Cambie Grounds Cleared for Football Team – March 18, 1894

Vancouver Football team 1895

Council granted The Vancouver Associated Football Team’s request that the chain gang rake off stones from the Cambie Street Recreation grounds. MacRae & Hall selected to build two wheels for the engine at Fire Hall No. 3 at a cost of thirty nine dollars and ninety nine cents.   Contractors notified to remove their tools, barrels, etc. from Stanley Park; otherwise the City would dispose of them. A dangerous tree on Grant Street was ordered cut down.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer  Gerald Soon

Illustration: Group portrait Vancouver Football Team
City of Vancouver Archives AM54-S4-: VLP 143

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 473 – 483

To see or download the original handwritten minutes from March 18, 1894,

click on the buttons below (three parts)



[Volume 6 page] 473

Vancouver March 18th 1895

The Council met on Monday March 18th 1895.
Present – His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Gallagher, Queen, McPhaiden, McCraney, Wm Brown, Thomas, W.P. Brown, and Bethune.
The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From James McPhee etal asking that a License be imposed on all electric wiremen.
Referred to the Water & Light Committee

From John McLaren reporting on the Electric Lights. Filed.

From F.P. Bishop Secretary of the Trades & Labor Council opposing the granting of a Franchise to the Street Railway Co for 25 years.
Acknowledge and file.

From Geo Martin asking for the opening up of Heather Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From N.C. Schou, Reeve of Burnaby asking the Council to petition the Government to open up a road through Hastings Townsite. Laid over.

From Wulffsohn & Bewicke asking for a share of the City’s Insurance.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Alfred Flett, Deputy Provincial Secretary refusing to pay any further grants until Dr. McGuigan’s account for vaccination was settled.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Geo Martin complaining that the parties

[Volume 6 page] 474

clearing on the cemetery grounds were felling trees to the injury of the road.
Referred to the City Engineer to investigate and report to the Health Committee

The following Reports were received and read.

Water & Light Committee

The Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday March 15th 1895.
Present – the full Board.

From the Park Commissioners asking to have old tools, barrels, etc removed from the Park Road near the reservoir.
Resolved that the Contractors be notified to remove them within one week otherwise the City will dispose of them.

From Clement Mundy notifying the City that he has filed a lien against the reservoir.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From E. Crow Baker asking if the City is prepared to let a contract for Street Lighting.
The Secretary was instructed to write Mr Baker that the City intends to call for tenders for Street Lighting
It was resolved to call for tenders for lights both incandescent and Arc for terms of 5,7 & 10 years contract – a deposit of $1000 to be required with each tender.

The foreman’s report for work done during the month of February was received and filed.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

[Volume 6 page] 475

W Hooper et al Labor $364.05
Creamer & Langley Supplies 3.16
Can Gen’l Elec Co. “ 25.44
McLennan & McFeely “ 36.00
Can Ry & L. Co. Lights 1497.88
W.H. Armstrong Supplies 45.00
Market Hardware Store “ 4.45
C.F. Foreman “ 2.34
F. Filion “ 1.20
Gas Co. “ 2.00
Hastings Mill Store “ 8.92
Thos Dunn & Co “ 17.47
Crowder & Penzer “ 24.37
C. Nelson “ 2.18
Clark & Stuart “ 3.45
Evans, Coleman & Evans “ 9.90
Rasmussen Bros “ 4.50
sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the report be amended to provide for the calling of tenders for electric lighting for 60 days. Carried

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Report as amended by adopted. Carried.

[Volume 6 page] 476

Fire, Market & Police Committee

The Fire Market & Police Committee met on
Tuesday March 12th 1895.
Present – the full Board.


From Merryweather & Sons asking the City to purchase their fire engines. Filed

From the Chief of Police giving prisoners’ Bill of Fare.

From A.M. Beattie stating that he would not pay any further rent under the Market Lease and holding the City liable for all damages suffered by him during the term of his lease by reason of the reduction of the Market limit.
Resolved without prejudice to the rights of the City that if A.M. Beattie places the Market building in good repair and complies with the conditions of the lease and By-Laws and shews to the Council that he has actually suffered any loss by the reduction of the limit for butcher shops that such loss will be favorably considered.

From J.P. Turner claiming the reward for catching a window breaker and securing his conviction.
Referred to the Chief of Police.

Resolved that the City Treasurer be instructed to prepare the Estimates for the Committee for the year.

That the question of the insurance of the Police be referred to Aldermen Gallagher & McPhaiden to arrange and report.

The following tenders were received for making two wheels for the engine at No 3. Fire Hall.

[Volume 6 page] 477

McRae & Hall $39.95
G.W. Dunlap 43.00
Duke & Wallace 47.00

That the tender of McRae & Hall be recommended for acceptance on condition that any agreement is signed to the satisfaction of this Board.

The following applications were received for the position of fireman:-
Wm Schmehl, H.T. Fletcher, W.S. Stewart; Wm Duthie, David Murphy, Andrew Gill, Alex Brown, John W. Ellis, Meston Ramsay, David Nelson, A. J. Reith, John Noble, Herbert Pardis, W. Harvey, H.F. Cassady, James Scott, Geo Richardson, J.H. Griffiths, D. Biggar, A.G. Evans, R.S. Frost, Alex Macfarlane, Martin Knight, E.T. Marriott, Alex Cleland, Thos Bearns, L. Henry. J.R. Blue, A. McMaklin, Geo Smith, P. Peske, Malcolm Campbell, J.A. Thurston, C.W. McCracken, T.J. Holland and Thos. P. Stretch
Referred to the Council to make the appointment.

That Officer Borland be paid at the end of the month at the rate of $60.00 per month.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Wm Ralph. Supplies 10 cts
J. Carnahan Scavengering $1.00
McLellan & McFeely Supplies 7.50
F. Filion “ 13.62
John Currell “ 3.00
John McDonald “ 1.25

[Volume 6 page] 478

Russell, McDonald & Co. Supplies .40
C.F. Foreman “ 3.00
News.Advertiser “ 6.30
McLennan & McFeely “ 7.35
C.F. Foreman “ 15.39
The Can Ry & L. Co. Lights 12.55
Crowder & Penzer “ 152.29
David Wilson “ 15.45
C.S. Philp “ 5.05
C.F. Foreman “ 7.90
sgd W.H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman Copeland
Seconded by “ W.P. Brown
That the Report be adopted. Carried

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday March 15th 1895
Present – the full Board

That $1000 cash of the policies of insurance held by Mellon, Smith & Co and H.T. Ceperley on the new wing to the City Hospital be cancelled.

That the City Clerk be instructed to make a return of the amount of insurance carried on the public buildings and by whom carried

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
E. Kingcombe Extras $30.00
Book & McGregor Insurance 30.00

[Volume 6 page] 479

Mellon & Co Insurance $30.00
J.W. Sinclair Directory 5.00
McLellan & McFeely Supplies 4.65
Thomson Bros “ 2.00

From D. McGillivray asking for the balance of his account for Street rails. Laid Over

sgd H.P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Thomas
That the Report be adopted. Carried

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on March 14th 1895
Present – Aldermen Shaw, Thomas, McPhaiden, & H.P. Brown

Petitions requesting the grading of the lane between Melville & Everleigh Streets from Burrard and Thurlow and the opening of 12th Avenue west of Manitoba Street were laid over pending the estimates.

From J. Devine asking that the sidewalk at the Regina Hotel on Cambie Street be relaid.
Referred to the Repair Gang.

From J. B. Hamilton calling attention to a dangerous tree on Grant Street
Ordered to be cut-down.

From the Secretary of the Vancouver Associated Football Team asking that the chain gang be put to work to rake off stones from the Cambie Street Recreation grounds.
Request granted.

From Dr. Mills stating that he intends to put in trees opposite his residence on Dunsmuir.

[Volume 6 page] 480

and Richards Streets and asking for permission.

The draft agreement drawn up by the City Solicitor between the Consolidated Railway and Light Co and the City re the track on Granville Street South of Robson Street was read, discussed and approved.

Resolved that the plans of the new Rogers building to be erected on the North side of Hastings Street between Cambie and Homer Streets be approved being found to comply with the requirements of the Fire Limit By-Law and the Fire Escape Act.

Resolved that the Park Commissioners be granted one scow load of crushed rock for repairs to the Park Road as soon as the portion of Granville Street between Pacific and Drake St. is completed.

The tenders for hardware four in number were then opened and left to the Engineer to prepare a statement.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
W. H. Kendall Crushed rock. $1152.90
W. S. Cook Del    ”             ”           474.81
McLennan Supplies 9.00
Market Hardware Store ” 6.25
Thos Dunn + co ” 49.97
A. H. Hatch ” 14.00
McLennan + McFeely ” 23.05
Bailey Bros ” 4.05
Wm Smith + Sons ” 110.00
Evans, Coleman + Evans +” 3.20
John Carrell. Repairs 3.75
McLennan + McFeely Supplies 16.40

[Volume 6 page] 481

News.Advertiser. Ads $2.50
Denton etal. Labor. 524.45

sgd  H.P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Queen.
That a clause be added to the Report awarding the contract for hardware to Thos Dunn & Co. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Shaw
That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the Poll Tax Collector be requested to report to this Council on Monday next the amount of taxes collected each month since January 1st to date. Carried

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown.
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the Plumbing Inspector be requested to furnish the Council at its next meeting with the number of connections made since the 1st of January to the 25th of March 1895 together with the number of the building, the number of the lot and Block and the name of the person ordering the work. Carried

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Thomas
That the following relief accounts be

[Volume 6 page] 482

be passed for payment:-
Ward one \
“ Two $174.45
“ Three 125.60
“ Four 130.35
“ Five 141.15
152.45 Carried.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Queen
That the following labor account be paid:-
Wm McGirr $28.75

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Provincial Government be asked to open up a road in the Municipality of Burnaby connecting Hastings Street with the old New Westminster Road as petitioned for by N. S. Schou. Carried

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Mayor be authorized to sign and execute a bond for $500 that the City prosecute an appeal from the decision of the Divisional Court in re the electric light purchase By-law. Carried.

The question of the appointment of a fireman was then taken up.
After a number of ballots were taken without any result it was moved by Alderman Bethune, Seconded by Alderman Gallagher
That the applications be

[Volume 6 page] 483

Referred back to the Committee. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Queen.
That a Committee be appointed to confer with O. Evan, Thomas regarding the assessment of the Vancouver Opera House. Carried

Alderman Coupland, Queen, McCraney, Wm Brown and Bethune were appointed a Committee.

The Council then adjourned

Henry Collins

Thomas F. McGuigan
City Clerk