Street Preachers Causing “A Nuisance” – November 7, 1898

Complaint received from McDowell etal regarding, “a nuisance from Street Preachers on the corner of Cordova & Abbott Streets” (pictured here). Meanwhile, Rev E. D. McLaren (of St. Andrews Wesley United Church) addressed the Health Committee on the necessity of providing a Matron for the Jail and having a Curfew law passed.Referred to the Police Committee. 12,000 was put aside for the Board of Works to cover “amounts over expended” and to “provide for other necessary work.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Marie-Claude Tremblay

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives
Item : Bu P24 – [Dougall House – S.E. corner Cordova and Abbott Streets]

Source: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 715 G 05 Vol 8
pages 532-539

Vancouver November 7th 1898.

[Volume 9 page] 532

The Council met on Monday November 7th 1898.
Present:- His Worship the Mayor, and Aldermen Townley, Painter, Neelands, McQueen, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.


From Heofre, Graveley & Co asking for a box drain to take the sewerage from their houses on Lots 5 and 6 in Block 57, D.L. 185.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric.

From Geo Daniel asking for a bonus.

From McDowell etal complaining of a nuisance from Street Preachers on the corner of Cordova & Abbott Streets.
To be attended to.

From John W. Gather holding the City responsible for damages from water flowing over his lot on English Bay.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From J. Barnett etal asking for a sidewalk on the North Side of Keefer Street east of Campbell Avenue.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Light, Railway & Tramway Committee

The Light, Railway and Tramway Committee met on Tuesday November 1st 1898.
Present:- the full Board.
Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed

[Volume 8 page] 533

to prepare a plan of a temporary queen truss to strengthen the Swing of Granville Street pending the Construction of a permanent Street Swing and also estimated cost of same and the piling of one of the openings.

Resolved that the Street Railway Company be requested to inaugurate their Streetcar Service on Powell Street east of Westminster Avenue as promised some weeks ago.

D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday November 4th 1898.
Present:- the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

B. C. Elec Ry Co.Lights$1825.11
Gas Co.19.50
G. W ChadseyTaxes24.67
ThP. York60.68
Mining CriticSupplies12.20
F. A. LeeHack hire4.00
Clarke & StuartSupplies20.26
News AdvertiserAds39.16
The World270.77
J. G. GarvinAssessing on Act.150.00


From Davis, Marshall & Macneill, Barristers expressing their unwillingness to wait for the return of the City Solicitor for a settlement of Col Domville’s accounts.
Referred to the Acting City Solicitor.

[Volume 8 page] 534

The application from the Board of Works for the extra appropriation was again considered at length.
The City Engineer stated that about $12000 would be necessary to carry out urgent work.

It was moved by Alderman Painter.
That the sum of $12000 be placed to the Credit of the Board of Works in addition to the original application to meet necessary expenses to the end of the year.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Bruce.
That the matter be referred to Council to be dealt with.

Amendment Carried,
motion lost.

Jas McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 3rd of November 1898.
Present:- the full Board.

Plans were submitted by J.W. Mallory, Architect for alterations to the Free Library building on Hastings St.
Plans passed subject to being found correct by the City Engineer.


From W. H. Malkin asking that the Broughton Street adjoining his residence be opened up enough to give him access to his gate.
Referred to the City Engineer for attention.

From W. H. Lucas asking for a sidewalk

[Volume 8 page] 535

on Alberni Street between Thurlow and Bute.

From W. H. Lucas in reference to the condition of Pender Street in front of premises owned by him.
Referred to the City Engineer.

From W. H. Lucas asking for drain or sewer on Seaton Street as there are complaints from other property owners on account of their emptying slops etc from Laundry into the existing box culvert.
Referred to the Engineer to look into.

From R. Casement in reference to the bad condition of Seymour Street between Hastings and Cordova Streets.
Referred to the Engineer to have planks laid down temporarily until the paving can be done.

From Campbell, Rannie & Co. in reference to delay in the furnishing of Crushed rock on their paving Contract.
Filed for reference.

From C. T. W. Piper asking for sidewalks in two separate places where he is building houses.
Added to estimates.

From Phelps Johnson re Street Swing for Granville Street Bridge.
Filed for reference.

From the Secretary of Lawn Tennis Club, asking that the Chain Gang be allowed to clear stumps from lane in Block 57, D.L. 185 east of Denman Street.
Referred to the City Engineer to have this attended to.

From R. Marpole, General Superintendent

[Volume 8 page] 536

C. P. R. Co in reference to the proposed steps north end of Howe St.
Referred to the City Engineer for attention.

Resolved that the City Engineer see that the sidewalk on 10th Av. between Ontario and Manitoba Streets is moved out.

Resolved that the necessary steps be taken to re-assign the policy on cement to Campbell and Rannie & Co. the cement being all hauled away from Evans, Coleman & Evans Wharf.

Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to have the work of pulling in two queen trusses at Granville Street bridge started and completed as soon as possible.

Resolved that the tender of Messrs Mowat and Kerr for $7596.47 for laying sewers (see 1 Special) under Local Improvement be recommended for acceptance provided the vitrified pipe supplied by them for the work is to the Satisfaction of the City Engineer.

The following accounts were recommended for payment: –

Clarke & StuartSupplies$3.04
Evans, Coleman & Evans2.40
McLennan & McNeely57.11
ThP. Dunn & Co47.03
Campbell & RannieStreet paving9477.13
Champion & WhiteScavengering1.90
People’s Fuel Co.Supplies25.00
B.C. Elect Ry Co.10.00
Robertson & Hackett9.44
W L Tait & Sons177.72
W L Tait & Sons373.04
B. C. M. T. & T. Co.10.53

H.J. Painter

The Board held a special meeting at 2 P.M. Nov 4th to consider estimates for necessary work to end of year.
Present:- the full Board.

[Volume 8 page] 537

The City Engineer submitted a detailed statement of work he considered absolutely necessary for the balance of the year.
It was resolved that the list as amended be approved and that the City Engineer be requested to submit same to the Finance Committee.

H.J. Painter

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by ” McMorran
That the Report be adopted as read.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan.
That the clause in the report recommending the awarding of the Sewer Contract be laid over until a written opinion is received from the City Solicitor as to the powers of the City in the matter.
Amendment carried

Motion lost.

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by ” McMorran
That the Report as amended be adopted.

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday November 2nd 1898.
Present:- the full Board.


From I. Herman, President of the Jewish Congregation asking the Committee to lay over his communication re cemetery.

From the Crematory Caretaker furnishing Report.

[Volume 8 page] 538

From the Vancouver Improvement Co objecting to the Silverman House being connected with the Sewers.

From C. Child asking to be permitted to sort refuse landed at the Crematory for which privilege he was prepared to pay.
Referred to the Crematory Caretaker and Health Inspector for report.

From the Health Officer and Health Inspector reporting 20 Cases of typhoid fever and stating that a number of the same were not reported by physicians attending them.
Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to prosecute any physician who fails to report typhoid fever cases he is attending as provided by the Provincial Health Act.

Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to clean up the Winskill premises on Powell Street and charge the Cost thereof to the property.

The following accounts were ordered to be paid:-

CPR CoSupplies$82.00
Mayor GardenDisbursements18.00
Cleeve Canning CoSupplies5.25
Mr SandersonLabor3.00
ThP Dunn & CoSupplies2.60
Wm GodfreyLabor5.00
Willard & RobertsonSupplies2.40
Geo CalderLabor253.92
Trudgeon Bros.Supplies104.20
R. MarrionExtras12.00
Peach & LarsonPlumbing58.00
John McDowellSupplies10.50
J.A. Skinner & Co.27.25

Sgd W. J. McGuigan
Moved by Ald McGuigan
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

[Volume 8 page] 539

Rev E. D. McLaren addressed the Council on the necessity of providing a Matron for the Jail and having a Curfew law passed.
Referred to the Police Committee.

A depution [deputation] was present from the West-end to press the awarding of the Contract for sewering certain Blocks in D.L. 185.
No action taken until an opinion is received from the City Solicitor.


Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by ” McMorran.
That the Council place to the credit of the Board of Works a further appropriation of $12000 to Cover amounts already over expended and to provide for further necessary work.

Moved by Alderman Neelands.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the City Accountant prepare a list giving the names, occupation and salary of all City employees and that a Copy of said list be furnished each member of the Council.

Consideration of By-Laws.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by ” McMorran.
That a By-Law to raise $10000 for Sewerage purposes on the Local Improvement plan be read a second time.

The Council then adjourned.

James T. Garden

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk