New Contract With BC Electric Railway To Be Signed – June 13, 1898

New Contract With BC Electric Railway To Be Signed – June 13, 1898

Council approved a by-law to sign a new contract with the BC Electric Railway Co. Photo shows an early Vancouver street car from the 1890s. Council paid $1,000 to the Public Library and granted $100 toward forming a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They also approved putting in a public drinking fountain and trough near the English Bay Bathing Beach

This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Carole Wilson

Illustration Source: City of Vancouver Archives CVA 277-3 –
Early Vancouver streetcar with four wheels

Text Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31 Volume 8
Pages 344-352

[Volume 8 page] 344

The Council met on Monday June 13th 1898.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From C.J. Ponsonby from London, stating that Mr. E.J. Howell was on his way from London and would arrive in Vancouver in the first week in June to arrange matters regarding the erection of a Smelter.

From R. Pollock etal asking for the opening up of Block 48 road.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Oppenheimer Bros. offering to sell the small gore of land on the corner of Carrall and Alexander Streets for $2500.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From W. Wakefield Secretary of The Britannia Cricket Club asking that a portion of Cambie Street Grounds be improved for them to practice.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From W. Bailey applying for the position of Inspector of Street Paving Contract.
Filed for reference.

From E. P. Davis et al objecting to the dye works on Seaton Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From J. Colcutt et al asking to have the lane opened up between Barclay and Haro Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works.

[Volume 8 page] 345

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Oppenheimer Brs. asking for resurvey of District Lot 264A
Referred to the Board of Works.

From E. Machin Secretary of the Library Board asking for $1000 on account of grant from Council.

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ Painter.
That the City Treasurer be instructed to place the price of $1000 to the credit of the Library Board in the Bank of B.C.

The following reports were received and read:-

The Light Railway and Tramway Committee

The Light Railway and Tramway Committee met on Tuesday June 8th 1898.
Present Aldermen McPhaiden, Painter, Neelands and Foreman.


From the leading cities of the United States and Canada furnishing information regarding kind of street rail in use and rate of speed the cars are allowed to run.
Filed for Reference.

The City Solicitor submitted awarded Agreements between the B.C. Electric and the City for the privilege of running cars on Powell Street east of Westminster Avenue and Hastings Street to Westminster Av.

Resolved that the Agreements be finally signed and approved and that a By-Law be passed and authorizing their execution by the Mayor and City Clerk.

sgd D. McPhaiden

[Volume 8 page] 346

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden.
Seconded by “ Painter.
That the report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday June 10th 1898.
Present Aldermen McQueen, Painter, McGuigan and Brown
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
News Advertiser Advertising $131.19

The World P. + P. Co. “ 137.30

Clarke + Stuart Supplies 27.75

City Treasurer “ 50.00

Crowder + Penzer “ 35.03

Mining Critic “ 2.80

Rose Bros. Hack Hire 25.00

Bank of B.N.A. Telephones 3.40

Telephone Co. Rents 35.70

The following Contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:-

A Contract for the leasing of the Jockey Club Grounds at Hastings.

A Contract for the delivering of crushed rock.

Resolved that an appropriation of $100 be set apart out of which to pay the preliminary expenses of organizing the Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.


From Messrs Wilson and Senkler Solicitors for Mr. Woods of New Westminster claiming $250 loss through being disappointed in not getting the Market Hall.
Referred to the City Solicitor with power to act.

[Volume 8 Page] 347

From C.J. Ponsonby London Eng. Confirming telegram re smelter and stating that his colleague Mr. E.J. Howell was due in Vancouver in the first week of June.

Sgd Jas McQueen

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the Report be adopted.


Water and Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday June 8th 1898.
Present Aldermen Brown, Townley, McMorran and McGuigan.


From C.H. Mathews applying for the position of watchman at Dam.
Laid over.

From J.M. McLuckie offering $30 for four granite sills that are lying at the City Hall.
Moved by Alderman Townley that Mr. McLuckie’s offer be accepted if after enquiring the Chairman considers this offer a fair one.

Moved by Alderman Townley.
That a drinking fountain and Trough be placed at a convenient spot on Beach near the Bathing Beach.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

C.G. Henshaw Supplies $363.00

City Treasurer “ 14.10

Champion + White. “ 3.50

Clarke + Stuart “ 7.50

Can Gen’l Elec Co. “ .48

Thurston + Sons “ 10.53

John E. Barwick Labor 1.50

[Volume 8 Page] 348

Thos. McIntyre Repairs 33.45

Armstrong + Morrison Supplies 7.50

F. W. Boultbee Duty 5.35

H.P. Dunn + Co. Supplies 3.92

Crowder + Penzer “ 81.19

Water Works + Pay Roll Labor 493.75

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McGuigan.
That the report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 10th of June 1898.
Present Aldermen Pointer, McMorran and Foreman.


From J. Herman asking for permission to erect a post 8ft. high in front of store 223 Carrall St. for a sign.
Referred to the Engineer.

From J. Buntzen Gen. Manager of B.C. Elec. Co. asking permission to put in extra siding on Robson Street between Thurlow and Burrard Streets also temporary siding on Westminster Avenue near Oppenheimer Street also on Gravely Street on Westminster Branch.
Permission Granted.

J. J. Dougan and many others asking for sidewalk on Harris Street to be moved out.
Laid over.

From H. Rhodes asking that Denman Street be opened.
Laid over for the present:

Resolved that Mr. Rhodes be informed that it is the intention to grade the street this year if possible.

[Volume 8 page] 349

From J. Colecutt asking for sidewalk on Barclay Street west of Nicola
Laid over to be examined.

From G.W. Willis asking for sidewalk on Haro Street near Denman Street.
Laid over

From W.H. Lucas asking for sewage accommodation at Seaton Street
Laid over.
Resolved that he be informed that he must provide earth closets until sewage is put in.

From J.H. Tupper and others asking that sidewalk on Seymour be moved out to admit of their putting in trees and bushes [? uncertain of previous word]
Request granted.

Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to notify the owners of premises on Seaton Street who are now emptying sewage on the foreshore through private drains that they must put in earth closets until sewer is provided on Seaton St.

Resolved that the work of patching holes in bituminous pavement be commenced as soon as possible.

Resolved that Clark Drive be graded 16 feet wide from 19th Av South to the City Limits to connect with the Government Road.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
L. Stroute Supplies 30cts

Clarke + Stuart “ 5.66

Evans Coleman + Evans “ 8.00

R.H. Paterson “ 20.00

Armstrong + Morrison “ 472.88

G. Griffiths “ 130.00

S. Elkins etal “ 1802.40

Sgd H.J. Painter

[Volume 8 page] 350

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by “ Painter.
That the Mayor be requested to proclaim July 2nd a Civic Holiday and that he ask the Lieutenant Governor to proclaim it a Provincial Holiday.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Townley.
That the City library advertise for tenders for the debentures to be sold under By-Laws for Street paving tenders to be sent into the City Clerk by the 23rd day of June 1898.

Resolved that the Mayor be authorized to have printed a number of Invitation Cards for 1st of July Celebrations.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden.
Seconded by “ Painter.
That the By-Law to authorize the signature of a certain agreement between the City and the B.C. Electric Co. be read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden.
That the By-Law to amend By-Law No. 142 be read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the Street paving By-Law be read a Second time.

[Volume 8 page] 351

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the Consideration of the following By-Laws:-

(a) A By-Law to authorize certain agreements between the City of Vancouver and the B.C. Electric Railway.

“b” A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 142.

“c” A By-Law to raise $56300 for the curbing and grading of certain streets.

“d” A By-Law to raise $37600 for the paving of certain streets.

Alderman Brown was appointed Chairman. The By-Laws were read over clause by clause and reported to Council complete with amendments.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ McGuigan.
That the following By-Laws be read a third time:-

(1) A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 142,

(2) A By-Law to authorized the signing of certain agreements between the City and The B.C. Electric Co.

Notice of Motion

Alderman McPhaiden gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he will introduce a By-Law providing that the sum of $12000 be raised for the purpose of building a wharf at the foot of Heatley Av.

[Volume 8 page] 352

The Council adjourned
James F. Garden.

Thos. McGuigan.
City Clerk.