John Nash etal asking for a sidewalk on Heatley Av.
Referred to Board of Works.
The following Reports were received and read.
Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee met on Friday March 4th 1892.
Present Aldermen Anderson, Collins + Mills
It was recommended that the following accounts be paid:-
C. W. Murray Arbitration fees $25.00
W. F. Salsbury. Examining Water Works books 240.00
Palmer Bros Coal 48.00
Wm Pomeroy Witness Fees 3.75
[vol 6 pg 698]
Wm McGir Witness fees 3.75
A. M. Tyson “ “ 3.75
A. G. Johnson “ “ 3.75
S. S. Tilley + Son Stationery 19.50
A communication was received from Mrs Webster asking for a grant of $1000.00 in aid of the Alexandra Hospital
Laid over until estimates are compiled
sgd. R. A. Anderson
The Finance Committee met on Friday March 11th 1892.
Present Aldermen Anderson, Mills, McGuigan and Odlum.
It was recommended:-
That the following accounts be paid:-
J. L. Robinson etal Revising Assessment $84.00
C. P. R. Co freight on hydrant $11.54
Palmer Bros coal 48.00
Telephone co. Rent 30.50
F. W. Hart oil cloth. 43.05
C. Nelson Toilet Paper 5.50
John P Lawson Witness fees 3.50
Thos Stephenson “ “ 3.50
J. M. Dewitt “ “ 3.50
C. P. Telegraph Cl. “ “ 37.30
Thomson Bros Stationery 10.65
D. McRae fixing up City Hall 76.25
2 That the addition to the City Hospital be insured for $600000 and that each of the following parites receive $1000 of said amount:-
Rand Bros H. T. Ceperly, J. W. McFarland, Mellon + co, E. B. Morgan + co C. Sterrett
Period of Insurance to be 5 years.
3 That as a messenger is not now required at the City Hall that the party now occupying that position be notified that his services will terminate at the end of the present month.
[vol 4 pg 699]
4 That James Orr be temporarily appointed to assist in completing the Voters Lists at a salary of $60.00 per month dating from the 9th inst
5 That a Directory be purchased from Mights Directory Co. for the sum of $35.00 conditional on said directory containing a number of pages of matter relating to Vancouver.
6 That the two Sea Lions now on exhibition be purchased by the City at a cost to not exceed $115.00
sgd. R. A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the Report be adopted as read.
Moved in amendment by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the clause relating to the Sea Lion be struck out.
Amendment lost: motion carried.
Health Committee.
The Health Committee met on Tuesday March 8th 1892.
Present Aldermen McGuigan, Odlum, Gavin and Anderson.
It was recommended:-
1 That the resignation of J. Pentlow as night nurse at the City Hospital be accepted to take effect at the end of the present month and that the City Clerk be instructed to call for applications for the position.
2 That Mrs Morrow be appointed nurse at the City Hospital without salary as per requested
3 That the Matron of the hospital be instructed
[vol 4 pg 700]
to notify the different numbers of the Medical Staff two days previous to the time their week begins so that there may not be a repetition of the neglect complained of by Mr Gagen.
4 That the City Clerk be instructed to render Mr Abbott an account of the amount due to the hospital for C. P. R. patients said account to be rendered up to 31st Dec 1891 and that he be requested to settle same.
5 That J Huntly be authorized to make such repairs as he may consider necessary to the crematory
6 That the Council be requested to petition the Governor General in Council for the appointment of public analyst.
7 That the following accounts be paid:-
Bell Irving + Paterson Fire Bricks $63.75
Oldfield + Cook Supplies 1.18
J. T. Carroll Leper account 195.02
H. T. Devine + Son 100 cds of wood 285.00
Ideal Grocery Supplies 45.43
Leatherdale + Smith Hack hire 5.00
T. R. Morrow Supplies 38.25
Columbia Carriage Factory 4.40
Champion + White Scavengering 36.95
Dr Herbert Post Mortem etc 14.00
R. V. Winch. Supplies 39.06
Alex McDonald. Express hire .50
Wm Ralph. Repairs 1.25
W. A. McIntosh. Supplies 127.48
Palmer Bros. Coal. 218.75
J. P. Blake 9.75
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 32.05
Mary McCoy Hospital Work 9.30
M. S. Rose Supplies. 2.25
The Slaughter house petition was laid over
[vol 4 pg 701]
pending the passing of the amendments to the City Charter.
sgd. W. J. McGuigan
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the report of the Health Committee be adopted
F. W + L. Committee.
The F. W + L. Committee met on Wednesday March 9th 1892.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Mills, Connon, + McGuigan.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
Fraser + co. Supplies $3.25
H. T. Devine +co “ 59.29
B. C. Iron Works Co “ 18.51
Van Drug Co “ 1.50
S. T. Tilley + Son “ 1.15
Palmer Bros “ 118.95
Vancouver Drug co Elec Ry + L co. 1236.74
“ Carriage Works 2.25
C.P.R. co. Repairs 15.10
Bank of B. C. Cables 138.87
Cairns + Brother Caps 41.43
Geo Chambers drayage 5.00
S Forbes horse shoeing 2.00
G. H. Bazley “ “ 3.50
Fred Edwards drayage 2.50
2 That Chas Hay etal be informed that the water pipes are ordered for Thurlow, Davie + Pendrell Streets.
3 That the communication from the Clerk of North Vancouver be acknowledged and in the event of it being demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the proposed road will be of use to this City for access to the pipe
[vol 4 pg 702]
line and water works dam, the Committee will be glad to meet them and confer as to expense +c +c
4 That all accounts owing by the later Vancouver Water Works Co. and which the City assumed be paid without passing through the Council.
5 That Aldermen Franklin and Mills be a sub-committee to consult with Mr Abbott to try and arrange some basics for the water used on the C. P. R. wharf.
6 That the Chief of the Fire Brigade to authorized to purchase about 150 ft of small hose for the fire halls, material for poles, and paint necessary for the buildings.
sgd. Joseph L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Connon
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Thursday March 3rd 1892.
Present Aldermen Gavin (in the Chair) Connon and Franklin.
It was recommended:-
1 That E. Myers be allowed to withdraw his tender for Ontario Street and that his deposit be forfeited and the work done by day labor.
2 That the communication from the Trades + Labor Council be referred to the Health Committee.
3 That the City Engineer be authorized to raise up and improve the grade of
[vol 4 pg 703]
of Dupont Street, as in his judgment may be necessary and advisable.
4 That Messrs Boyd + Clandenning contractors for cutting down the grade of Hastings Street east be paid for 1025 years at the rate of 60 cts per yard and that the balance of their claim be left to the final decision and adjustment of the City Engineer.
5 That the following accounts be paid:-
S. T. Tilley + Son Stationery $44.10
Thos Veitch. Delivering rock 477.56
G. W. Hutchins, Office Stove 1.25
News Advertiser Ads 5.62
Bell-Irving + Paterson Drain pipes 9.10
Godfrey + co. Supplies 1.00
W. H. Kendall Repairs to Rock Crusher 91.26
Van Elec Ry + L co. Car Tickets 10.00
Grassie + co Repairs .50
E. Cook. Rent of Wharf. 25.00
Oldfield + Cook. Crematory 125.00
W. H. Kendall Crushed rock. 1081.08
H Lomas etal Labor. 482.65
All petitions were laid over until the Estimates are completed.
sgd J. J. Gavin
for Chairman
Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Thursday March 10th 1892.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Connon, Franklin and Gavin.
It was recommended:-
1 That the Lane in Block 43. 185 be made passable by the Chain gang.
2 That the figures in the tender for lumber
[vol 4 pg 704]
recorded in the Numbers of the 26th awarded to the Buse Mill Co to be taken to read $8.95 instead of 8.75 per ft B. M.
3 That whenever it happens that there is no Council meeting that His Worship the May be empowered to sign the cheque for the weekly payroll for the City laborers.
4 That Bridge Street be planked from Front St to Ninth Av by day work.
5 That this Board recommended to the Council the advisability of asking the Provincial Government through the numbers for this district to put that portion of Westminster Av outside the City limits in proper condition for travel and to construct a cross road from said Westminster Avenue as far as the City Cemetery.
6 That tenders be called for the following work receivable up to the 24th inst at noon:-
Nelson St. grading full width from Granville to Richards
Prior St. “ from end of present of present grade to Campbell Av.
Scotia St. “ Dufferin to 7th Av.
Homer St 6 ft sidewalk one block
10th Av 3 plank sidewalk from Manitoba to Columbia
11th “ “ “ “ “ Ontario “ “
12th “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Manitoba
13th “ “ “ “ “ Quebec “ “
7 That the following accounts be paid:-
Boyd + Clandenning Hastings Street 1213.28
Godfrey + co Supplies 27.22
J. C. McCurdie Hornby Street 14.50
Thomson Bros. Stationery 3.30
J. C. McCurdie Davie St. 5.00
Boyd + C. Barnard St. 20.00
B. C. M. T. + T. Supplies 35.88
M. S. Rose “ 8.36
[vol 4 pg 705]
Geo Clark etal Car fares. $3.75
H. Lomas etal Labor 540.60
sgd. H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ Mills
That the Report be adopted.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Anderson
Whereas it is deemed expedient and proper owing to the rapid growth in population of this Province and particularly of that portion of our Province known as New Westminster District that the provision contained in the Act 49 Vic. Chap 107 Styled the “adulteration act” should be applied.
And whereas to our knowledge that there is no public analyst with power to act as specified in the above named act within the limits of said District.
And whereas without such duly appointed public analyst the provision of Said Act cannot be carried out.
Therefore be it resolved.
That the humble petition of this Council be forwarded to His Excellency the Governor General of the Dominion of Canada, praying that he do appoint_, some competent person to perform the duties of Public Analyst, as defined in said Act and further that a copy of this resolution sealed with the seal of this Corporation be forwarded to the Member of Parliament for this district with a request that he use his best efforts to secure the appointment of such an officer.
[vol 4 pg 706]
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the following accounts be paid:-
James McGeer Milk $54.59
A. St. G. Hamersley Amendment per 200.00
Miss Davies, By-Laws 15.15
Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ Connon
That the F. W+L. Committee be empowered to ask for tenders for such Supplies for the Water Works as may be immediately necessary.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Gavin
That $200000 be placed to the credit of the School Board in the Bank of Montreal.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Stock Certificates of the late Vancouver Water Works co now transferred to Geo. F. Baldwin City Treasurer and in his possession be destroyed.
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ Mills
That the Dominion Government be urged to take measures at an early date to secure as favorable a treaty with the Sandwich Islands as possible and that this Council co-operate with the Council of the Board of Trade of Vancouver in securing this desirable end.
[vol 4 pg 707]
Notice of Motion.
Alderman Odlum gave notice that he would at next meeting of Council introduce a By-Law empowering the City to come under the provision of the Free Library’s Act”
F Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk