Resolved that two bicycles be purchased for the Police Force viz one Gendrow at $50.00 and one Massey Harris at $52.50. James Clandenning was appointed Inspector on the Street Railway Construction on Denman Street at a Salary of $3.50 per day. At least two companies offered prices for street sprinkling (to keep the dust down) for the summer of 1899.
This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Carole Wilson
Source: City of Vancouver Archive Series 31
COV S31 715-E-02 Vol 9
pages 111- 122.
[Volume 9 page] 111
Vancouver May 15th 1899.
The Council met on Monday May 15th, 1899.
Present, His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Grant, Gilmour, Skinner, McQueen, McGuigan, McPhaiden, Brown, Freeman, Bruce and Wood.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
From D. C. Harrison secretary of the Trades and Labor Council in reference to the acquiring of False Creek Flats east of Westminster Av. Bridge.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.
From R. G. Tatlow Chairman of the Park Commissioners stating that the landing at Brockton Point had not been removed but had been blown away but that the material was being utilized to construct boat landings.
Moved by Alderman Gilmour.
Seconded by “ Skinner,
That Aldermen Bruce and Skinner be appointed a committee to confer with the Park Commissioners with power to add to their numbers re Brockton Point Landings.
From C. J. Major asking if there was a likelihood of a By-Law being introduced for the purchase of Lots 8 to 24 Block 64 D.L. 185.
From J. Focke insisting upon Mrs. Plews connecting her premises with the public Sewers.
Referred to the City Solicitor and Health Committee.
[Volume 9 page] 112
From D. C. Harrison Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council stating that shanghaiing was being openly carried on in Vancouver and asking for its suppression.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From the Smart:Eby Machine Co. Ltd. stating that they were prepared to quote prices on machinery.
Filed for Reference.
From A. Kitt-Ledger asking for improvements on 9th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Messrs Cambie, Farrell & Rich H. Alexander asking for payment of Arbitration fees on the Oppenheimer Arbitration.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From E. H. Heaps asking for improvements on Dundas Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Dr. Selwyn et al asking for improvements on Broughton Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From E. Baynes Reed asking if the people wished the signal gun to be continued.
Left to the Mayor for reply.
From Chas. H. Mouat Secretary of the Early Closing Committee asking the Council to pass Legislation making it illegal for places of business to remain open after 6 P.M.
Filed the Council having no power to act in the matter.
From C.H. Mouat drawing attention to the fact that certain Mercantile houses were kept open on Sundays.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From Philip Fewster offering his services to go to England to report on Septic tanks.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From P. G. Fenton claiming that he had not received justice at the hands of the Police Magistrate.
Referred to the Police Committee.
[Volume 9 page] 113
From Joe Kelly complaining of the conduct of Officers North and Wylie.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From The Hon. C. A. Semlin stating that the cost of maintaining inmates in the Old Man’s Home was $17.00 per month.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the City Solicitor stating that the public have a right of ingress and egress over Carroll, Abbott and Cambie Streets to the waters of Burrard Inlet and that the City was entitled to the foreshore abutting said streets.
Laid over for the City Solicitor to look further into this question.
From Sir Charles Hibbert-Tupper et al asking for the improvement of Chilco St.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From J. C. Crome of the Western Press Association asking what the City proposed doing towards entertaining them on their arrival in the City about the 21st of June.
Laid over for Motions.
The following Reports were received and read:-
Light Railway & Tram Committee
The Light Railway and Tram Committee met on Tuesday May 9th 1899.
Present Aldermen McPhaiden, Grant, Foreman and Skinner.
From Thos. M. Rae applying for the position of Inspector on Street Railway Construction.
Moved by Alderman Foreman
That James Clandenning be appointed Inspector on the Street Railway Construction on Denman Street at a Salary of $3.50 per day but in case he does not accept the position be it further resolved that the City Engineer be empowered to appoint another party at such figure as he may arrange not to exceed $3.50 per day.
[Volume 9 page] 114
The Board then adjourned.
D. McPhaiden
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden.
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That the Report be adopted.
Fire and Police Committee
The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday May 9th 1899.
Present Aldermen Skinner, Gilmour, Brown and McPhaiden.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Jas Carnahan | Scavengering | $3.50 |
ThP Dunn & Co. | Supplies | 21.08 |
City Grocery Co. | “ | 31.98 |
C. S. Philip | “ | 7.95 |
MacKenzie BrP. | “ | 55.65 |
J. Dodson | “ | 22.90 |
W. A. Cumyow | Interpreting | 8.00 |
J. W. McIntosh | Disbursements | 15.00 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 2.50 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | “ | 14.25 |
R. Porter & Son. | “ | 23.56 |
Robt. Clark | “ | 14.40 |
McLennan & McFeely | “ | 17.10 |
Resolved that two bicycles be purchased for the Police Force viz one Gendrow at $50.00 and one Massey Harris at $52.50.
Resolved that the Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to purchase lumber for Fire Hall No. [?] and paper and cloth for Fire Hall #3.
From the Pound Keeper furnishing Report.
From David McCutcheon complaining about Sergeant North’s conduct towards him.
From Night Watchmen Purdy & Calbick asking for a suit of clothes each.
Laid over.
H. B. Gilmour
[Volume 9 page] 115
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ Skinner,
That the clause in D. E. McCutcheon be referred back to the committee to allow him to produce witnesses and that the balance of the Report be adopted as read.
Water and Market Report
The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday May 10th 1899.
Present Aldermen Brown, McQueen, Gilmour and Wood.
From Joseph Lee asking to have water main extended to his house on 8th Av.
Referred to the City Engineer.
From Robertson and Hackett asking for a larger service to their mill on False Creek.
Referred to the City Engineer.
From the Bank of B. N. A. asking to have a refund of overcharge on water rates amounting to $119.94.
It was resolved to allow them the amount of the overcharge out of future rates.
It was resolved to dispense of the services of James Stewart at the Narrows after June 30th 1899 as the services he has been performing are no longer required.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
J. P. Cleveland | Labor | $1.00 |
F. W. Boultbee | Disbursements | 7.45 |
Armstrong & Morrison | Supplies | 6042.10 |
R. Parker & Sons | “ | 124.46 |
W. C. Marshall | Drayage | 2.50 |
Duke & Wallace | Supplies | 1.75 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | “ | 263.52 |
Buffalo Mining Co. | “ | 17.05 |
J. W. Jackson | “ | 1.50 |
B. C. M. T. & T. Co. | “ | 18.50 |
McLennan & McFeely | “ | 48.96 |
N. Laure | Labor | 15.00 |
Jos Dodson | Supplies | 6.50 |
[Volume 9 page] 116
ThP. Dunn & Co. | Supplies | $80.40 |
Gartshore Thompson | “ | 885 |
City Grocery Co. | “ | 180.88 |
Jas Carnahan | Scavengering | 3.25 |
James Robertson Co. | Supplies | 55.13 |
Pay Roll | Labor | 1321.70 |
Sgd Wm. Brown
Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McQueen,
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday May 11th 1899.
Present the full Board.
Plans for brick building to be built for W. Tufts & Son on Cordova Street East were submitted and approved.
New Work
Ward 5
Foreman to lay 6 ft. walk on 15th Av. from Westminster Avenue to Quebec St. on North Side.
From McPhillips and Williams re application of B. C. Sugar Refining Co. for certain foreshore rights fronting on Boundary Av.
Messrs McPhillips and B. T. Rogers appeared before the Committee in reference to the matter.
Resolved that there be no objection to the grant of the foreshore by the Government opposite Lots 3 to 6 inclusive Block one D. L. 182 K to the B. C. Sugar Refining Co.
Mr. Geo. Magee applied to the Board for permission to plank a portion of the West end of Keefer St. adjoining Lots 23 & 22 Block 15. D.L. 196.
Referred to the City Solicitor to draw up a Lease.
Resolved that the City contribute one third of the cost of the proposed improvements on Cordova Street East from Westminster Av. from Hastings St. to Powell St. that the City Engineer make a report on the life of the proposed improvements and the rate payable by the owners of land fronting on
[Volume 9 page] 117
Cordova Street from Carrall Street to Westminster Ave. from Hastings Street to Powell Street, the names of the owners thereof and the estimated cost of the improvements that the proposed assessments be published in at least two newspapers in the City; that the City Solicitor prepare the necessary By-Law to authorize the raising of the money by local Improvement Debentures to pay for the proposed works; that the Court of Revision be held on the 21st of June 1899 at 3 P. M. to hear complaints against said assessments.
From A. Sherwood; C. M. C. South Vancouver re Bridge on 16 Av. asking the City to build its shore.
Already written to for information as to the part of 16th Av. referred to.
From J. Windebank (Hendersons has it as “Winderbank’) offering to do this Season’s sprinkling for $400.00.
Laid over.
From J. M. Campbell B. C. Elec. Co. re sprinkling the streets.
Laid over.
From J. Nesbit re glass broken in door of house at Harwood St. caused by blasting.
City Engineer to look into.
From Robertson & Hackett stating that they cannot accept the whole of lumber contract as they considered that the City would get a more prompt service by distributing the orders over the several mills.
Resolved that in accordance with the request contained in Robertson and Hackett’s letter of the 8th inst the orders for lumber for the year be distributed as usual.
From F. C. Tireman asking for grading at sidewalk on Pendrell St.
Request granted.
From a large number of petitioners asking for a cinder path on Pender St.
Laid over.
From R. Wilson et al asking for improvements on Nelson St. west of Denman St.
Referred to the Chairman, Ald. Grant & Engineer.
From F. Blackburn Acting Secy Vancouver Board of Trade submitting price list of [?] wood.
Filed for reference.
Resolved that the plans for turnout etc. at Prior Street into car barn. B. C. Elec. Ry Co. be not approved and that they be requested to make their distance from centre of track to the south line of Prior Street 25 feet instead of 16 feet.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | $1.30 |
ThP. Dunn & Co. | “ | 1.84 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | “ | 43.74 |
B. C. M. T. & T. Co. | “ | 4.20 |
Wm. Tyther Lumber Co. | “ | 70.41 |
W. L. Tait & Sons | “ | 190.84 |
Pay Roll | Labor | 1873.31 |
Sgd Alex Bruce.
Moved by Alderman Browm.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden,
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the clause in relation to the giving of consent to the granting of foreshore rights opposite Lots 3 to 5 inclusive Block one D. L. 182 K. and that the Dominion Government be communicated with further in the matter.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday May 12th 1899.
Present the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
John Walker | Relief | 10.00 |
City Treasurer | Disbursements | $13.00 |
Linscott Publishing Co. | Supplies | 11.10 |
The World P. & P. Co. | Ads | 11.04 |
The Province | “ | 13.02 |
The News Advertiser | “ | 13.66 |
Dominion Publishing Co. | Supplies | 350.00 |
[Volume 9 page] 118
From R. Wilson et al asking for improvements on Nelson St. west of Denman St.
Referred to the Chairman, Ald. Grant & Engineer.
From F. Blackburn Acting Secy Vancouver Board of Trade submitting price list of [?] wood.
Filed for reference.
Resolved that the plans for turnout etc. at Prior Street into car barn. B. C. Elec. Ry Co. be not approved and that they be requested to make their distance from centre of track to the south line of Prior Street 25 feet instead of 16 feet.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | $1.30 |
ThP. Dunn & Co. | “ | 1.84 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | “ | 43.74 |
B. C. M. T. & T. Co. | “ | 4.20 |
Wm. Tyther Lumber Co. | “ | 70.41 |
W. L. Tait & Sons | “ | 190.84 |
Pay Roll | Labor | 1873.31 |
Sgd Alex Bruce.
Moved by Alderman Browm.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden,
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the clause in relation to the giving of consent to the granting of foreshore rights opposite Lots 3 to 5 inclusive Block one D. L. 182 K. and that the Dominion Government be communicated with further in the matter.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday May 12th 1899.
Present the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
John Walker Relief 10
City Treasurer | Disbursements | $13.00 |
Linscott Publishing Co. | Supplies | 11.10 |
The World P. & P. Co. | Ads | 11.04 |
The Province | “ | 13.02 |
The News Advertiser | “ | 13.66 |
Dominion Publishing Co. | Supplies | 350.00 |
[Volume 9 page] 119
The following Contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:-
McDonald BrP. | Delivery of Crushed Rock |
Robert Clark | Police Clothing |
From J. H. Martin asking that Mrs. Emily Moult be allowed rebate on her back taxes on Lot 7 Block 87 D.L. 196.Resolved that the rebate can not be legally granted but that her circumstances be referred to Alderman Brown to enquire into her circumstances and take such action as he may deem necessary.
From the City Auditor reporting that the City’s accounts were correct for March.
From J. C. Crome of the Western Press Association stating that they should be in Vancouver about June 21st 1899 and asking what entertainment or reception might be expected from the City.
Referred to the Council.
From W. B. Ross suggesting that the matter of his claim be referred to Arbitration.
Referred to the Railway Committee.
From Messrs Davis Marshall & MacNeill Solicitors for John Martin asking the City to expropriate from Maggie Eihn, the North End of Denman Street and pay $1000 in lieu of which they will pay the arrears of taxes and interest thereon on Lots 1 & 2 Block 54. 185 and Lots 12, 13 & 14 B 54 D.L.185 amounting to about $1600.
Resolved that their request be granted provided a satisfactory arrangement is made for the clearing due by J. Morton in 185.
From C. H. Mortimer Toronto asking for the loan of the City’s engravers for his work entitled the Lumberman.
Resolved that his request be granted.
From C. J. Major asking what the City’s intentions are towards the purchase of Lots 8 to 24 Block 63 D. L. 185.
Referred to the Council.
[Volume 9 page] 120
From C. W. Murray Secretary of the School Board asking for some decision re their request for the submission of a By-Law to raise $3800 for fencing, grading etc.
Resolved that he be informed that the Committee have had under consideration the request from the Board. Before taking any action thereon we would request that the School Board meet the Finance Committee next Friday at 4 P.M. to make this request and other school matters into consideration.
From Messrs Wilson and Senkler Solicitors for Mrs. E. J. Clark asking the City to reconvey Clarks Park as they claimed the City did not carry out the trusts contained in the deed.
Resolved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer to view improvements made on the grounds and report thereon to Council.
The Aldermat matter was again laid over.
Resolved that the wharf debentures be printed in $1000 denominations.
Resolved that $1000 be appropriated for the first of July Celebrations.
Resolved that the matter of ascertaining the lowest tender for the construction of the Street Railway on Denman & Davie Streets be referred to the City Engineer.
James McQueen.
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ McGuigan,
That the Report be adopted.
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by “ McQueen,
That the following By-Laws be introduced and read a first time:-
(1) A By-Law to raise $6600 for wood block paving Hastings Street from Granville to Burrard St.
(2) A By-Law to raise $9900 for curbing.
[Volume 9 page] 121
and grading Hastings Street from Granville St. to Burrard St.
These By-Laws were accordingly read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden,
That the following motion passed by the Council on the 27th day of February 1899 be cancelled viz
That the Mayor be authorized to take what steps may be necessary in the opinion of the City Solicitor to maintain the City’s rights in reference to the Military Reserve until such time as the question of ownership is settled.
Moved by Alderman Gilmore.
Seconded by “ McQueen,
That the following account be paid W. A. Gibson for horse $175.00.
Moved by Alderman Gilmore.
Seconded by “ Skinner,
That the City Clerk be instructed to write to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works asking him to make provision for the construction of a road from Hastings to Barnet.
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ Gilmore,
That a By-Law be submitted to electors to raise by way of Debentures a Sum of money for the purchase of Lots 8 to 24 Block 64 D.L. 185.
Moved by Alderman Gilmore.
Seconded by “ McGuigan,
That the City Clerk be instructed to write to the Secretary of the Western Press Association informing them that the City intends Celebrating the first of July and asking that
[Volume 9 page] 122
they time themselves to arrive here on that date.
Mr. Williams interviewed the Board and stated that Mr. McPherson was employing Alien labor on the City Contract.
Moved by Alderman Foreman.
Seconded by “ Bruce,
That Alderman Gilmore with the mover and seconder be appointed to interview Mr. McPherson on the subject.
The Board then adjourned.
W. Brown
acting Mayor.
ThP F. McGuigan.
City Clerk.