Park leases to Athletic Club, Jockey Club finalized – November 4, 1889

Brockton Oval lease to Athletic Club and Eastern (Hastings Park) lease to Jockey Club both to be completed and signed. James MacDonald appointed pound keeper at a monthly salary of $35; he had to supply his own horse. Cost of $6 for burial of F. Robbin was approved.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteers
Margaret Sutherland and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 185-189

[volume 3 page 185]

Vancouver November 4th 1889

The Council met on Monday November 4th 1889.

Present His Worship, Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Brewer, Brighouse, Clark, Costello, Horne, Mason, McConnell, Oppenheimer and Whetham.

The Minutes of last regular and Special Meetings were read and adopted.


From Goodmurphy and Abrams, asking for a refund of 6.00 paid in to the City for, a [sic] for F. Robbin. Filed.

From Dr. Bodington asking for the payment of an account of $20.00. Referred to Finance Committee.

From P. I. Johnston & Co offering to supply 71 Ash Trees in place of trees that have died. Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Devine asking Council to seriously consider Section 170 of the City Charter re Investment of Sinking Fund. Referred to Finance Committee.

From Thos. Andrews asking Council to refund to him $25.00 as Informant under that Indian Act. Referred to City Solicitor.

From A. H. B. MacGowan Secretary of the Board of Trade urging Council to take Steps towards repairing the North Arm Road. Referred to Board of Works.

[volume 3 page 186]

From John Devine giving notice of his resignation as Auditor.

In this connection Alderman Clark requested the City Clerk to furnish at next meeting of Council By-Law confirming his appointment and conditions of engagement together with all monthly reports since appointment.

From H. T. Ceperley asking Council to have the bank at the South end of Westminster Avenue Bridge widened out and recapped, cost estimated at $40.00. Filed.

From City Clerk of New Westminster inviting the Mayor and Council of Vancouver to be present at the reception of His Excellency the Governor General. Filed.

From W. Myers et al asking Council to take steps towards removing the Slaughter Houses on the South Side of False Creek. Referred to the Board of Health.


Works No 30

The Board of Works met on Thursday October 24th 1889.

Present Aldermen Brighouse, Horne, McConnell and Oppenheimer.

We beg to recommend:

1. That James McDonald be appointed Pound Keeper at a Salary of $35.00 per Month including all fees, he to furnish a horse.

2. That fountain plate No 52 Manufactured by J. L. Matt, New York be purchased, provided answer to telegram sent is favourable.

[volume 3 page 187]

3. That the following accounts be paid:
H. Connacher, Alberni St. etc. $707.53
D. J. McDonald, Sec 2. Hastings St. 388.95
Thos. Beckett, St. Signs 9.00
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 9.70
Godfrey & Co. Nails 4.00
D. McAlister, Homer St. etc. 397.88
R. H. Wallace, Granville St. 401.15
D. B. Murray, Hornby St. etc. 404.56
A. W. McDonald, Princess St. etc. 210.83
McDonald & Barton, 9th Av. etc. 1,216.65
H. F. Keefer, Market building 2,250.00
Sgd. J. W. Horne for Chairman
Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman McConnell, seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the following account for Special Police be paid:
Thos. Andrews et al $97.50 Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the following account for work on the Park Road be paid:
B. Hungerford et al $261.90 Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the following account for Street Work be paid:
P. Atkinson et al $245.55 Carried.

[volume 3 page 188]

Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That a committee consisting of His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Clark, Horne and Whetham meet a Committee of the Brockton Point Athletic Club and also a Committee of the B. C. Jockey Club to arrange terms of leases to those associations and to settle the manner in which the proceeds of the loan for the improvements of Brockton Point Athletic Grounds and the Race Course Grounds in the Eastern Park be expended, such arrangements to be approved of by Council. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer, seconded by Alderman Costello. Resolved that a Memorial from this Council under the Seal of the Corporation and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk be forwarded to the Government of this Province asking it to introduce a measure at the next session to so amend Section 3 of Chapter III of the Consolidated Statutes of this Province as to exclude from its provisions the Several cities of the Province relating to personal property and income tax and that a copy of such Memorial be forwarded to the other cities of the Province asking their cooperation in the matter. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Clark, seconded by Alderman Whetham. That the amount of $6.00 paid by John Abrams and C. Goodmurphy for Cemetery burial fees for the burial of F. Robbin be refunded therein. Carried.

[volume 3 page 189]

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Whetham. That this Council accept with thanks the invitation of the Mayor and Council of the City of New Westminster to be present at the reception of His Excellency the Governor General at New Westminster on Nov 6th 1889. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer, seconded by Alderman Whetham. That a sum not exceeding forty dollars be allowed to the Street Ry. Coy. to do work mentioned in their letter of November 4th 1889 under the Supervision of the City Engineer. Carried.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Whetham gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a motion in reference to the Police Officials.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerkg