A house to be built for the use of the caretaker and sexton of the public cemetery, and a salary of $40 per month be offered.City Council supports the establishment of a Government of Canada experimental farm in Coquitlam. The City to purchase Lots one to ten, Block 38 District Lot 541 from the CPR at $250.00 each in order to build a hospital. Hospital to be built on the plans drafted by A. E. McCartney.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS
original handwritten pages here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 97-104
Vancouver Nov. 7th 1887
The Council met on Monday November 7th 1887 at 7:30 p.m. a full attendance being present;
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From City Auditor submitting report for September and drawing attention to the money paid Mr. E. Mohun for Sewerage.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From John Clough asking for a raise of Salary,
Referred to Finance.
From Clifford Keenleyside asking for a rebate on License,
Referred to Finance Com.
From Deputy Attorney General re expenses connected with holding of County Court in Vancouver,
From E.O. Corson asking Council to grant him aid toward the establishment of a Shoe factory in the City,
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From J.H. Carlisle asking Council to purchase a team for the use of the Fire Department.
Referred to F. W. + L. Committee.
Letter from Geo. Black to Minister of Agriculture re the establishment of an experimental farm near Coquitlam River,
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer.
Whereas it has appeared in the public press that the Government of the Dominion of Canada has decided to establish an experimental farm in British Columbia,
And whereas in the establishment of such farm the best interests of the Province will be served by placing it in a central location easy of access by the farming community and by the public generally and possessed of such diversity of soil that a fair opportunity may be given for the growth of all products suitable to this province;
And whereas in the opinion of this Council Coquitlam farm composed of lots numbers 174, 289 and 290 in group one New Westminster District, possesses in all these respects advantages superior to all others spoken of in connection with said experimental farm,
Be it therefore resolved by the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that we strongly recommend to the Dominion Government the securing of said lots for the purpose in view; and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded, signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, to the Honourable the [sic] Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa.
Moved in Amendment by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman Lefevre
“That the matter be laid over for one week”
Amendment – lost; motion carried.
From Alfred Bunker and others re the improvement of Hastings Street.
Referred to Board of Works.
From Dr. Beckingsale re improvement of lane in rear of school,
Referred to Board of Works.
From Jos. B. Kennedy and others re improvement of Cambie Street,
Referred to the Board of Works.
From H. Abbott offering a Site for City Hospital.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mannion.
That the City purchase Lots one to ten, Block 38 District Lot 541 at $250.00 each for hospital purposes if proper terms can be arranged.
The following accounts were read,
Abrams + Co. furniture $23.15 Health
Owen Hughes, Washing 10.50 “
T.H. Lee, Drayage, 1.25 Works
C.P.R. Telegraph Co. 5.10 Finance
H.A. Berry, Drayage, 1.50 Health
John Clough, 1.00 Works
F.W. Hart, 4.00 Health
“ “ 17.50 “
“ “ .35 Finance
Cornelius Swart, 5.25 Health
Al. Thicke, 10.00 “
Hastings Saw Mill Co. 35.08 Works
H. McDowell + Co. 9.65 Health
R. Couth + Co. 17.50 F.W. + L.
Walter Ashford, 28.80 Health
Cowderoy Bros. 0.62 “
Tattersall’s Stables 1.00 “
Charles Nelson, 19.65 “
Brunnette Saw Mill Co. 46.70 Works
Campbell + Marden 9.60 Health
McLennan + McFeely, 42.25 Finance
Wm. Harkins, 2.50 Works
E.W. Edwards, 6.00 F.W. + L.
F.X. Martin 37.23 Health
“ “ 10.45 “
Duncan McRae, 47.73 Works
Vancouver Wine Co. 1.50 Health
John Gibson 5.00 Works
Hayes + McIntosh 24.17 Health
John Clough, 2.00 Finance
S.T. Tilley 22.00 “
V.W. Haywood, 3.50 Police
Vancouver Lime Co. 2.00 “
News-Advertiser 42.50 Finance
F.X. Martin 9.85 “
John M. Stewart 115.00 Police
Thos. Dunn + Co. 19.95 “
W.J. McGuigan 25.00 Health
Works. No.60.
The Board of Works met on Friday October 28th 1887 and respectfully submit the following recommendations to Council.
That Messrs McDonald and Holden be paid their final estimate on Fire Hall accounting to $293.45.
That a wooden gutter be constructed on the South Side of Powell Street between Westminster Avenue and Columbia Avenue to connect with the drain now constructed and that a drain be made on the south side of Cordova Street from Cambie Street to Homer Street.
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Works. No.61.
The Board of Works met on Friday November 4th 1887 and respectfully submit the following recommendations to Council.
That a ten foot sidewalk be constructed on the West-side of Abbott Street from Cordova Street to lane in rear of the Carlson Block.
That a house be built in connection with the public cemetery for the use of the caretaker and sexton and that such officer be paid a Salary of $40.00 per month,
And that the City Engineer instruct Messrs Boyd and Clandenning [sic] to proceed with the construction of the sidewalk on Powell Street.
The City Solicitor being of the opinion that the Corporation should ultimately assume the cost of the necessary Sewerage from the C.P.R. Hotel, we recommend that the Council assume the cost of the work and on completion that this Corporation give a note to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company payable in nine months without interest;
The following accounts are recommended for payment:
Wm. Harkins Estimation Sewers $3649.11
H.F. Keefer, Gravel 1566.00
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Adopted Alexander – D. Oppenheimer
Alderman D. Oppenheimer introduced a By-Law to authorize the appointment of Deputy Returning Officers etc
1st for the Municipal Elections, 1888 which was read a first time,
2nd By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman
Committee of the Whole
No 48. The Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman Alexander in the Chair.
By-Law numbered 48 and clauses filled in and passed,
Committee rose to report By-Law as passed with Amendments,
By-Law read a third time on motion of Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre and authorized to be advertized [sic] and engrossed,
Council went into Committee of the Whole on Fire Limit By-Law,
No 49 By-Law numbered 49 and title read after which Committee Rose and By-Law was laid over.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer Seconded Alderman Sanders.
That the City Clerk be instructed to register deed of land lately purchased from J.J. Service.
Moved by Alderman David Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Sanders,
“That the Board of Works be authorized to call for tenders at once for the building of the Hospital as per plan of A.E. McCartney”
Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Clark,
“That the thanks of this Corporation be given to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company and to Sir George Stephen for their generous offer in regard to a hospital site for this City, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Sir Geo. Stephen President and Mr. Van Horne, Vice President of the C.P.R.”
The Council then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk