Letter received from Mr. John D. Ronald, Manufacturer of Fire Engines – referred to Fire, Water and Light Committee. By-Law No. 3 dividing the City of Vancouver into Wards was passed and sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication. Police Commissioner empowered to notify property owners of porches, fences, railings, etc., that are unsightly or that interfere with traffic or pedestrians, and to ensure they are removed.
This transcript was made in 2012 by Transcribimus volunteer
Margaret Sutherland
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 24-27
[vol 1 page 24]
Vancouver May 31st 1886
The Council met on Monday May 31st at 7.30. P.M.
Present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Cordiner Coldwell, Dunn, Griffith, L.A. Hamilton, E.P. Hamilton, Humphries and Northcott.
Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communications
Communications were received from John. D. Ronald, Manufacturer of Fire Engines, Brussels, H.B. Smith, Victoria and David Oppenheimer, Vancouver.
Motion [20]
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Cordiner that Communication from John. D. Ronald be referred to Fire, Water and Light Committee. Carried.
Motion [21]
Moved by Alderman Coldwell seconded by Alderman Dunn that Mr. Oppenheimer’s communication be referred to the Board of Works, who shall take into consideration the whole question of Street improvement. Carried.
Motion [22]
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Griffith that H.B. Smith’s communication be received and the map hung up in the Clerk’s office till next meeting for examination. Carried.
[vol 1 page 25]
Introduction of By-Laws
By-Law dividing the City into Wards was read a second time on Motion of Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman L.A. Hamilton.
Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that Council go into Committee of the Whole on By-Laws. Carried.
Council then went into Committee of the Whole with Alderman Coldwell in the Chair. By-Law named By-Law No 3 and read over Clause by Clause and passed.
Committee then rose to report By-Law No 3 as amended.
Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that By-Law be read a third time. Carried.
Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Coldwell that By-Law No 3 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk and A Copy sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication.
Alderman (L.A. Hamilton, struck out) Thos Dunn introduced A By-Law respecting the sale of intoxicating Liquors and the issue of Licenses therefore, which was read for the first time.
A By-Law to provide for the Assessment of property benefited by local [page 26] improvements was introduced and read for the first time.
Motion [24]
Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that the Chief of Police be authorized by this Council to notify all persons who are proprietors of any buildings, doorsteps, porches, railings, fences or projections into or obstructions of whatsoever nature or Kind that are unsightly and interfere with the public traffic and pedestrians in any of the public squares streets or places within the City that they must remove the same within such period of time as in his opinion may seem advisable and further to see that such obstructions are removed at the expiration of the notice Given. Carried.
The Board of Health was instructed to meet on Thursday at 8 o’clock P.M. and the Finance and Assessment Committee on Tuesday at 8 o’clock P.M.
Notice of Motion
Alderman Dunn gave notice that he would introduce a Motion at the next meeting of the Council for the appointment of a Special Committee to wait on the Landed Proprietors with a view of obtaining a Free Gift of a suitable site for erection thereon of Council Chambers and such other public Buildings as the Corporation will from time to time require to build.
[vol 1 page 27]
Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Coldwell that Meeting adjourn until Monday evening June 7th. Carried.
M.A. MacLean, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk