Public meeting will be held over July 1 celebration – May 13, 1890

Council, having reviewed the cost of last year’s celebration, will hold a public meeting regarding this year’s July 1 celebration. Mr. Herman Schussler, C.E of San Francisco to come to Vancouver to test the water works. Sansom and Dawson have replied “in insulting terms” to City Council’s letter about completion date of the Market Building.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 394-403

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Vancouver May 13th 1890

A Special Meeting of the Council called for general business was held on Tuesday May 13th 1890.

Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Fox, Sentell, McLeod, Costello and Doering.


From the Mayor of Nanaimo, inviting the Mayor, Council and citizens of Vancouver to be present at Nanaimo on the 24th of May. Filed.

From Herman Schussler Esq. C.E. of San Francisco informing Council that he would leave for Vancouver on the 12th inst. Filed.

From Wm. Cargill, Secretary of the British Columbia Jockey Club, informing Council that the Club was incorporated and were now prepared to enter into a lease with the Corporation. Referred to Finance Committee.

From the City Solicitor advising Council as to the course to be pursued in naming of Streets. Referred to Board of Works.

From Messrs Crean & Fleming asking permission to move a building along Powell Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From the Secretary of Vancouver Water Works Coy asking Settlement for rent of hydrants. Referred to F. W. & L. Committee.

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From the Secretary of the Vancouver Water Works Coy agreeing to supply water for street sprinkling purposes at 60 cents per 1000 gallons on condition that a competent man be appointed to turn on and off the hydrants. Referred to F. W. & L. Committee.

From Messrs Blake & Magee claiming $7.50 for milk, unlawfully taken from Pat Carey’s cows and $25.00 for damages. Referred to City Solicitor.

From W. H. Grassie et al asking to be allowed to compete for the furnishing of a clock. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Boyd & Clandening notifying the Engineer that they had completed the clearing of the Sugar Refinery Site up to the line of Messrs Fraser & Murray’s work. Referred to Sugar Refinery Committee.

From W. D. Burdis enclosing a statement of the accounts for July 1st celebration 1889. Referred to City Accountant.

From E. Mohun in reference to defective Sewer connections at central school. Referred to Health Inspector.

Consideration of Reports

Water Works Committee

The Water Works Committee met on Thursday May 8th 1890 at 3 P.M.

Present Aldermen Garden, Browning, Costello and Fox.

Communications were received from J. T. Fanning Esq C. E. St. Paul, and Isaac W. Smith Esq C. E. Portland informing

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the Committee that they would be unable to come to Vancouver to test the Water Works System.

A telegram was received from Hermann Schussler Esq C. E. San Francisco offering to test the works and give a report for $2,500.

It was resolved that his offer be accepted and that he be requested to come on as soon as possible.

Sgd. James F. Garden, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 13

The Finance Committee met on Friday May 9th 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Garden and Costello.

We beg to recommend:
1. That the following accounts be paid:

W. D. Haywood, Balance of Salary $21.28
Alex Geary, Horse 225.00
H. Hemlow, Salary 60.00
Thomson Bros. Stationery 24.25
T. N. Hibben 1.00
Chas. Nelson, Paper 1.50
The World P & P Coy 41.65
Telephone Coy 20.00
O. Toole & Ralph, connections 173.00

2. That J. M. Stewart be paid $109.98 in full settlement of his claim against the City in accordance with the advice of the City Solicitor.

Sgd. J. M. Browning, Chairman

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Moved by Alderman McLeod, seconded by Alderman Garden. That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

Works No 13

The Board of Works met on Thursday May 8th 1890.

Present Aldermen Horne, Browning, Costello and Doering.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

Henry Mattock, Hospital Grounds $60.00
Vancouver Gas Coy, Gas 7.25
McDonald & Barton, North Arm Road 345.00
David Gibbons, 8th Av 100.
John Costello, Powell Street 100.
John Tilford, Abbott Street Drain 260.10
Connacher & Archibald,
North Arm Road 220.50
M. A. Harvey, Livery 6.00
H. T. Keefer, Market Building 1,725.50

2. That the following contracts be awarded:

6th Avenue, Malcolm McIntyre
Streets in 264A, H. Connacher
Lansdowne Street, C. Murchie
Pender Street Box Drain, John Costello
Oppenheimer Street, Murray & Fraser
Princess Street, H. Coumacher

3. That A. D. McDonald’s tender for a box drain on Pender Street and John Leford’s tender for a box drain on Burrard Street be left to the City Engineer to arrange as we consider the prices too high.

4. Re Messrs Sansom & Dawson communication

The Committee regrets that Messrs Sansom & Dawson, Architects for the Market

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Building should have seen fit to send to the Council such an uncalled for communication couched in most objectionable and offensive terms.

The Board of Works has only to repeat the instructions contained in the letter by the City Clerk of April 21st and now authorize him to notify Messrs Sansom & Dawson that unless they have the work carried out at once such steps will be taken to have the work completed as the Council may consider advisable.

5. That as Mr. A. Bunker has apparently abandoned his contract for clearing the cemetery grounds and has made no reply to a notification sent him, that his sureties be now notified to complete the same according to contract.

6. That the City Engineer be instructed to have Westminster Avenue filled to grade by private contract between Hastings and Prior Streets, cost not to exceed 20 cents per cubic yard.

7. That the plans prepared by Messrs Leamy and Kyle of the proposed bridge across False Creek be referred to the City Engineer for his official report thereon.

8. Re the Communication from the Lacrosse Club.

We recommend that the City continue the lease of the Recreation Grounds and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the lease on behalf of the City.

9. That the City Engineer be instructed to rigidly enforce the Street By-Law in all cases where buildings are under construction.

10. That the Street Superintendent be instructed to make a written report every

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Wednesday to the City Engineer on the condition of the Streets and repairs required.

11. That the City Engineer be instructed to procure for this Board Mr. E. Mohun’s authority for claiming a percentage on $34,000 for Sewer construction, when only $25,000 was voted therefore; also the Minutes of the Council showing what was his report at the time.

12. That tenders be called for the following works:

(a) Grading lane in Block 10, 196
(b) Grading lane in Block 43, 541
(c) Box drain on Seaton Street between the Bridge & Palace Stables

13. Re the petition against the cutting down of the hill on Princess Street.

As tenders have been called for this work at the request of a considerable number of the inhabitants on said street this Board feels obliged to recommend the carrying out of said contract.

14. Re the petition of Joseph Griffith et al praying Council to memorialize the Government to extend Westminster Avenue Southerly to a point at or near the public cemetery, we recommend to Council the necessity of carrying out the prayer of the petition.

Sgd. J. W. Horne, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Costello.

That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.

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Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McLeod, seconded by Alderman Fox. That the Rules be suspended and a ByLaw introduced to amend By-Law No 67 known as the Pound By-Law. Carried.

The By-Law was accordingly read a first time.


Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the Mayor be requested to call a public meeting to discuss the advisability of celebrating the 1st of July. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Garden. That the following accounts be paid:

P. Atkinson et al Labor $67.25
John Scuitto, Supplies 11.00
VanVolkenburgh, Supplies 2.22
R. I. Winch Supplies .71 Carried.

Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Doering. That in all Street improvement contracts let in future a clause be inserted requiring contractors to avoid moving, covering up or destroying lot or block posts and that the City Engineer be instructed to notify present contractors to preserve such posts. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Carroll. That the Mayor and Council thank the Nanaimo Council for their invitation to be present at the celebrations in their City on the 24th of May accepting the same. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Garden. That Aldermen Costello with the mover and seconder be appointed a Committee to confer with the members of the Jockey Club respecting their application for the use of a portion of the Eastern Park to be used for the purpose of a Race Course and report to the next meeting of Council what in their opinion of it is expedient to do in the matter. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the Park Commissioners take charge of the Recreation grounds and frame such rules and regulations as they may think proper for the management of the same. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider the Liquor License By-Law.

Moved in Amendment by Alderman Browning seconded by Alderman Costello. That the Liquor License

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By-Law be withdrawn and a By-Law introduced to amend By-Law No 74 in lieu thereof.

Amendment carried, motion lost.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the Amendments to By-Law No 74 be now read a first time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the By-Law be read a second time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Garden. That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law. Carried.

Alderman Browning was appointed Chairman of the Committee. The By-Law was considered clause by clause and reported to Council as complete without amendments.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the By-Law be now read a third time. Carried.

The By-Law was accordingly read a third time and signed.

Moved by Alderman McLeod, seconded by Alderman Garden. That the Amendments to the Pound By-Law be read a second time. Carried.

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The Council went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law with Alderman Browning in the Chair. In Committee the By-Law was read clause by clause and amended where necessary after which the Committee rose and reported the By-Law as complete.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the By-Law be now read a third time. Carried.

The By-Law was accordingly read and signed after which the Council adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk