A majority vote of two thirds of the aldermen present compelled Mayor Oppenheimer to sign the minutes of February 23, 24, 28 and March 9. Vancouver Trades and Labour council requested that the Chain Gang not be employed on Street Work. A bylaw to regulate the storage of inflammable material within the city limits was introduced and read a first time.
This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Christopher Stephenson, MLIS
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 250 – 264
Vancouver March 16th 1891
The Council met on Monday, March 16th 1891
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Brighouse, Scoullar, Godfrey, Templeton, Hobson, Brown, McDowell, DePencier, and Doering.
The Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read.
After the Minutes were read the Mayor stated that he still adhered to his decision not to sign the Minutes but that if a vote were taken on his ruling and if the necessary two-thirds majority decided against him it would be his duty to acquiesce.
It was then moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Brighouse,
That the Minutes of last regular and special meetings be adopted as read.
Alderman Brown said that Alderman Godfrey joined with him in wishing the names of the Aldermen to be taken on the voting.
Alderman Templeton then asked the Mayor if he refused to put the motion, the Mayor answered yes.
The mover then put it to a vote of the Council and carried it on the following vote:-
Yeas. Aldermen Brighouse, Scoullar, Godfrey, Templeton, Brown, and McDowell.
Nays. Aldermen DePencier, Doering and Hobson.
The Mayor stated that as he had been overruled he would now sign the Minutes.
Alderman Carroll was absent when the vote was taken but arrived shortly afterwards
From F. D. Boucher et al asking for a sidewalk on Thurlow Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From John McCulloch stating that the Police Magistrate made an order to have his clothes, papers etc left at the Customs House.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From A. Yorke asking the Council to look into the charges preferred against the Police Magistrate.
Moved by Alderman DePencier
Seconded by “ McDowell.
That the communication be returned to the writer.
From Robt. C. Buckeral submitting an affidavit preferring certain charges against the Police Magistrate.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From Joseph Pope and T. Trudeau acknowledging a communication from the City Clerk re fencing of streets at railway crossings.
From J.A. Fulton, Secretary to the Trades and Labor Council asking that the Chain Gang be not employed on Street Work.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Sinclair Harcus, applying for permission to move a frame building from Lot 3, Block 13, 196. to Block 29, 541
Referred to the Board of Works.
From A. Tullis asking the Council to pay his salary as secretary to the Smelting Co out of the $5000.00 forfeited by the City.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the Market Clerk furnishing Market Reports for three weeks.
From the Chief of Police reporting upon the Electric Lights.
From Dr. Wilson et al asking for certain improvements on a lane between Haro and Robson Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From W.S. Udy asking for certain trees to be cut down on Prior Street.
Referred to the City Engineer.
From G. Ashford etal asking for a sidewalk on Comox Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Wm Bailey et al asking for a sidewalk on Thurlow Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Thos. Langham et al asking for the grading etc of Keefer Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From the City Auditor furnishing report for February.
From J.M. Browning resigning his position as Water Works Arbitrator.
Laid over.
From James O’Connor submitting an affidavit regarding the Police Magistrate.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From J.C. McLagan, Chairman pro tem. of the Board of Trade Committee asking the Council to appoint a Committee to cooperate with the Board of Trade as to the most befitting manner to celebrate the arrival of the S.S. Empress of India.
From Robert Marrion etal asking for a sidewalk on Keefer Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Miss Bowes furnishing copies of “Home Cheer”
From A.E. Carter asking permission to use a steam engine for building purposes at the post office site.
From T. M. Speers asking that the Police Magistrates salary be increased.
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ Doering
That the letter be returned to the writer.
From W.F. Salsbury et al petitioning for a thorough investigation of the Engineering Department.
Referred to the Board of Works.
The following Reports were received and read:-
Police. No 4.
The Police Committee met on Tuesday February 25th 1891.
Present Aldermen DePencier, McDowell, Hobson, Scoullar, and Carroll.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
John Sciutto Supplies. $8.05
W.S. Cook. Scavenging. 4.25
W. Steel [sic]. Drayage. .50
M.G. McLeod. Ry fares. 4.00
D. Bell Irving. Mental examinations 10.00
2 That the salary of John McKeown be increased by $10.00 per month after the 3rd of March 1891 on account of him having completed a service of 12 months on the Police Force on that date.
3 That the License Inspector be instructed to hand over to the Pound Keeper ten dog tags at a time taking his receipt therefor [sic] and that said Pound Keeper furnish to said License Inspector an account of all tags issued.
4 The Board having heard the charges preferred against the Police Magistrate by Mr. F.G. Twigg and his explanations thereon, desires to place in record their entire confidence in said Magistrate for the able and impartial manner in which he administers justice in this City.
They further desire to express their satisfaction as to the manner in which the whole police department is managed which reflects credit on the Chief and his staff of officers.
sgd H. DePencier
The Police Committee met again on Tuesday March 10th, 1891.
Present Aldermen DePencier, McDowell, Hobson, Scoullar, and Carroll.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
John Scuitto. Supplies. $47.31
Wm. McDowell. Refund. 5.00
Creamer & Langley. Supplies. 1.25
G.L. Allan. “ 1.25
J.P. Blake “ 21.40
J.H. Grady. Ry. Fares. 3.00
H. Eligh. Milk. 1.54
Gurney Cab Co. Fares. 2.00
Hayes & McIntosh. Meat. 19.80
W.S. Cook. Scavengering. 1.00
Wm. Steel [sic]. Drayage. 2.50
2 That E. A. Harris be appointed a member of the Police Force at a salary of $60.00 per month.
3 That the resignation of Wm. Preston as Pound Keeper be accepted and that W.P. West be appointed to the vacant position at a salary of $50.00 per month and fees; and be subject to summary dismissal, salary to date from the time W. Preston’s resignation took effect.
sgd H. DePencier.
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ McDowell.
That the Report of the Police Committee be adopted.
Works. No 7.
The Board of Works met on Thursday March 12th 1891.
Present Aldermen Brighouse, Brown, Templeton, and DePencier.
It was recommended:-
1 That the City Engineer report upon the condition of the Sewer through Block 2, O.G.T. giving estimate of the cost of repairing same.
2 That the communication from J.J. Blake asking permission to use the streets and lanes on behalf of the British Columbia District Telegraph and Delivery Co be laid over until the applicant furnishes further information.
3 That permission be granted to Rand Bros to remove a one storey building from Block 4, Lot 4 O.G.T. across the lane to Block 4, Lot 11 O.G.T. on condition that said building be moved outside of the fire limits within sixty days.
4 That the communication from James Curran et al asking for a sidewalk on Homer Street and that of Alex McDonald asking for an increase of salary be laid over for the present.
5 That the City Engineer and City Solicitor be instructed to investigate the different claims for expense incurred through rebuilding fences to altered grades and report on same at a subsequent meeting.
6 That the following accounts be paid:-
Rose & Marshall, Plumbing. $19.00
A. Parker. Salary. 75.00
Grassie & Co. Repairs. 2.00
Thomson Bros. Stationery. 28.05
Boyd & Clendenning. Gravelling. 320.00
sgd S. Brighouse
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Hobson.
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted.
Health. No 4.
The Health Committee met on Tuesday February 24th 1891.
Present Aldermen McDowell, Templeton, and Scoullar.
Alderman McDowell was appointed Chairman pro tem.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
W.S. Cook. Scavengering. $13.50
Cope & Young. Supplies. 1.60
Dr. Brydone-Jack. Mental Ex. 5.00
W.J. Taylor. Burial 17.00
McLennan & McFeely. Supplies. 1.15
John Sciutto. “ 75.79
Dr. McGuigan. Inquests. 30.00
2 That a By-Law be introduced to govern and regulate the Public Cemetery and that the Provincial Government be communicated with asking them to furnish the City a deed of said Cemetery.
3 That the Matron of the City Hospital be instructed to have the washing at the City Hospital done by white labor instead of Chinese labor.
The Chairman arrived before the meeting adjourned.
The Health Committee met again on Tuesday the 10th inst.
Present Aldermen McDowell, Templeton, and Scoullar.
Alderman McDowell was appointed Chairman pro tem.
It was recommended:-
That the following accounts be paid:-
Hudson’s Bay Co. Supplies. $19.50
A.W. Wright “ .12
H. Eligh “ 29.70
W.J. Taylor. Burial. 17.00
Union S.S. Co. Rent. 15.00
J.P. Blake. Bread. 10.60
John Scuitto. Supplies. 51.79
H.E. Langis. Post Mortem. 10.00
W.S. Cook. Scavengering. 1.00
Tye & Co. Supplies. 36.55
Hayes & McIntosh. “ 49.45
Palmer Bros. “ 33.00
R.V. Winch. “ 13.43
T.R. Morrow “ 54.12
The Chairman arrived before the meeting adjourned.
sgd John McDowell.
Chairman pro tem.
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ Hobson.
That the Report of the Health Committee be adopted.
F.W. & L. No 4.
The Fire Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday February 25th 1891.
Present Aldermen Brown, Godfrey, Doering and Brighouse.
Alderman Brown was appointed Chairman pro tem.
It was recommended:-
1 That the communications from W.H. Mason et al asking for an electric light on Quebec street and James Curran et al asking for electric lights on Homer Street be laid over.
2 That the communication from James McPhee offering to put in protectors for the fire alarm be filed.
3 That the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a By-Law regulating the storage of gunpowder and other explosives within the City Limits.
4 That the following accounts be paid:-
G. Gough. Attendance on horses. $21.00
V.W.W. Co. Water. 118.23
John Scuitto. Supplies. 13.99
J.M. Buxton. Coal 13.00
J. Wolfe. Scavengering. 2.00
R.B. McMicking. Fire Alarm Box. 125.00
C.P.R. Co. Freight on “ “ “ .35
McLennan & McFeely. Supplies. 2.50
C.P.R. Co. Telegraph fines. 18.72
The Fire, Water and Light Committee met again on Wednesday March 11th 1891.
Present Alderman Templeton, Brown, and Brighouse.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
G.M. Bazley. Horseshoeing. 6.00
John Sciutto. Supplies. 20.28
Palmer Bros. “ 35.00
Vancouver Elec Ry & Light Co. 1257.20
Tye & Co. Supplies. 1.90
Crowder & Penzer. Supplies. 71.26
2 That the Electric Railway & Light Co. be communicated with asking them at what rate they will light up the two fire halls, giving fire hall No. 1 10 lights and fire hall No. 2, 4 lights of 16 candle power each.
sgd W. Templeton.
Finance No 4.
The Finance Committee met on Friday February 17th 1891.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Brown, Hobson, Doering, and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
Thos. F. McGuigan. Hack hire. 50 cts.
W.C. Archer. Assessing. 20.00
H.J. Franklin. Stamps. 1.25
D. McRae. Desk. 21.25
G.W. Hutchins. “ 20.00
2 That L. Authier be paid $75.00 (subject to the advice of the City Solicitor), the amount claimed by him, in lieu of one month’s salary as assistant Street Inspector, in consequence of him not having received proper notice of dismissal from the City Engineer.
3 That the communication from the manager of the Sugar Refining Co. asking for the deeds of the Sugar Refinery site be referred to the City Solicitor.
4 That the communication from John McCulloch complaining about loss of clothes during imprisonment and asking for compensation be filed.
5 That a filing cabinet consisting of 56 drawers made up in three sections with lock attachments be ordered through Thomson Bros. for the vault in the City Clerk’s office.
Price F.O.B. Toronto. $188.95
sgd Wm. Brown
The Finance Committee met on Friday Mch 13th 1891.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Brown, Carroll, Hobson, and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
Health Committee Accounts
FW & L “ “
Police “ “
B of Works “ “
M.Martyn Soliciting names for W.W. petition $18.00
J Rankin “ “ “ “ 12.50
Telephone Co. Rent. 23.00
News Advertiser. Ads. 4.55
Palmer Bros. Coal. 56.00
Tye & Co. Supplies. 1.00
S.T. Tilley. “ 21.90
2 That Messrs Corbould, McColl, Jenns & Campbell be paid $150.50 being the amount of the taxed costs in the Injunction case of the R.C.P. Mills Co vs. the City and Leamy and Kyle, and that said Leamy and Kyle be charged with half of the above amount; they being co-defendants in said case.
sgd Wm. Brown
Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by “ McDowell.
That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted.
Licensing Board. No 1.
The Licensing Board met for its first regular quarterly meeting on Monday, March 16th 1891. At 11. a. m.
Present his Worship Mayor Oppenheimer and Aldermen Godfrey, McDowell, Hobson, DePencier, and Brighouse.
His Worship the Mayor was elected chairman of the Board.
Your Committee begs to report as follows:
1 That a wholesale liquor licence be granted to Springer Mullon & Co in Block 10. 541.
2 That the following applications for transfer of License or interests in Licenses be granted:-
A. Robertson, Glasgow Hotel to W. Williams.
B.L. Woods Albion “ “ Miller & Britton.
Wm. Pomeroy, Fremont “ “ John Blair.
J.E. Davis Boulder Saloon “ Thos. Simpson
Mitchell & Co. New York Block to Brinsmead Block.
T.A. Shaw, Windsor Hotel to W. Brown.
L. Canonica, City Hotel to A. Fairon.
McGirr & McCoskery, Sunnyside Hotel to Canonica & Co.
L. Kearns, International “ to F.A. Boehlofsky.
H. Mason, Dougall “ to R.T. Mizony
Stevens & Gordon to Delbruck Block.
A.J. McPherson, Bodega Saloon to E. McPherson.
3 The applications of Merrill & Harkness and M. McLeod re the Germania Hotel, are laid over until Thursday next; the applicants in each of these cases to submit their claims in writing accompanied by necessary documents by 11 a.m. of Tuesday the 7th inst.
4 That the City Solicitor be instructed to draft the amendments to the consolidated Liquor License By-Law as set out in full in the Minute Book kept by this Board, said proposed amendments being for the purpose of simplifying the procedure of transfers of Licenses, the prohibition of sale or supply of intoxicants to minors and finding the clearer definitions of Hotel requirements and the extension of time in which prosecutions can be sustained.
5 That the City Solicitor be instructed to press to a speedy conclusion the case of A. Schwahn as the License Inspector now and for over three months last past on appeal to the County Court.
sgd D. Oppenheimer.
Chairman of Licensing Board
Vancouver March 16th 1891
Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by “ DePencier
That the Report of the Licensing Board be adopted.
Moved by Alderman McDowell.
That the Rules be suspended as a By-Law introduced to amend By-Law No 116.
The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Templeton
That a By-Law be introduced to regulate the storage of Inflammable Material.
The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ DePencier.
“That Alderman McDowell, Godfrey, Templeton, and DePencier be appointed a Committee to act in conjunction with a Committee of the Board of Trade and report as to what action should be taken in the way of a reception on the arrival of the S.S. Empress of India at this Port.”
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Templeton.
That Mr. A.E. Carter, Contractor for the erection of the Post Office be permitted to erect a steam hoist in connection with his work subject to the approval of the Street Inspector.
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ Doering
That this City having arrived at a status that entitles it to have a City battalion of active militia established, this Council would urge upon the Hon the Minister of Militia and Defence, and the Government; the advisability of having a volunteer battalion established in Vancouver.
Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the following labor accounts be paid:-
B Romang etal $50.40
do. 21.50
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ Carroll.
That the applications for the position of Chief Engineer be laid over to be considered at a Special meeting of the Council to be held on Friday the 20th inst. at 8 P.M.
Notice of Motion.
Alderman Carroll gave notice that at the next regular meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law entitled a “Cemeteries Regulation By-Law”
The Council then adjourned on motion of Alderman Godfrey seconded by Alderman Scoullar.
Wm. Brown
Pro tem.
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk