Leprosy correspondence to be made public – November 9, 1891

All correspondence between the City, the Dominion Government and the C.P.R. regarding the leper cases to be published. City Market hall rented for a Temperance lecture for the sum of $10. City Hall to be re-insured for $5,000 over 3 years at a premium of $400.

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Martha Hazevoet
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 558-564

Vancouver, November 9, 1891
Vol. 4, pg. 558

The Council met on Monday, November 9, 1891.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Carrall, Brighouse, Scoullar Hobson, Templeton, Wm. Brown and McDowell.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
The following communications were received and read:

From H. Abbott, notifying the Council to remove the lepers from the shack where they are now confined.
Referred to Board of Health

From B.T. Rogers, Manager of the Sugar Refinery, asking for a return of all monies paid for water since August 1, 1891.

From Dr. Brydone-Jack and J.A. Shearet, asking for the Market Hall for a Temperance lecture on the 13th inst. for a fee of $10.00.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the prayer of the petitioners be granted.

From E.V. Chambers asking for a sidewalk on 7th Avenue from Block 100 to Block 97.
Referred to Board of Works

From Geo. Palloy asking that the sidewalk be widened on Gore Avenue.
Referred to Board of Works

From the Market Clerk furnishing weekly report.

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From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From L. McLean et al asking for the opening of 8th Avenue one block west of Centre Street.
Referred to Board of Works

From J.A. Fulton, Secretary of the Trades and Labour Council, asking the Council the push the settlement of the leper question.
Referred to Health Committee

From Smith and Kidd asking for permission to cut wood on the streets and lanes.
Referred to Police Committee

From J. Duff Stuart asking for the Market Hall for a free lecture on Saturday evening.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the Hall be granted for the sum of $10.00.

From the St. Andrews Society asking the Market Hall for the 30th inst.
Referred to Market Committee

The following reports were received and read:


The Finance Committee met on Friday November 6th, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Hobson, Carrall, and Scoullar

A communication was received from Dr. Bredemeyer offering his mineral collection to the City for a stated sum. The City Solicitor advised that the City had not the power under the Charter to expend money for such purpose.

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It was recommended:
1) That the following accounts be paid:
Telephone Co. $ 22.80
C.P. Telegraph Co. 8.35
A. St. G. Hamersley, Law Costs 75.00

2) That the City Hall be reinsured in the Companies represented by Mr. H.S. Ceperley for 3 years for $5000.00 at a premium of 4 per cent.
Signed W. Brown, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

The Health Committee met on Wednesday, November 4th, 1891.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Carrall, Templeton, McDowell and Scoullar.
It was recommended:

1) That the present scavengers be instructed by the Health Inspector to hand all the garbage etc. to the Crematory.

2) That the appointment of Messrs. Champion and White as Caretaker of the Crematory be confirmed in accordance with their tender for same; their duties to commence November 6th and that one of them perform day duty and the other night duty until further orders.

3) That the scavengers while at the Crematory be under the direct control of the man on duty in charge of same; they to deposit their loads where and in what manner he …

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… shall direct.

4) That this Committee report being fully satisfied with the test of the crematory made in accordance with the resolution of Council and that the crematory be accepted from the builder upon the Certificate of the Sanitary Engineer of this City being filed in accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into between the Corporation and the Crematory Co.

5) That a Committee existing of Aldermen McDowell and Templeton, the City Solicitor and the Health Inspector be appointed with the view of conferring with the present licensed scavengers to see what arrangements can be made with them as to purchasing their plant and taking over from them their scavengering business.

6) That the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for delivering at the crematory one scow load of black coal at so much per ton, said coal to be delivered at the crematory within one week from the acceptance of tender.

7) That the Health Inspector instruct the crematory caretakers and Licensed Scavengers in accordance with the resolutions passed at this meeting.

8) That the following accounts be paid:
A. Lanvill et al Guarding Lepers $ 67.50
Mrs. Connolly, Washing 11.95

The Health Committee met on Monday, November 9, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Carrall, McDowell, Scoullar and Templeton.
It was recommended:
1) That Alderman McDowell be authorized to purchase a suit of clothes for John…

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… Morney at the City Hospital, price not to exceed $20.00.

2) That the following accounts be paid:
Hudson’s Bay Co, Supplies $ 18.75
Alex McDonald, Labor 1.15
Palmer Bros., Supplies 1.05
F.W. Hart, Burial 15.00
J.R. Morrow, Supplies 143.86
R. C. Winch, Supplies 17.03
Mrs. Eaton, Nursing 47.50
H.H. Layfield, Supplies 5.50

3) That tenders be invited for the heating and ventilating of the new wing of the City Hospital; tenderers to submit plans and details with tender.
J.T. Carrall, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the report of the Health Committee be adopted.

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday, November 5th, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Wm. Brown, Ch. Brown, Templeton and Godfrey.
It was recommended:

1) That the lane in Block 30, 185 be graded by the chain gang as soon as possible.

2) That the City Engineer be empowered to have Seymour Street on the east side from Nelson to Smithe sidewalked without calling for tenders.

3) That the City Engineer be empowered….

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… to act upon the petition of Joseph Coupland et al for the gravelling and sidewalking of Seymour Street from Robson to Pacific.

4) That the following accounts be paid:
J.M.O. Toole, speaking tube $ 6.50
D.H. Morgan, 7th Avenue 98.97
Davis & Taylor, Sign 2.75
M. McIntyre, Lane Block 105 154.60
W.S. Cook, Keefer Street 99.60
W.G. Fraser, Campbell Avenue 40.40
J. Hartney, 11th Avenue 219.98
T. Veitch, delivering rock 218.09
H.H. Spicer, lumber 45.90
D.H. Morgan, 14th Avenue 351.17
G.. Mesher, sidewalk 81.50
H. Lomos et al, labor 519.75
The following petitions and communications were received and referred to the City Engineer:
1. From D.C. Coverley et al petitioning for an 8 ft. sidewalk on 7th Avenue to the School House.
2. From H. Abbott drawing attention to the condition of Drake Street.
3. From Joseph Huntley re quarters for crematory caretaker.
Signed: Wm. Templeton, Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted.
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Scoullar
That all the correspondence which has passed between the City Council of Vancouver, the Dominion Government …

Vol. 4, pg. 564

… and the CPR regarding the Leper Case be published, also an account of the action brought before a Judge of the Supreme Court asking for an order to compel the CPR to remove the lepers out of the City and the ruling of the Judge in the matter.
That it be inserted as an advertisement in the paper having the City advertising contract for at least two issues.

Notice of Motion
Alderman Carrall gave notice that he would at the next regular meeting of Council move that the water works system be extended to the following parts of the City: Mount Pleasant, Brighouse Estate and the eastern portions of the City not already supplied.

The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk