The Street Railway Guarantee By-Law to be voted on next week, May 8. No liquor allowed to be sold on that day until the polls close. The City Solicitor to look into claims that A. M. Beattie was selling second hand goods at the City Market, thus breaking the terms of his lease . Council received four orders of garnishment for city officials’ wages, and decided that any second occurrence would be grounds for dismissal. $5,000 paid in to the School Board’s account.
This transcript was made in April 2020 by Transcribimus volunteers Joanne McCormick, Gerald Soon, oldtimes41, and susanvan
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5, pages 400 – 406
click here to see original handwritten minutes
[Vol 5 page] 400
Vancouver May 1st 1893.
The Council met on Monday May 1st 1893.
Present – His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Towler.
The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.
From the Secretary of the School Board asking the Council to place $5000.00 to the credit of the Board, in the Bank of Montreal.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by ” McCraney
That the Treasurer be instructed to place to the credit of the School Board in the Bank of Montreal, the sum of $5000. Carried.
From the Secretary of the Board of Trade urging the advisability of the Council making some demonstration on the arrival of the first steamer from Australia.
Messrs. J. C. Keith, F. H. Young and J. Miller were present as a deputation from the Board of Trade.
The Mayor promised to give the matter his serious consideration.
From the President of the Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Co making application for permission to construct and operate a line in to the Market Hall grounds from Hastings Street to be used for the conveyance of up country produce coming to the market for sale.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From F. C. Cotton and J. C. McLagan stating that the Western Canadian Press Association would visit the City about the 15th or 16th inst and asking the Council to make some provision for their receiption.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
[volume 5 page] 401
From Miss Swan tendering her resignation as Matron of the City Hospital to take effect on the 1st of June.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by ” Towler
That her resignation be accepted.
From Miss Swan, asking that the old wing to the City Hospital be whitewashed.
Referred to the Health Committee
From James Illingsworth etal Second Hand Dealers asking for an investigation, as to whether A.M.
Beattie is telling second hand goods at the City Market.
Referred to the Police Committee
From the City Solicitor stating that he would give an opinion as to whether A.M. Beattie had violated
the Market By-Law when he ascertained the facts of the case.
From A. Campbell Reddie, Deputy Provincial Secretary asking the City to pay to Dr. McGuigan, the sum of $200 for inspecting incoming trains, during August and September last year, the Government agreeing to liquidate the charges for inspecting outgoing trains and steamers.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” Collins
That the City decline to pay any part of the Bill, and that the Clerk write to the Deputy Pro vincial Secretary stating the reasons for so doing.
From McLennan + McFeely and other plumbers asking for the appointment of A. W. Scoullar to the position of Inspector of Water and plumbing for the city.
Referred to the Health Committee
From S. H. Parkes and S. J. Parkes, asking for the grade of 8th Av and the grading of same west of Centre Street.
Referred to the B of Works
[volume 5 page] 402
From Geo Martin, Clerk of South Vancouver, asking for the grading of Heather Street to D. L. 477, and
repairs to Westminster Av and Westminster Road within the City Limits.
Referred to the B of Works
From J. J. Blake, Solicitor for the Telephone Co asking the City to accept 50 cts on the Dollar in full settlement of their water account.
Referred to the City Solicitor
The City Clerk submitted 4 garnishies on certain City officials which were referred to the City Solicitor
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” Franklin
That when a City official’s salary is garnisheied twice in future his services will not be required any longer. Carried
The following Reports were read.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday April 27th 1893.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Hackett, Franklin and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-
1. That the communication from Lacy R. Johnson etal asking for the grading of Pacific Street be referred to the City Engineer to prepare an estimate for the cost.
2. That rock be put down on Trounce Alley as soon as the Sewer contract is completed.
3. That C. E. Hope, agent for F. Crosbie be notified in answer to his communication of the 20th inst that as there is plenty of fall for proper connections to be made with the existing sewer he must see that such connection is made.
[volume 5 page] 403
4. That C. Sweeney be granted permission to have conection made with the sewer in Block 33.5211
5. That hereafter on purely residential streets the roadway shall be fixed to a width of 30 feet between the ditches, the sidewalk to be placed in the centre of this balance on each side.
6. That the communication from Captain Bobbington asking for cedar posts for part of his fence which were broken on Ontario Street while having graded be referred to the Street Inspector for attention.
7. That the Street Inspector fee that the building placed by Thos Tompkins on Granville Street is removed.
8. That Alderman Brown be authorized to make final arrangements with Messrs Webster and Edison with a view to having the lanes in 200a deeded to this City.
9. That the following tenders be accepted:-
Alberni Street Sidewalk. E.C. Britton @ 18c per ft
Hamilton ” ” ” ” 18″ ”
Princess ” ” ” ” 19″ ”
Alexander St ” A.D.MacDonald 19 1/2″ ”
10. That tenders be called up to 3 p.m. on Thursday next the 4th May for the following new work: Robson St: 6 ft sidewalks east of Nicola 66 ft. long.
Comox St: ” ” ” north side Burrard to Thurlow.
do ” ” ” south ” Thurlow to Burrard.
Howe St: ” ” ” east ” Georgia to Robson.
Prior St. ” ” ” north side 3 blocks east from Dunlevy.
S. Granville St. present walk continued to 8th Av.
11. That the following accounts be paid:-
W. H. Kendall. crushed rock $1396.08
Thos Veitch Del ” ” 540.36
A.D. MacDonald. Prince Ed. St: 28.06
J. Potter, Sewer No 8 1346.07
do ” No 9 1552.77
J.B. Whateley Express hire 1.00
Geo Mackay ” ” 1.00
[volume 5 page] 405
Cargill and Towler.
It was recommended:-
1. That this Board reccomends that A. W. Scoullar the Assistant Health Inspector take a note of all irregularities in the water services, and make a weekly report to this Committee.
2. That the Manager of the Sugar Refinery be notified that the City does not agree to supply them with water for power free of charge, and if it is used for such purposes they will be charged the regular rates.
3. That 6, 5/8” Hersey Meters, 6 1” and 6, 2” be ordered total cost about $742.00
4. That the following accounts be paid:-
G. J. Wilson Supplies $9.50
Crowder + Penzer “ 22.15
McLennan + McFeeley “ 20.53
H. McDonnell + co “ 5.80
Creamer + Langley “ 114.86
J. A. Penske “ 18.00
J. Carnahan Scavengering 3.00
W. J. Lapoint Teaming 2.00
H. S. M. Co. Coal 10.00
Thos. Veitch Horse hire 24.75
W. Hooper Labor 300.00
sgd J. W. Hackett
Chairman pro tem
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted.
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the By-Law for striking the Rate for 1893 be read a first time.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Brown
[volume 5 page] 406
That the Rules be suspended and the By-Law read a 2nd time.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole for its consideration Alderman Collins in the Chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause, and reported to Council as complete with amendements.
The rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McCraney seconded by Alderman Brown.
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Hackett
That the City Clerk be instructed to put an advertiesment in the papers to notify hotel and saloon keepers that liquir will not be allowed to be sold on the 8th inst, the date of the voting on the Street Railway Guarantee By Law between the hours of 9 o’clock in the morning and 6 in the evening, also that he notify the public that the Franchise has been reduced allowing parties assessed for $300.00 to vote on money by-laws.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Hobson
That Miss Way be paid the sum of $20.00 and Thos. Wangle $15.00 per month temporary help in the City Hospital dating from appointment by Matron.
Notice of Motion
Alderman McCraney gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to provide for the Licensing and Locating within certain limits of Laundries and wash houses.
Thos F. McGuigan City Clerk F. Cope Mayor