Special Meeting To Settle Market Lease – November 8, 1895

The City Council formed an offer to terminate the Market Lease with Mr. Beattie.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon.

Original handwritten minutes:
COV S31 Volume 6 page 830 only

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[Volume 6 page] 830

Vancouver November 8th 1895

The Council held a special meeting on Friday November 8th 1895
Present – His Worship, the Mayor and the full Board of Aldermen
Also Messrs Miller and Costello and the City Solicitor

The meeting was called together to consider the Market Lease question

The Council made the following offer:

That the City allow $400 for the buildings on the Market Grounds against rent owing the sureties to pay balance of rent due viz $278. The Sureties to protect the city against any claims Mr Beattie might have or make for the buildings or the value thereof and if it is necessary to bring to bring an action of ejection to recover possession of the market premises that the sureties will pay all necessary costs incurred in taking such action and obtaining possession of the market premises that the sureties will pay all necessary costs incurred in taking such action and obtaining possession.

If above arrangement be made the City to make no claim for repairs.

The Council then adjourned until 5 o’clock at the request of Mr Costello.

Henry Collins

Thos F McGuigan
City Clerk