Vancouver wants False Creek portion east of Main Street – March 28, 1887

Vancouver wants False Creek portion east of Main Street – March 28, 1887

City Clerk to write to Canadian government to ask that “all of False Creek east of Westminster Avenue (now Main Street) be granted to the City. Aldermen Alexander, D. Oppenheimer, L.A. Hamilton and Lefevre to negotiate a contract with Coquitlam Water Works. Muir and Pratt awarded contract for improvement of Hastings St. and Jas. Clandenning for Gore Ave. Aldermen Hamilton, Lefevre and D. Oppenheimer to negotiate purchase of five blocks suitable for a city park.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 294-299

Vancouver March 28th 1887

The Council met on Monday March 28th 1887 at 7.30. P.M.

Present His Worship Mayor MacLean (in the Chair) Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer and Isaac Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From Kenneth Forbes, asking to be appointed on the Police Force.
Referred to Police Committee.

From Thos. C. Sorby re the Sewage of the City.
Referred to a Committee of the Whole.

From Louisa Wilson for privilege to dig a drain near her property on the corner of Hastings and Westminster Avenue.
Referred to the Board of Works with power to act.

From Louisa Wilson, asking that brick piled in front of her property on Water Street be removed.
Referred to the Board of Works with power to act.

From Thornton Till, asking the Council to appoint Specials for the protection of Chinese working on Brighouse property.
Referred to Police Commissioners.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer
that Alderman Humphries be added to Police Committee.

Vancouver Carriage Works 34.85 F.W.L.
Robert Grant, Coal oil etc 90.55 F.W.L.
Thos. F. McGuigan $3.00 Finance
Owen Hughes, Washing $6.50 Health
Hastings Mill Co. .75 F.W.L.
R. Mathison, Printing $3.75 Finance
Robert Couth, Coal $28.00 Finance
H.A. Berry, Drayage $1.50 Finance
F.W. Mitchell, Drayage $1.00 Finance

The F.W.L. Committee met on Monday March 28th 1887 at 3. P.M.
The following accounts we recommend to be paid.
Abrams & co
To Supplies to Fire Hall $15.00
J. Hallawell
To Lighting Lamps $3.00

We have authorized the Chairman of the F.W.L. Committee to make the following purchases for the Fire Department.
(1) 12 Brass Firemans’ Lanterns
(2) 500 feet of Hose
(3) Silsby Heater.
(4) 4 pick axes.
We ask the Council to sanction this action on the part of your Committee.
Adopted sgd R.H. Alexander
Lefevre – Lockerby Chairman

The Board of Health met on Monday March 28th 1887 at 7.30 P.M.
The following accounts we recommend to be paid.
F.X. Martin, Groceries $28.65
Northcott & Palmer, Groceries $16.70
G.H. Wright, Bread $11.02
sgd. Geo. H. Lockerby
Acting Chairman
Adopted, Alexander – Clark.

The Finance Committee met on Friday March 25th 1887 at 8. P.M. and beg to submit the following report:
We have considered the petition of Messrs. Budlong and Cooke re a grant of thirty dollars towards the improvement of Front Street on the South Side of False Creek and would recommend that the amount be granted for the purposes mentioned in said petition.
At the beginning of the year tenders were called for City Advertising for 1887 and the Contract awarded to the News and Advertiser conjointly for sixty days; that time having now expired we would recommend that the tender of the Daily News be accepted for the whole year.
We recommend that the account of S.T. Tilley for Stationery, amounting to $50.00 be paid.
sgd D. Oppenheimer
Adopted. Clark – I. Oppenheimer.

The Board of Works met on Thursday March 24th 1887 at 2. P.M.
The following tenders for the improvement of Gore Avenue and Hastings Street were opened and read as follows.
Gore Avenue.
Muir and Pratt.
Grubbing and grading per C. yd. 54 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 44 cts
Box Drains per M. ft. B.M. $17.00
Jas. Clandening
Grading per Cubic yd. 30 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 32 cts
Hastings Street
Muir and Pratt
Grubbing and Grading per L. ft. 45 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 44 1/2 cts
Box Drains per M. ft. $17.00
D. Mathison
Grubbing and Grading per L. ft. 50 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 40 cts
We recommend that the tender of Muir and Pratt for the improvement of Hastings Street and that of Jas. Clandening for the improvement of Gore Avenue be accepted.
With reference to the petitions of Poulin and others for the improvement of Homer Street; of Budlong and Cooke for a grand of $30.00 for the improvement of Front Street; of H.A. Mellon for the improvement of Howe Street and of Jonathan Miller for filling in of Hastings Street in front of Post Office we have instructed the City Engineer to examine the same, prepare plans and estimates and submit them to this board.
sgd R. Clark
Report adopted.
Mannion – Lefevre

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Robert Clark
that Alderman Alexander, D. Oppenheimer, L.A. Hamilton and Mover be a Committee to enter into negotiations with the Coquitlam Water Works, and draw up an agreement with said Company.

Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Lefevre
that the Railroad Company be communicated with in reference to fencing the Cut on Lot 182 and fixing crossings throughout the City.

Communication from Jas. G. O’Rourke and others praying the Council to lay a sidewalk between Westminster Avenue and Dunlevy Avenue on Hastings Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

Moved by Alderman Sanders seconded by Alderman Lockerby
that a Committee consisting of Aldermen Hamilton, Lefevre and D. Oppenheimer be appointed to ascertain at what price the following blocks can be purchased for a City Park viz Blocks 105 to 110 in District Lots 196 and 181 or any other blocks in a suitable locality within the City limits.

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Mannion, that the Board of Works be empowered to cut a small drain from lane back of Burrard Hotel and also from lane between Hastings Street and Dupont Street to drain stagnant water from those lanes.

Moved by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman Humphries
that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Dominion Government asking that all that portion of False Creek east of Westminster Avenue be granted to the City and a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Donald Chisholm representative for this District and that he be requested to press the claims of the City with the Government.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on Engineers Report of Streets with Alderman Alexander in the Chair.

Moved by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman Clark
that Report be laid over for one week.

The Committee then arose and the Mayor resumed the Chair after which the Council adjourned.

L.A. Hamilton

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk