“The Committee is still of the opinion that it would be advisable that the office of Police Magistrate should not be held by any Solicitor in active practice and that the Small Debts Court should be held by the Police Magistrate solely and that the fees be paid to the City Treasury and that an adequate salary be granted to the Police Magistrate and that a copy of the above resolution be forwarded to the Hon., the Attorney General.”
Council also approved the Health Committee’s decision that the Cemetery Caretaker be authorized to employ extra help to clear walks in Cemetery grounds and that tenders be called for fencing required there. Photo shows the cemetery with a water tower in the far left background, 189-.
This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Lynn Shane
Illustration Source: VPL Accession Number: 4200
Mountain View Cemetery | between E. 31st and E. 41st – water tower, streetcar
Text Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 293 – 305.
[Volume 8 page] 293
Vancouver May 9th 1898.
The Council met on Monday May 9th 1898.
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.
The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.
From G.R. Maxwell M.P. stating that he was in hopes of getting a grant for a Drill Shed.
From the Secretary of the Free Library Board stating that there was no accommodation for a public water closet at the Library Rooms.
From J. Sheasgreen asking for a sidewalk on the west side of Thurlow Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Miss Harriet A. Northen, Secretary Y.W.C.A. asking for the grant of $100 made by Council.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the Klondike Mines stating that the paper would appear about the 2nd of July.
From Miss Macfie asking for an extension of the Leave of Absence granted to nurses.
Laid over for Motions.
[Volume 8 page] 294
From Geo. Armour Fair asking why he was charged more than other people for the Market Hall.
Referred to the Market Committee.
From E. Swan, Regina Hotel reporting that a Corean was stopping at his place who was without means and asking that something be done for him.
From R. Marpole, Supt. C.P.R. Co. stating that the Company’s interests would in no wise be affected by the City constructing a wharf at the foot of Heatley Avenue.
B of Works. Filed.
From Johnston, Kerfoot & Co. and many others asking that the streets be sprinkled.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Frank Granville etal asking that the lowering of the Grade on Hastings Street between Dunlevy Avenue and Carl Avenue be proceeded with.
Referred to the Board of Works.
The following Reports were received and read:
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 5th May 1898.
Present: the full Board.
From Petitioners in reference to proposed alterations in the Sewerage System.
No action taken.
From D. Bain asking permission to block off a portion of lane at Leckie building Granville Street, as the trains cannot get out while excavating, the lane being higher than the natural level of the Lots.
Permission granted subject to his
[Volume 8 page] 295
depositing a bond of $50.00 with the City Treasurer to replace the earth on completion.
From E. Mahon in reference to sewer at foot of Burrard Street complaining of bad odour.
Resolved that Mr. Mahon be informed that it is the intention to put in the old 16” water pipe which is being taken up from Coal Harbour, in order to remedy the existing break and do away with any bad odour.
From A.C. Bassett, San Luis Obispo Cal. stating that a fine quality of bituminous rock can be delivered at Vancouver at $7.25 per ton of 2000 lbs, the City to pay the freight on arrival and the balance is usual time.
Resolved that he be asked to send a small sack as a sample.
From Charles Wilson asking that sidewalk at corner of Barclay and Thurlow Streets be lowered to grade.
Referred to the Engineer with power to act.
From Mrs. Mackenzie asking permission to erect a wood shed at her premises on Dupont Street.
Resolved that she be informed that it cannot be granted.
From E.E. Goad stating that he can furnish a 41 page edition of Insurance map of Vancouver revised to 1897 for $60.00.
Resolved that it be recommended to the City Council to purchase one of these maps.
Resolved that in reference to a bill for $60.50 for extra work in connection with filling in a well hole at the Williams & Barker Brewery, the Engineer be instructed to tell the proprietors of the Red Cross Brewery that the Board of Works object to paying more
[Volume 8 page] 296
than their fair proportion of this account.
The plans for the Leckie Building Granville Street were submitted and approved, being in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Limit By Law.
Resolved that the Engineer be instructed to see that the following work is attended to by the workmen:
Ward Two.
Granville Street Grading. Pacific to the Bridge.
Davie St. “ . Richards to Homer.
Ward Five.
Westminster Road grading between Prince Edward and Westminster Av.
Ash St. sidewalk between 7th and 9th Avs. Referred to Engineer and Alderman McMorran to see what is required.
The following tenders were received for the removal of the bathing sheds:
W. Simpson. Agreeing to give $15.00 for same and remove them from the street.
D.J. McPhalen. Offering to remove the buildings for $7.00
Resolved that the offer of W. Simpson be recommended for acceptance.
Two tenders were received for wood block paving but were not opened as it was decided to ask for a supplementary tender from each of these tenderers for extra price in connection with the laying of the street rails.
Resolved that the Street Railway Company be permitted to lay a 70 lb “T” rail in place of the 56 lb. “T” rail for which permission was given in minutes of this Board on the 14th of April 1898.
Resolved that the Chief of the Fire Brigade
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be instructed to tear down the shed built by Braden & Co. at their premises on Cordova Street unless they submit a plan in conformity with the requirements of the Fire Limit By Law and makes the structure in keeping with same. The plan to be sent in by Thursday next at Board of Works meeting.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Herbert Carmichael Analysis $50.00
News. Advertiser Ad. 25.20
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 1.05
W.L. Tait “ 65.08
W. Bristorstern Labor 300.00
B.C.M. T & T. Co. Supplies 65.21
The Board then adjourned until 10 a.m. Saturday morning the 7th next to open the paving tenders.
Sgd. H.J. Painter
The Board met again on Saturday at 10 a.m.
Present: Aldermen Painter, Neelands, Foreman and McMorran.
The following tenders were received for wood block paving:
Tenderer | Street | Granite Curb Supplied per L. ft: | Granite Curb laid per L ft: | Excavation + Concrete per sq ft: | Cedar Block paving complete per sq. ft. |
H. P. Shaw | Westminster Av. Hastings to Harris; also Hastings, Water Richards + Seymour Strs | 85 cts | 10 cts | 15 1/4 cts | 14 3/4 cts |
Alexander St. + Westminster Av from Harris to bridge | 85 c. | 10 c | 15 c | 14 3/4 c |
Extra 25 cts. Per lineal foot of single track for fixing round ties.
[Volume 8 page] 298
Tenderer | Street | Granite Curb Supplied per L. ft: | Granite Curb laid per L ft: | Excavation + Concrete per sq ft: | Cedar Block paving complete per sq. ft. |
Campbell Rennie + co | Richards St. | 87 1/2 c. | 11 cts. | 11 3/4 cts. | 15 cts |
Hastings “ | “ | “ | 11 1/2″ | 14 1/2 “ | |
Water “ | “ | “ | 11 “ | 14 1/4 “ | |
Seymour “ | “ | “ | 11 3/4″ | 15 “ | |
Alexander “ | “ | “ | 11″ | 14 1/4 “ | |
Westminster Av. Hastings to Harris | “ | “ | 11 1/2″ | 14 1/2″ | |
Westminster Av. Harris to Bridge | “ | “ | 11 1/4″ | 14 1/2″ |
Extra ten cents per lineal foot of single track for fixing around ties.
Resolved that the tender of Campbell Rennie & Co. be recommended for acceptance for such of the streets as the City decides to pave.
A Communication was received from the City Solicitor stating that it would probably be necessary to pass a By-Law dealing with the removal of certain verandahs, as the present By-Law only deals with those which were erected after June 1892.
Resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary By-Law.
Sgd. H.J. Painter
Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the Reports be adopted.
[Volume 8 page] 299
Light, Railway & Tramway Committee
The Light, Railway & Tramway Committee met on Tuesday May 3rd 1898.
Present: the full Board.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.
Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Clerks of the leading cities in Canada and the United States and ascertain at what speed the Street Cars are allowed to run and what style of rail is used on the permanent streets.
Sgd. D. McPhaiden
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday May 6th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McQueen, Painter, Brown and Bruce.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
B.C. Electric Co. Lights 1623.17
Crowder & Penzer Supplies 59.62
The World P & P Co. Ads 65.02
News. Advertiser “ 38.23
Telephone Co. Rents 35.59
From the Daily Province, asking for a share of the City’s Advertising.
Resolved that they be informed that as the City Advertising has been awarded for the current year no action can now be taken
[Volume 8 page] 300
From J.C. Maclure, Secretary of the Vancouver Gun Club asking for an appropriation of $300 out of the monies to be granted by the City for the public celebration of Dominion Day to be devoted to enable them to prepare a programme sufficiently attractive to draw to this City representative sportsmen from all the cities in the adjoining states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana.
Moved by Alderman Bruce.
That the sum of $250.00 be granted for the purpose set forth in the communication from Mr. Maclure.
From the Hon. D.M. Eberts, Attorney General, asking in case the Police Magistrate was necessitated to abandon his practice as Barrister if the City would be prepared to compensate him by increased salary for such abandonment.
Resolved that inasmuch as the matter has already been decided by the Legislature there would be no necessity to reply to the Hon., the Attorney General but the Committee is still of the opinion that it would be advisable that the office of Police Magistrate should not be held by any Solicitor in active practice and that the Small Debts Court should be held by the Police Magistrate solely and that the fees be paid to the City Treasury and that an adequate salary be granted to the Police Magistrate and that a copy of the above resolution be forwarded to the Hon., the Attorney General.
Mr. Henderson, representing the Henderson Directory Co waited upon the Board and asked that the sum of $10.00 a page be paid his Company for descriptive matter relating to Vancouver for publication in their proposed Directory.
Resolved that in view of the fact that there will be other directories published
[Volume 8 page] 301
in the Province, the promoters of which will be applying for similar grants, the Committee cannot recommend that any sum be voted in this instance.
Sgd. H.J. Painter
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by. “ Painter.
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday May 4th 1898.
Present: Aldermen Townley, McQueen, Foreman and Bruce.
Alderman McQueen was appointed Chairman pro tem.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
J. Carnahan Supplies etc. $9.75
City Grocery Co. “ 11.25
A. Nollte Labor 5.75
Hong “ 15.00
D. Smith “ 2.00
C. Brooks “ 12.00
Weeks & Robson Supplies 1.25
T. Scott Labor 12.30
Trudgeon Bros. Supplies 113.17
Henry Eppinger Labor 11.85
Crowder & Penzer Supplies 42.09
Kemp & Simpson Burial 15.00
Summers & Son Labor 9.50
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 18.83
Shelton & Co. “ 299.00
Knowdell & Co. Labor 114.45
From Miss Macfie asking for an extension of leave of absence at present allowed the hospital staff to say 3 or 4 weeks. Referred to the Council.
[Volume 8 page] 302
From Innes & Richards complaining of a nuisance from the sewer outlet at the north end of Burrard Street.
Referred to the Board of Works with the request that action be at once taken.
From the Cemetery Caretaker and Health Inspector furnishing monthly reports.
Resolved that the Cemetery Caretaker be authorized to employ extra help to clear walks in Cemetery grounds and that tenders be called for fencing required there.
The applications for Cook and Assistant were referred to the Council to make the appointment.
Sgd. Jas. McQueen
Acting Chairman
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ McMorran
That the Report be adopted.
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the By-Law for authorizing the issue of Debentures to the amount of $50,000 in aid of the establishment of a Smelter in or near Vancouver be read a first time.
The By-Law was accordingly read a first time.
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by. “ McMorran.
That the By-Law for fixing the Polling Places, the time etc. for taking the votes of the Electors on the Smelter By-Law be read a first time.
[Volume 8 page] 303
The By-Law was accordingly read a first time.
Unfinished Business
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following applications were received for Cook and Assistant Cook for the City Hospital: Herbert Boyle, Chas. W. Knight, Mrs. P. Gorman, F. Rawling, Sid Geo Harris, J.F. Reid, Mrs. C.E. Reid, Wm. Cross, Wm. Forbes, H. Hagarty, Janet S. Pollay, and W.R. Carter & wife.
Moved by Alderman Foreman.
Seconded by “ Townley.
That the Council proceed to ballot for a selection.
Aldermen McGuigan, McMorran and McPhaiden refused to vote as they did not know of the qualifications of any of the applicants for the position. They left the Council Chamber.
After a number of ballots was taken it was found that Herbert Boyle received the majority of the Council present for head Cook and Mrs. P. Gorman for Assistant.
Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by “ Brown.
That Herbert Boyle be appointed Chief Cook at a salary of $50.00 per month.
Moved by Alderman Neelands.
Seconded by “ Townley.
That Mrs. P. Gorman be appointed Assistant Cook at a salary to be fixed by the Health Committee.
[Volume 8 page] 304
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden.
Seconded by. “ McGuigan.
That the nurses at the City Hospital be allowed a holiday of 4 weeks each annually.
Moved by Alderman Neelands.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That Alderman McPhaiden and the City Engineer be requested to examine English Bay Beach with a view of ascertaining if there is an encroachment thereon and report their findings to Council.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That until the meters ordered arrive, the meter at present in Doering and Marstrand’s Brewery be removed and that they be charged according to the rates previously paid by them.
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Neelands.
That the Street Numbering By-Law be read a second time.
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by. “ McMorran.
That the Rules be suspended to allow of the Second Reading of the Smelter By-Law.
The By-Law was accordingly read a second time.
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by. “ Foreman.
[Volume 8 page] 305
That the Council stand adjourned until Friday next at 2:30 pm.
Sgd. James F. Garden
May 16 ‘98
Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk.