Representatives from the Hackmen have met with Police Committee and set standard fares to apply at all times except public holidays. Health department has tested the milk supplied to the Hospital and determined it is not up to the specified standard. Another supplier will be selected immediately. City forms a strongly-worded motion about proposed tannery, advising that the by-laws against “fouling streams of fresh water” within the city would be firmly enforced.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
and sponsored by Arnold Silber
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 340-346
[volume 3 page 340]
Vancouver March 31st 1890
The Council met on Monday March 31st 1890 at 8 P. M.
Present Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Horne, Fox, Sentell, McLeod, Costello, Doering and Mason.
Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Fox. That Alderman Browning be appointed Chairman in the absence of the Mayor. Carried.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
A deputation from the Board of Trade consisting of Messrs Ceperly, McLagan, Cope and McGowan appeared before the Bar of the Council to impress upon them the necessity of taking immediate steps towards placing the North Arm Road in a fit condition for travel. After hearing the views of the deputation it was moved by Alderman Fox seconded by Alderman Sentell.
That a Committee consisting of Aldermen Fox, Sentell, Carroll, Garden and McLeod be appointed to confer with the Canadian Pacific Ry Co and the Provincial Government with a view of having the North Arm Road South of Granville Street Bridge placed in proper condition for travel. Carried.
From John Wright, Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council impressing upon Council the wisdom of enforcing the Sabbath By-Laws. Filed.
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From the Collector of Customs notifying the Council that he had released the Fire Alarm Boxes from Seizure. Filed.
From the City Solicitor furnishing the Aldermen with copies of the Amendments to the Charter as passed. Filed.
From Thos. A. Fee et al praying for the improvement of Homer Street. Referred to Board of Works.
From H. A. Jones et al in reference to the resurvey of 264A. Referred to Board of Works & City Solicitor.
From John Abell asking if the City will require Steel pipe. Referred to the Board of Works.
From H. Connacher asking for an extension of time for the completion of his contract on Robson Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
From Fred S. Clarke et al praying for the improvement of Robson Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
From A. Parker et al praying for the improvement of Seymour Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
Police No 5
The Police Committee met on Tuesday March 25th 1890,
Present Aldermen Costello, Carroll, Mason
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and Sentell.
We beg to recommend:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
David Evans, Overcoats $150.00
Telephone Co. 8.75
M. G. McLeod, Railway fares 3.00
2. That Jacob Eligh be appointed Police Constable in place of Roland McNeil resigned at a Salary of $60.00 per month; services to commence on the first day of April.
Messrs Harvey, Queen, Connor and Coles appeared before your Committee on behalf of the Hackmen of the City with a view to coming to some understanding regarding hack rates.
After thoroughly discussing the whole question it was resolved that we recommend to Council that that portion of By-Law No 79 regulating Hack rates be amended to read as follows:
For one person one half mile from hack stand .50c
Ordered at stated times
For one or two persons to any place within ½ mile $1.00
“ For each additional person, .50
Riding within City Limits
First hour $2.00
Each additional hour 1.50
Calling within City per hour 1.50
From train and boat
Each person within ½ mile .50 c
One person within one mile 1.00
Each additional person .50
One person for a distance of 2 miles or over one mile 2.00
Each additional person 1.00
Exclusive use of hack 2.50
For Weddings 5.00
For Funerals 5.00
To and from Hastings 3.50
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Around Stanley Park $5.00
To and from Theatre 3.00
To and from Balls when returning before 1 A.M.
For one or two persons $2.50
“ four “ 4.00
To and from Balls when returning after 1 A.M.
For two persons 3.50
“ 4 “ 5.00
Hackmen are not to be bound by those rates on Public Holidays.
The Estimates have been prepared and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration.
Sgd. M. Costello, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Sentell, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the clause in the Report relating to hack rates be laid over for one week and that the balance of the Report be adopted as read. Carried.
Health No 6
The Health Committee met on Tuesday March 25th 1890.
Present Aldermen Carroll, Fox, McLeod and Mason.
We beg to report that the Health Inspector has tested the milk supplied to the City Hospital and finds it not up to the Standard required by the contract entered into between the party supplying the milk and the City.
We would therefore recommend that the contract be cancelled and tenders again called for.
We would further recommend that the
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Chairman of this Board be authorized to procure the services of a practical gardener and have the grounds at the City Hospital put in proper condition.
Sgd. W. H. Mason, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the clause in the Report relating to the cancellation of the milk contract be eliminated. Motion lost 2.7
Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the clause in the Report relating to the beautifying of the hospital grounds be amended by substituting the name of Alderman Howe instead of the Chairman of the Board of Health and that he be allowed to use his own discretion as to the amount of money to be expended thereon. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Mason. That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried.
The Sugar Refinery Site Committee.
The Sugar Refinery Site Committee met on Friday March 21st 1890 and Saturday March 29th 1890.
A communication was received from J. Cooper Keith Manager of the Bank of British Columbia, informing the Committee that the British Columbia Sugar Refinery Co had deposited $10,000 in the Bank to the credit of the City
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as per agreement.
The tenders received for cribbing, filling, grading etc. in connection with part of the site were then considered and it was resolved.
That Messrs Murray and Fraser be notified that their tender for grading, cribbing, filling etc. in connection with the Sugar Refinery Site for the lump sum of $352.50 has been accepted and that they will be required to proceed at once with the work.
Sgd. James F. Garden, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Horne. That the Report of the Sugar Refinery Site Committee be adopted. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Mason, seconded by Alderman Costello. Whereas preparations are being made by parties located on Westminster Avenue in this City to carry on the business of tannery.
And whereas said proposed tannery is situate on the banks of a running stream of fresh water that is now and has been heretofore used for domestic and manufacturing purposes by numerous persons residing in the vicinity of said stream.
And whereas said stream of water is the only available source of water supply for those living in its vicinity.
And whereas the carrying on of the business of tannery on the banks of said stream must of necessity tend to pollute its waters and thereby render it unfit for the domestic and manufacturing
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purposes it has been heretofore and is now being used for.
Therefore be it resolved that this Council through its clerk do notify the person or persons erecting said tannery that the laws and By-Laws relating to the fouling of streams of fresh water within this City will be enforced strictly and that said person or persons erecting said proposed tannery will be held strictly responsible for all and any damages that may accrue by reason of their action in erecting said tannery on the bank of said stream of fresh water. Carried.
Introduction of By-Laws
Alderman Mason introduced a By-Law to amend the Liquor By-Laws now in force in the City.
Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the first reading of the By-Law be postponed for one week to allow of its being considered by the Licensing Board. Carried.
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk