Three part-time constables added to police force for the remainder of the year. James Stanford paid $790 for work to date on City Hall.
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland
and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 571-578
[volume 2 page 571]
Vancouver Nov 19th 1888
The Council met on Monday November 19th 1888 at 7:30 P. M.
Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Clark, Dougall, Humphries, McConnell and Lefevre.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the Licensed Victuallers of the City praying that no more shop Licenses be granted and that Hotel and Saloon Licenses be limited. Referred to License Committee.
From Ed Johnston asking that a sidewalk be laid on Richards Street South. Referred to the Board of Works.
From H. Abbott offering to deliver quartzite for the streets of the City at $1.00 per ton. Referred to the Board of Works.
From Theodore Davie re the case of McNaughton vs. Vancouver. Referred to License Committee.
From Father Fay asking that the rules of the Hospital be altered in reference to the City Clergymen. Referred to the Board of Health.
From President of Electric Illuminating Co offering to give up the contract for street lighting. Referred to F. W. & L. Committee.
[volume 2 page 572]
Police No 10
The Police Committee met on Friday November 16th and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
F. X. Martin, Groceries $37.40
J. Scuitto, Bread 32.40
Van Volkenburgh & Bro. 14.00
W. C. Marshall, Drayage .50 cts
Geo. Allan, Shoes 6.00
John McLaren, Fares 3.00
H. McDonald, Drayage .50 cts
We have taken into consideration the appointment of three Special constables for the City and would therefore beg to recommend that Thos. Booth, Thos. Crawford, and James Foley be appointed to the end of the year at a salary of $60.00 per month respectively.
(Sgd) G. S. McConnell, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the report of the Police Committee be adopted. Carried.
Finance No.
The Finance Committee met on Monday November 19th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
[volume 2 page 573]
C. P. Telegraph Co. $1.50
Robert Mathison, Printing 17.75
Indian Woman 5.00
We recommend that the City Assessor be authorized to engage an assistant for two months at a salary of $50.00 per month.
We beg to report that there are funds available for the following:
For planking the lanes in Blocks 6 and 7, 196 Cost $262.00
For grading the lane in Block 13, 196 Cost $75.00
For sidewalking Heatley Avenue from Powell Street to Railroad Cost $170.00
For crossing over Carrall Street to connect with Powell Street Sidewalk Cost $22.00
For widening sidewalk in front of the Whethan Block, Cost $9.00
Grading Princess Street from Carl to Heatley Cost $66.00
Purchase of $15,000 ft 1 ½ inch plank Cost $135.00
There are no funds available for improving Georgia Street nor for gravelling in front of the Ferguson Block, nor for sidewalking Pender Street West.
Sgd. Richd H. Alexander, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Clark. That the Finance report be adopted. Carried.
[volume 2 page 574]
F. W. & L. No 21
The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Friday, November 16th 1888 and beg to recommend that $325.00 be placed at the disposal of Alderman Humphries for the purpose of purchasing a Horse.
The following accounts are recommended for payment:
Crowder & Penzer, Supplies $44.25
Tattersall’s Stables 12.50
R. C. P. Mills Co. 48.12
Electric Ill Co. 237.46
Veysey & Creelman 1.80
F. X. Martin 7.00
F. W. Hart .62 cts
A. J. Marks $30.00
That James Moran be notified that his services as teamster will be no longer required as there is no horse at present for the service for which he was engaged.
Sgd., J. Humphries
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee be adopted. Carried.
Works No. 40
The Board of Works met on Friday November 16th 1888 and beg to recommend:
[volume 2 page 575]
1. That Raffael Nero and Carmine de Stefano be paid the amount due them under the contract of Cerra & Co for Sixth Avenue, if any money remains after the final completion of the contract.
2. That the City Engineer be instructed to examine and report upon the scheme of Dobson & Son for the heating of the City Hall and upon the petition of Robert Barker et al for the Sidewalking of a portion of Hamilton Street.
3. That a drain be cut on Powell Street near Block 41 to prevent the water from running over the adjoining property at a cost of about $10.00.
4. That ditches be dug at the South end of Granville Street and some of the large roots removed to make it possible but nothing further as grading at this time of the year would make such street impassable.
5. That Mrs Lucas be notified that a crossing will be constructed at the corner of Thurlow and Georgia Streets to Princess Street.
6. That the sidewalk on Carl Avenue be continued from Oppenheimer Street to Princess Street.
7. That a crossing be put on Westminster Avenue opposite the sidewalk on Harris Street.
8. That the lane in Block 13, 196 be graded about half way through cost about $75.00.
9. That Robson Street be graded as petitioned for by Mr Gillis if the Finance Committee will supply the funds.
[volume page 576]
10. That a two foot sidewalk be laid along Westminster Avenue and Ninth Av. to the school house.
11. That $130.00 be retained out of the balance due James Hartney on Sections 2, 3 & 4 Park Road to pay for burning and that the remainder be paid to him.
12. That the following accounts be paid:
Queen Bros. Buggy Hire $28.50
Boyd & Clandening, Final on Park Road 35.00
Clark & Boyle, Painting City Hall 15.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan, Ninth Av. 938.11
J. A. Gow, False Creek Bridge 134.63
The following were received and read:
Dupont Street Filling
Boyd & Clandening
Filling per ft 68 cts
Planking per m ft 14.90
J. A. Gow
Filling per ft 75 cts
Planking per m ft 15.40
H. McDonald
Filling per ft 40 cts
Planking per m ft 16.00
A. Bunker
Filling per ft 71 cts
Planking per m ft 15.00
Planking Lanes
J. A. Gow per m ft $15.40 3 in $15.15
H. McDonald per m ft 16.50
H. Coumacher per m ft 15.65
D. McAlister per m ft 16.20
[volume 2 page 577]
We recommend that the planking of the lanes be awarded to J. A. Gow and the filling of Dupont Street to H. McDonald.
Re the petition of Lewis Carter for the closing of a Street in 264A.
The City Solicitor is of the opinion that the City has no power to grant his request but that he might if he chose occupy the said road at his own risk until it was requested.
Sgd. S. Brighouse, Acting for Chairman
Moved by Alderman Brighouse, seconded by Alderman Lefevre. That Clause 11 be eliminated and the balance of the report be adopted. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Humphries. That James Stanford be paid $790.00, as progress estimate on City Hall. Carried.
Consideration of By-Laws
The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the Street Railway By-Law with Alderman Lefevre in the Chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to
[volume page 578]
Council as complete with amendments.
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk