Finance Committee regrets no funds available to provide public parks – May 28, 1894

Finance Committee regrets no funds available to provide public parks – May 28, 1894

D. McGillivray to lay a single street railway track on Hastings Street between Cambie & Carrall at $2.28 per foot. The Finance Committee reported the city budget did not permit more public parks for the citizens. The Board of Works recommended approval of W. Godfrey ‘s request that Burnaby Street be opened up one block south of Nicola Street provided the cost did not exceed $50.00. Bylaws for Polling and for Remuneration of the Mayor and Aldermen were finalized.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S-32, Volume 6, pages 93-101

Illustration: CVA AM1376-: CVA 15-01 – Burnaby Street at Broughton
looking over English Bay cleared and rough graded
John H. Wright, 1899

[Volume 6 page 93]

Vancouver May 28th 1894

The Council met on Monday May 28th 1894.

Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McCrabey, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown and Bethune.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Wm Skene, Secretary of the Board of Trade regarding the reception to the Australian Delegation on the arrival of the S.S. Awawa. Laid Over

From J.D. Townley suggesting that the Admiral and Officers of the North Pacific Squadrom be invited to Vancouver for the 1st of July Celebrations

Resolved that they be invited.

From Wm Farrell offering par for 4 ½ per cent debentures and $380,000 for $410,000 4 per cents Laid on the table

From Creamer & Langley asking for the extension of the time on tenders on brass etc.

Time extended to Tuesday June 5th

From the License Commissioners recommending the reduction of shop Licenses

Resolved that they be informed that it is not the desire of the Council that any changes should be made.

[Volume 6 page 94]

From Dr. Thomas making suggestions for controlling the sale of milk in the City.

Referred to the Health Committee

From Arthur Lyman etal praying that the Council will not proceed with the purchase of the Street Railway Laid on the table

From Otto Marstrand asking for an extension of the sidewalk on 5th Av

Referred to the Board of Works

From C.O. Wickinden complaining that the sidewalk around the Bank of Montreal was being cracked from blasting

Referred to the Board of Works.

From the City Auditor giving certified statement of the receipts and expenses of the Street Railway for six months. Laid over.

From Taylor & Donner offering to sell a shard to the city. Filed

The following Reports were received and read.

Fire & Light Committee

The Fire & Light Committee met on Monday May 28th 1894.

Present – Aldermen Franklin, Bethune & Shaw.

The following parties tendered on Firemen’s Uniforms:-

A.J. Sharpe & Co. Mather & Larsen, Wm Murphy

[Volume 6 page 95]

Campbell & Doherty & Stewart & Hurst.

The Committee decided to recommend the tender of Campbell & Doherty for acceptance from samples furnished by the City, price to be $23.25 for each uniform and $1.75 for each cap.

sgd J.L Franklin


Moved by Alderman Queen

Seconded by “ Franklin

That the Report be adopted. Carried

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday May 25th 1894.

Present – Aldermen Salsbury, McDowell, McPhaiden and Bethune


From Mrs. E. H. Alexander etal asking the City to purchase the Block of land between Dunlevy & Jackson Avs South of Powell Street for public park purposes.


That the Communication be acknowledged and the petitioners informed that while the City Committee is fully of the opinion that public parks should be provided for the citizens they regret that the lack of funds prevents the question from being taken up at present.

From D. McGillivray offering to lay a single track on Hastings Street between Cambie & Carrall Streets for $2.28 per foot.

Resolved that Mr. McGillivray’s offer be accepted

[Volume 6 page 96]

and that a double track be laid on Hastings Street between Cambie & Carrall in accordance with Contract and specifications to be drawn up by the City Engineer.

Resolved that the Mayor, City Clerk and Finance Committee be authorized to sign a note for $10,000 on behalf of the City of Vancouver bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum said note being drawn on authority of By-Law No 198 passed on the 3rd day of March 1894 and that note No 1 be renewed.

The following account was recommended for payment:-

Van Bill Posting & Ad Agency Remit $5.00


W.F. Salsbury


Moved by Alderman McPhaiden

Seconded by “ C.L. Brown

That the Report be adopted. Carried

Board of Works

The Board of Works me on May 25th 1894.

Present – Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Queen Shaw & Franklin


From Messrs Wulffsohn & Berwicke asking to have the fence at Mr. Delbruck’s cottages corner of Alberni and Burrard streets replaced

Laid over for one week for investigation

From W. Godfrey asking that Burnaby Street be opened up one block south of Nicola Street.

Resolved that he be given access to his premises provided the cost does not exceed $50.00.

[Volume 6 page 97]

From Cruden & Robinson asking for payment of a bill of expenses provided incurred by the lowering of the grade and sidewalk in the year 1890.

Referred back for particulars.

From L. McQuarrie & Co assigning all rights, moneys etc that may be coming from sewerage contract No 7 to Thos Allen of Sapperton. Filed

From Thos Stephenson in reference to complaints made by the dust from the paved streets

Resolved that the Fire Light & Water Committee be requested to give the Board the use of the fire team once a day to sprinkle the paved streets; also from the Street Inspector calling the attention of the Board to a step that has be put in on the sidewalk at Buxton and Rodneys cigar stand.

The Board decided to examine.

Mr. J.M. Fox complained of dirty water in the ditch in front of his store on Hastings Street

Referred to the Health Inspector for attention

Resolved that the City Engineer be granted ten days leave of absence.

The draft of the Contract for crushed rock between the City and A.E.E. Clark was read and with a few slight alterations confirmed

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Thos Dunn & Co. Supplies .70 cts

Evans, Coleman & Evans “ $30.00

B.C. Iron Works “ 137.76

D. McGillivray Bituminous Rock 3621.60

A. Linton Boat hire 4.00

Hamilton Mfg Co Supplies 4.00

sgd H.P. McCraney


[Volume 6 page 98]

Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown

Seconded by “ McDowell

That the Report be adopted.


Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Tuesday May 22nd 1894.

Present – Aldermen McDowell, McPhaiden, and Wm Brown.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

M.T.L. Lloyd Hack hire $32.00

A.H. Thomas Attending Small pox 163.50

Thos Spence Labor 61.40

Mellish & Gray ood 110.00

Keil & Kerr Drayage 1.50

Texas Lake Ice Co Supplies 7.45

B.C. Mills “ 7.00

J.A. Mills Mental Examinations 5.00

McIntosh & Co supplies 63.84

Welsh Bros “ 14.59


From Howard Kent asking for permission to cut wood on the cemetery grounds.


That his request be granted if he agrees to pull down the trees, leaving the roots upturned

From Alfred Someron asking for the position of Cemetery assistant. Laid over

From Theo Horrobin etal asking for the removal of the Crematory. Filed

[Volume 6 page 99]

Resolved that when specifications are prepared by the City Engineer that tenders be called for repairing the crematory chimney

That the City Clerk under an account to the C.P.R. Co for all costs in connection with the care of the Chinaman affected with small pox.

sgd John McDowell


Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown

Seconded by “ Wm Brown

That the Report be Adopted. Carried.

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Salsbury

Seconded by “ McCraney

That the following By-laws be introduced and read a first time:-

  1. A By-Law to fix the polling places etc on the By -Law to reaide $60,000 for Street Improvements and on the

(b)A By-Law to raise $380,000 for the purchase of the St Ry.

(B) A By-Law to fix the remuneration for Mayor.

(C) A By-Law to close a certain portion of Pender Street between Cambie & Beattie Streets

(d) A By-Law to authorize the conveyance to the Canadian Pacific Railway Co as a certain parcel of land herein after described near the Sugar Refinery

Each of the By-Law was read a first time. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Franklin

Seconded by “ C.L. Brown

That the amount of the Bond on this crushed rock contract be fixed at two entries of $5000.00 each. Carried

[Volume 6 page 100]

Moved by Alderman McCraney

Seconded by “ C.L. Brown

That the payroll of the Board of Works for the week ending May 23rd amounting to $346.60 be passed for payment. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown

Seconded by “ McCraney

That the Pay Roll of the Water Works of the Water Works for the weeking ending May 21st amounting to $245.55 be paid. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Salsbury

Seconded by “ McCraney

That the following By]Laws be read a 2nd time:-

  1. The polling By-law (b) The By-Law fixing the remuneration of the Mayor (c) The By-Law to close a certain portion of Pender St (d) The By-law to convey to the C.P.R. Co certain lands near the sugar refinery. Carried

The By-Laws were accordingly read a 2nd time.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law to raise $60,000 for street improvements, Alderman Salsbury in the Chair.

The By-Laws were read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete

On motion of Alderman Shaw seconded by Alderman McDowell, the Council went into Committee

[Volume 6 page 101]

Of the Whole for the Consideration of the By-Law to purchase the Street Railway, Alderman C.L. Brown in the Chair.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete .

Both of the By-Laws were ordered to be printed and be voted on by the electors.

On motion of Alderman McCraney, seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown. The Council went into Committee of the Whole to consider the conveyance of a certain piece of land near the Sugar Refinery to the C.P.R. Co Alderman McCraney in the Chair.

After a certain number of clauses were read the Committee rose to report and asked leave to sit again.

On motion of Alderman Salsbury seconded by Aldermen McCraney, the Council went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Polling By-Law, Alderman Wm Brown in the Chair.

It was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.

It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Salsbury seconded by Alderman McCraney.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole over the By-law to fix the remuneration to be paid to the Mayor, Alderman Wm Brown in the Chair.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments. It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Franklin seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown.

The Council then adjourned

Thos McGuigan R.A. Anderson

City Clerk Mayor