Contract was awarded to install a bath in the jail for $62. In spite of requests from the hotel keepers not to raise the liquor licensing fee, a new By-Law was drafted and another to repeal the old one. Requests came in to connect the Market Building to the sewer lines. Officer Grady authorized to purchase a suit of working clothes, cost not to exceed $15.
This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Cathy Harmer
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo CVA 371-2129 –
[Exterior of Police Station – 236 East Cordova Street]
Original handwritten minutes : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 423 – 429
[vol 5 pg 423]
Vancouver, 22nd May, 1893
The Council met on Monday 22nd May, 1893 at 8 pm. Present His Worship The Mayor, Aldermen Anderson Salsbury Collins, Hackett McCraney Cargill Franklin Hobson Brown Towler
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From William Leek Accepting the position of plumbing examiner
From Powis & Whitehead stating they were appointed Agents of the Lancashire Fire Insurance Co and asking for a share of the City Insurance
Referred to the Finance Committee
From John P. Lawson Asking for four weeks leave of absence
Referred to Board of Works with power to act.
From John Brenton Asking for connection of Market Building with Sewer
Referred to Health Committee
From Robt Campbell, Asking Council to reconsider the amount of wages to be paid to him
Referred to Health Committee
From George Gagen, asking the Council to insure the placing of Bathing Sheds on the foreshore of English Bay.
Referred to Board of Works
From George Gagen, asking the Council to take steps to memorialise the Dominion Government to prevent the influx of Chinese from the United States
Moved by Alderman Salisbury, seconded by Alderman Hackett. That the communication be Filed
From M. G. McLeod Asking the Council not to raise the License Fees on Hotels to $300.
From George Gagen calling attention to the violation of the Nine Hours clause in the City Contracts by McGillivray and Boyd & Clandening
Referred to the Board of Works
From John McLaren Asking for seven weeks leave of absence
Moved by Alderman Hackett, seconded by Alterman Fowler that his request be granted
[vol 5 pg 424]
From the Hotel Keepers asking the Council not to raise the License Fee
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday 19 May 1893. Present Alderman Anderson Collins Hobson & Brown.
The following a/cs were recommended for payment
W. Cowderoy, |
Clerical work, |
6.00 |
T.F. McGuigan, |
Cash pd out, |
36.35 |
C V. Deane, |
Collecting Votes |
10.00 |
News advertiser |
Advertising |
12.40 |
A.P.W. Goldsmith |
Tickets |
22.50 |
C. F. Foreman |
Supplies |
3.05 |
C. P. Telegraph Co |
Telegrams |
3.48 |
C.P.R. Co |
Rent |
5.00 |
E. J. Grant |
Type Writing |
.75 |
H. W. Suckling |
Engrossing |
$20.00 |
(Signed) R.A Anderson, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Fowler, Seconded by Alderman Brown that the report be adopted.
Police Committee
The Police Committee met on Friday 19th May 1893. Present Alderman Towler Hackett & Hobson
It was recommended:-
1. That the following a/cs be paid
Gilbertson & Sharp |
Uniforms |
$444.80 |
G. Clough |
Drayage |
1.50 |
Robt Clark |
Supplies |
1.00 |
G.L. Allan |
Supplies |
1.50 |
F.W. Hart |
Supplies |
1.50 |
V.W. Haywood |
Expenses to Victoria |
20.00 |
C. F Foreman |
Supplies |
30.04 (?) |
J. P. Blake |
Supplies |
19.55 |
W. A. McIntosh |
Supplies |
22.25 |
W. J. Cook |
Supplies |
1.25 |
Gurney Cab Co |
Cab Hire |
.50 |
John Tapley |
Cab Hire |
1.00 |
E J McLean |
Supplies |
1.75 |
Toku |
Interpreting |
2.00 |
E. Clough |
Drayage |
1.00 |
Godfrey & Co |
Supplies |
5.50 |
Wm Ralph |
Supplies |
29.90 |
Gurney Cab Co |
Drayage |
1.00 |
[vol 5 pg425]
John McLaren |
Transport of prisoners |
2.50 |
Robt Clark |
Supplies |
2.00 |
2nd That the second hand dealers be informed that the City Solicitor is of opinion that Mr. Beattie has not violated the Market By Law from selling furniture in the Market Building.
3rd That Robt Marrion be awarded the contract for putting a bath in the Gaol for the sum of $62.00. Duncan McCrae to do the necessary carpentering work.
(Signed) W. Towler Chairman
Moved by Alderman Hobson, Seconded by Alderman Brown that the Report be adopted.
Fire Water & Light Committee
The Fire Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday 17th May 1893.
Present Alderman Franklin, Fowler & Hackett.
It was recommended
1st That Wm Murphy be awarded the Contract for supplying Firemans Uniforms at $29 each. The Chiefs Suit not to exceed $33
2nd That the following a/cs be paid
Thos Dunn & Co |
Supplies |
$102.77 |
H. A. Franklin |
Duty on Drills |
2.80 |
Hastings Saw Mill Co. |
Supplies |
10.00 |
Thos Veitch |
Framing |
34.50 |
Payne Tapping Co. |
Drills |
8.50 |
Canadian Architect & Builder |
Advtg |
10.05 |
Veitch & Vickson |
Final on Water Works Contract |
245.50 |
W. Hooper et al. |
Labor |
360.10 |
3 That H. Perkins be paid two days salary being the time between notice of his discharge and his being notified by Chief Carlisle that he could work to end of his month.
(Signed) J. L. Franklin, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Hackett seconded by Alderman Franklin that the report be adopted.
Board of Works Committee
The Board of Works Committee met on 19th May 1893
Present Alderman McCraney, Brown, Franklin, Hackett, & Salsbury & Fowler. Also His Worship the Mayor
[vol 5 pg 426]
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.
It was recommended-
1st That the plans submitted by A.W. Sullivan be approved subject to such changes as may be directed by the City Engineer, and that he be granted permission to remove the present frame building from Lot 10 Blk 2 O G T to the rear of Block J. O.G.T facing Trounce Alley on condition that the wishes of the adjoining property owners are acceded to, also that he be notified to deposit copies of the plans in City Engineers Office for reference.
2 That tenders be called for the opening up of Eighth Avenue one Block East of Burns Street.
3 That the sum of $1000 be paid to Evans Coleman & Evans on a/c of percentage held back on sewer pipes.
4 That the owners of Lots 61 of Blk 54 and 5 & 6 Blk 42 200a be notified to have dangerous trees thereon, cut down without delay.
5 That the City Engineer be instructed to establish the grades at the corner of Homer & Georgia Streets.
6 That the City Engineer be instructed to utilize the Chain Gang in opening up Grove Avenue, also to establish the grade of Burrard Street, one block to east of the present grading.
7 That the City Engineer be instructed to interview the Surveyors for the South Vancouver Municipality to arrange for a survey of the portion of Heather Street in District lot 472 outside of the City Limits. Also to make a written request to Mr. J. M. Browning, Land Conv. C.P.R. relative to the survey of Heather Street through that Company’s property.
8 That the City Council purchase a triangular piece of land with a frontage of 20ft 9in on Cambie Street and 36ft 7in on Hastings Street, at the northeast corner of said streets being part of Lot 9d Blk 4 O.G.T for the stipulated sum of $1250 with a view to straightening that part of Hastings Street, half the cost to be charged under the present local improvements by-law and the balance at a later date under a local Imp[rovement] By-law for the remaining portion of Hastings St
9 That the City Engineer be instructed to establish the grade of Hastings Street between Homer & Cambie St, the work to be done by day labor.
10. That the tender of T.M. Thomas be Accepted for the grading of Seventh Avenue (Fairview) for $666.00
[vol 5 pg 427]
11.That Tenders be called up to 3 p.m. 1st June for the following New Work.
Eighth Avenue grading one block further east from where it is now opened in 264a – 30 ft wide
Fifth Avenue Grading for about 100 ft east of Carolina Street, 30 ft wide
Sixth Avenue Grading full width from Prince Edward Street to Carolina Street.
Seventh Avenue west of Bridge Street south side three plank walk.
Stanley Park Repairs to piling etc of Bridge at Coal Harbor.
12. The following accounts were recommended for payment
McLennan & McJeely (?) |
Hardware |
52.89 |
Ws. Cook |
Sand for Sewer |
4.50 |
Columbia Carriage Works |
2.80 |
Boyd & Clandening |
Sewer Sec 6 |
4113.69 |
A.D. McDonald |
Howe Street |
103.02 (?) |
E.C. Britton |
Alberni St. |
107.28 |
J.J. Nickson |
Sec. 10. |
616.65 |
Elias Woodward |
Costs Leatherdale & Smiths case V. City |
4.- |
Evans Coleman & Evans |
Sewer pipe |
67.41 |
B.C. Ironworks |
Castings |
373.92 |
Vanc Iron Works |
Gratings |
78.50 |
H Lomas et al. |
Payroll. |
796.15 |
The Board then adjourned
(Signed) H.A McCraney
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Hackett
That the report be adopted
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the By-law to change the name of Oppenheimer Street and Carl Avenue be reading a first time.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
[vol 5 pg 428]
That the By-law to regulate the width of wagon tires be read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Hackett
That the amendment to the Traders Licence By-Law be read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Rules be suspended and a By-Law introduced to fix the fees for Liquor Licenses
The By-Law was read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Collins
That the By-Law to repeal the present Liquor By-Law be read a first time
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Brown
That Officer Grady be purchased a working suit of clothes a price not to exceed $15.00
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the matter of the appointment of a Plumbing Inspector be referred to the Health Committee to take action
Consideration of By-Laws.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the Rules be suspended and the By-Law for fixing the fees for Liquor License read a second time.
[vol 5 pg 429]
The By-Law was considered in Committee of the Whole
Alderman Anderson in the Chair
After a number of clauses were read the Committee moved to report and asked leave to sit again.
The Council then adjourned to a week on Thursday May 25th at 7:30 P.M.
F. Cope
Ths F. McGuigan
City Clerk