Consuls Want Improvements to Dunsmuir & Howe – May 30, 1898

Japanese consul 1899

The U.S. and Japanese Consuls both complained about the condition of Dunsmuir Street at intersection with Howe Street. Pictured above is the Japanese Consul’s residence ca. 1899. The City Engineer was asked to fix the street and the Health Inspector to ensure removal of Rubbish from the lane.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Zak Bennett.

Illustration Source: City of Vancouver Archives Item : Bu N429 – Japanese Consul’s residence at northeast corner of Dunsmuir and Howe Streets

Text Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 31, pages 329 –

[Volume 8 page] 329

Vancouver May 30th 1898

The Council met on Monday, May 30th 1898. Present: His Lordship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, McQueen, Neelands, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Thos. Duncanson asking for Sewer connections on Keefer Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From B. Marshall Secretary of the Grange Lodge asking permission to decorate the entrance of Stanley Park for the 12th of July celebrations.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Frank Burwell explaining that the proposed cannery on English Bay would be operated without causing a nuisance.

The following Reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday, May 24th 1898.
Present: the full Board.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Mining Critic Supplies $461.90

Hudson’s Bay Co. $298.08

J.F. Garden Disbursements $100.00

A. St. G. Hammersley “ $110.90

[Vol 8 page] 330


From C.J. South Hon Secretary of the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals asking for a grant of $100.00
Laid over

From the Mining Critic asking to be furnished with a copy of the last amendments to the Charter so that they can complete the printing of the Charter.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Wilson + Senkler demanding from the City $400 on behalf of A. E. Woods of New Westminster for losses sustained not getting the Market Hall after leasing it.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Harry Earle asking for an increase of salary.
Laid over

From Ponsounby London, England, stating that Mr. Rothschild Sinclair was ahead and no bonus required.
Laid over

Sgd. Jas McQueen,

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by “ Bruce
That the report be adopted.

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Friday, May 24, 1898.
Present Aldermen McMorran, McQueen, McPhaiden and Brown.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

S James Inspecting/Interpreting $12.00

Mining Critic Supplies 5.80

[Vol 8 pg] 331

McDowell & Co Supplies $1.15

Valley Dairy Co. “ 1.50

J. Carnahan Scavengering 3.00

W.J. McGuigan Inquests 20.00

Shilton & Co Supplies 18.00

A. Savard “ 2.140

E Clough Labor .50

John Burrell “ .45

Dominion Fish Co. Supplies 5.45

A. Poole Post Mortem 10.00

R + J Dick Supplies 1.

McLernan & McFeely “ 6.49

Resolved that the Mayor and Chairman be authorized to purchase a number of chairs for seating the Old City Hall


From the Pound Keeper furnishing report.

Form the Attorney General in reference to better jail accommodation.

From H. P. Fitzpatrick complaining about the Pound Keeper.

From John Mellon complaining about Constable Fulton.
Laid over until next regular meeting the complainant and accused to be invited to be present.

Sgd R.A. McMorran

Moved by Alderman McMorran
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report be adopted.

[Vol 8 pg] 332

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 26th of May 1898.
Present: Aldermen Painter, Neelands, McPhaiden and McMorran.

From J. Calori asking that sewer be put in on Powell Street so that he can construct his new business premises.
Laid over for levels to be taken.

Form G. Martin, Chair of South Vancouver, asking that South Granville Street be fixed up inside the City Limits.
Resolved that he be informed that it is the intention of the City to repair this Street.

From C.J. South to asphalt sidewalks.

From the U.S. and Japanese Counsels in reference to condition of Dunsmuir Street at intersection with Howe Street.
Referred to the City Engineer for attention as to fixing the street and to the Health Inspector as to removal of Rubbish from the lane.

From R.H. Cook stating that the street leading to the water front west of Carolina Street has been closed in by private parties.
Referred to the City Engineer with powers to act.

From J. W. Townley re offensive smell from sewer outlet at Burrard Street.
Resolved that he be informed that iron pipe will be put in in a few days.

Mr. Parr Architect submitted plans for L.S. Barnard’s Block (Brick) to be erected on Cordova Street East.

[Vol 8 pg] 333

Mr. Parr was instructed to make his plans conform to the requirements of the By-law to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Mr. Walton submitted plans for Skinner & Co’s Block Hastings Street.

Plans approved subject to being found by the Engineer to conform to the requirements of the Fire Limits By-Law.

Mr. Young submitted plans for a wooden building to be erected for Wing Sang & Co Dupont Street.
Referred to the City Engineer and Health Inspector to see if the plan submitted is satisfactory.

Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to have the following attended to:

Ward 3

Cordova Street East 8 foot single dressed sidewalk on the north side from Jackson Avenue to Carl Av. Also on the south side from Westminster Avenue to Columbia Av.

Resolved that the sidewalk on the north side of Hastings Street between Granville St. and the Vancouver Club be attended to as soon as the Street is graded.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Evans, Coleman & Evans Supplies $3.00

W. Breitenstein Labor 40.00

B.C. M. T. & T. Co Supplies 3.72

McLennan & McFeely “ 38.00

H.P. Dunn & Co “ 167.50

Taylor & Sons “ 427.16

S. Bekins et al Labor 1825.85

[Vol 8 pg] 334

The Board then adjourned

Sgd H.J. Painter

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ Mc Morran
That the Report be adopted.

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ Bruce
That the following By-Law be introduced and read a first time:- Viz. A By-Law to amend By-law No. 142, being a By-law for the regulating of streets and sidewalks and the traffic thereupon.

The By-Law was accordingly read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ Bruce
That the By-law to authorize the execution by the Corporation of the City of Vancouver of the certain agreements with the British Columbia Electric Railway Co. Limited (Foreign) hereafter called the “Company” be read a first time.


Moved by Alderman Foreman
Seconded by “ Neelands
That the Mayor and Council go around on Tuesday next (tomorrow) at 2 P.M. and inspect the sites offered the City for Recreation Grounds.

[Vol 8 pg] 335

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That this Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Street Watering By-Law.

The Mayor was appointed Chairman.

The By-law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.

It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Painter, Seconded by Ald. Bruce.

Notice of Motions

Alderman Townley gave notice that at the next meeting of this Council he will move that the cost of any further construction improvements or maintenance of or repairs of Westminster Avenue, Granville, Street, and Georgia Street be paid out of the general revenue of the City and not out of any source of money appropriated by the Board of Works to be spent upon streets in any particular ward.

The Board then adjourned.

James F. Garden

T.M. McGuigan
City Clerk