Alderman Salsbury was allowed to withdraw his resignation. The Welsh Brothers contended that the scales at the City Market were incorrect: the Police Committee recommended that an inspector be hired to test the scales. If the scales were in fact correct, the Welsh Brothers would be charged for the inspection. G.H. Cooper proposed running a regular steamship between Vancouver and Chilliwack in return for a $125 per month subsidy. Council refused the subsidy.
This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Krystyna Richards
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo xxxx
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original handwritten minutes – click here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 32-40
Vancouver April 23rd 1894
[Volume 6 page 32]
The Council met on Monday April 23rd 1894 at 8pm.
Present. His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown and Bethune.
The Minutes of last meetings read and adopted.
From H.T. Ceperley, Manager of the Vancouver Loan Trust Savings and Guarantee Co. Trustees for the Bond Holders of the Vancouver Electric Railway & Light Co. asking the Council if they cannot see their way clearly to work fairly and freely with them that they buy out the street railway and run it to suit themselves.
Filed on motion of Alderman McDowell seconded by Alderman Queen.
From A. Prefontaine and J. Oben asking for the improvement of Park Drive.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From John McKie, asking if the Council would oppose his application to the Military authorities for permission to erect generating works in Stanley Park.
Referred to the Fire & Light Committee.
From G.W. Hobson, Secretary of the Underwriters Association drawing attention to the erection of a building within the Fire Limits.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From A.G. Ferguson etal asking for the double
[Volume 6 page 33]
tracking of Hastings Street between Cambie & Carrall.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Wm. Frodsham complaining about the crematory.
Filed on motion of Alderman McDowell, seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown.
From J. Buntzen stating that an electric light was being erected on Westminster Avenue bridge.
From Geo. A. Chaney, asking the Council to lease him the race track.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the City Solicitor stating that the City had the right to put down another Street Railway track on Granville St.
From Geo. H. Blair etal, asking the Mayor to call a public meeting to be held in the Market Hall on Friday the 27th inst.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on April 19th 1894.
Present. Aldermen McCraney, Shaw, Franklin and Queen.
The Communication of M.C. McLean, Secretary Work & Ratepayers Protective Association in regard to the proposed resurvey in 264A, which was laid over from the last meeting was again taken up and discussed.
Resolved that Mr McLean be informed that the Board does not intend to touch the resurvey as the existing survey cannot be legally established
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without a proper resurvey so as to tell whether it is correct or not.
The letters of P. Carey and J. O’Toole in regard to the cutting down of the grade at the respective premises on Hastings Street were again discussed.
Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to see Mr. P. Carey and (although the Board does not acknowledge any claim) settle with him for half the amount of his account namely $58.00.
That J. O’Toole be given permission to put two steps on the existing sidewalk, the duration of the pursuit to be two years only.
From A.G. Ferguson, Chairman of the Park Commissioners asking that Chilco Street be made passable.
Referred to the City Engineer to make an estimate of the cost of putting Chilco Street in a state of repair & report.
From the Street Inspector in reference to the clearing in 185.
Resolved that the Street Inspector sees that the contractor completes the work without delay.
From R. Mackay Fripp Architect asking for rebate on cement walk laid down last year at the corner of Abbott and Cordova Street by the B.C. Land and Investments Agency.
That Mr Fripp be informed that the Board will consider the question of the rebate when the walk is put in a good passable condition.
[Volume 6 page 35]
From J. Milne asking for employment.
Referred to the Street Inspector.
From T.A. Fee, calling attention to the condition of Jervis St.
Laid over until the question of the Estimates is decided.
Resolved that the advertisement for crushed rock be altered as follows: the date for the receiving of tenders to be Thursday the 3rd of May next, the amount of the deposit in each case to be $250.00 and the item for the hauling and spreading of the crushed rock to be omitted althogether.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
R.A. Townley. Sewer connections. $5.00
B.C. Ironworks. Supplies. 34.00
Leamy & Kyle. “ 101.39
Evans, Coleman & Evans. “ 17.00
H. Lomas etal. Labor 239.10
Resolved that the account of D. McGillivray for bituminous rock and cement sidewalk delivered for paving contract amounting to $4805.82 be recommended for payment subject to a satisfactory assignment being made to the City.
sgd. H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman McCraney.
That the Report be adopted.
Moved in amendment by Alderman Wm. Brown.
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.
That the time for receiving tenders on the crushed rock be extended two weeks and that the deposit be
[Volume 6 page 36]
be increased to $500.00.
Amendment lost. Motion carried.
Police Committee
The Police Committee met on Tuesday April 17th 1894.
Present. Aldermen C.L. Brown, Wm Brown & McPhaiden.
From Welsh Bros. stating that the City scales were incorrect.
That they be informed that the City will send for an Inspector of Weights and Measures to test the scales and if it is found that they are incorrect the City will pay the expenses of said Inspector and if they are right, Welsh Bros. to bear the cost and that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with them to get their consent to this arrangement.
That the following accounts be paid:-
G.L. Allan. Supplies $3.75
H. Kersey Labor 2.25
C.F. Foreman. Supplies 7.95
Cyro & Roberts. Cab hire 1.75
News Advertiser. Supplies 5.00
Wm. Ralph. “ “ 2.10
McDowell & Co. Supplies .75
City Printing Works. “ “ 11.00
McIntosh & Co. “ “ 21.25
D.J. Campbell. “ “ 11.10
C.S. Philp. “ “ 8.28
John McLaren. Ry fares 10.75
C. Nelson. Supplies .65
Robert Clark. “ “ 4.45
Chas. Nelson. “ “ .95
C.S. Philp. “ “ 10.59
[Volume 6 page 37]
McIntosh & Co. Supplies $20.58
F. Filion “ “ 20.12
sgd. C.L. Brown
Moved by Alderman Wm. Brown
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday April 20th 1894.
Present. Aldermen Salsbury, McPhaiden and Wm. Brown.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
News Advertiser. Supplies. $99.70
J.J. Cowderoy. Clerical work 20.00
Thos. F. McGuigan. Disbursements .50
Armstrong & Spencer. Refund. 10.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans. Supplies. 35.00
The following were received for the purchase of the Local Improvement Debentures:-
Wm. Farrell. $102.56 for each $100.00
J.W. McFarland. 102.30 “ “ “
Hanson Bros. 102.25 “ “ “
G.H. Cowan. 101.50 Vancouver
“ “ 102.50 London Eng.
That the tender of Wm. Farrell be accepted, the money to be payable in Vancouver and the principal and interest to be payable in Vancouver.
From Innes & Richards offering the lots in
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in front of the hospital for $7500.00.
Laid over.
From Wm. Cowderoy asking for an increase of salary.
From Wm. Murray. Manager of the Bank of B.C. stating that no responsibility was assumed by the Bank for the safe keeping of the box containing the deeds of the Sinking Fund.
From C.A. Lett asking that the time for receiving the tenders for the purchase of the Local Improvement Debentures be extended two weeks.
From the City Solicitor re the collection of taxes in arrears.
Laid over.
From G.H. Cooper of New Westminster, asking for a bonus of $125.00 a month for running of a steamer between Chilliwhack & Vancouver.
That he be informed that the City is not in a position to entertain his application.
sgd. W.F. Salsbury
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted.
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the By-Law to amend the Market By-Law be read a first time.
[Volume 6 page 39]
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Franklin
That Alderman Salsbury be allowed to withdraw his resignation.
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Queen
That the following labor account be paid:-
Hooper etal. $304.55
Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the City Solicitor be instructed to procure from Mr Potter the present reservoir inspector a sworn statement as to the condition he found work done up to the time of his appointment as Inspector.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
Whereas certain allegations have been made that the City Engineer has been negligent and has not shown due capacity in carrying out certain works and contracts in connection with his department and that the interests of the City and Citizens have suffered thereby be it resolved that the Police Magistrate be requested to hold a Court of enquiry concerning the conduct of the Engineering Department of the City, and the management thereof by the City Engineer.
The resolution was allowed to lie on the table one week to allow the mover an opportunity to
[Volume 6 page 40]
furnish a list of the charges against the Engineer.
Alderman Franklin gave notice that at the next regular meeting of Council he will introduce a By-Law to repeal By-Law no.22 giving electric light company power to erect and maintain poles for lighting purposes on the streets and lanes of this City.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Estimates. Alderman Salsbury in the Chair.
After discussing the matter to some length the Committee rose to report progress and, asked leave to sit again.
The Council then adjourned.
R.A. Anderson
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.