Vancouver street names to be posted at each corner – November 21, 1887

Board of Works recommends street signs with 4 inch letters painted on wood or tin with white letters on black background. W. L. MacDonald appointed as cemetery keeper; a three room house to be built for him and his family at the cemetery gates. Lamplighter J. Mahoney presents a bill for $9.00.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 115-119

Vancouver November 21st, 1887

The Council met on Monday November 21st at 7.30.p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer and Sanders.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were read and referred to the Board of Works.
From W.H. Bullock-Webster re Quebec Street.
From F.C. Innis [sic] + Co. re Howe Street.
From Springer and Van Bramer re a 12 foot sidewalk on Hastings Street.
From Robert Reisterer and others re a road to the Brewery on Quebec Street.

From John A. Mateer asking Council to take steps towards the removal of shed on Fire Hall Lot.
Referred to F.W. + L. Committee.

From Alex Haggart; Winnipeg, Justifying His Worship Mayor MacLean in this remarks as to the accommodation on board the Steamer, Princess Louise and thanking the citizens for their Kindness towards the excursionists.

From E.J. Clark, Toronto, asking for pamphlets, maps etc in connection with the City,
Mayor MacLean promised to take the matter in hand.

From J. Mahoney presenting a bill of $9.00 for Lamp Lighting,
Account ordered paid on motion of Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Mannion.


Works No 63.

The Board of Works met on Friday November 18th 1887 and report that applications have been received for the position of Overseer for the Park Road and would recommend the appointment of W.L. McDonald.
We recommend that tenders be called for the erection of a three roomed one story [sic] cottage at the Public Cemetery for the use of the Caretaker.
In the matter of the petition of Edgar C. Goulding we have instructed the City Engineer to complete the sidewalk on Dunsmuir Street and charge the cost thereof Wm. Harkins.
We recommend that tenders be called for the naming of the streets with 4 inch letters two on each corner painted on wood or tin with white letters on black ground number of signs to be not less than 200.

The following accounts are recommended for payment:
McDonald + Holden, Extras on Fire Hall $11.00
Brunnette Saw Mill Co. Lumber 46.70
A map showing the system recommended for street numbering is submitted.
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Report Adopted,

Mannion – D. Oppenheimer.

Health. No. 22

The Board of Health met on Monday November 21st 1887 and recommend the payment of the following accounts:

Dr. McGuigan, Attendance on J. Clough, $10.00

“ “ Inquest on Richardson 10.00

Hayes + McIntosh, Meat, 24.17

Vancouver Wine Co. 1.50

F.X. Martin Supplies to Mrs. Sloan, 10.45

“ “ “ “ Hospital 37.23

Campbell + Martin , Bread 9.60

Charles Nelson, Medicine 19.65

Tattersall’s Stables 1.00

Cowderoy Bros. .62

W. Ashford, Milk 28.80

H. McDowell + Co. 9.65

A. C. Thicke 10.00

C. Swart, Wood 5.25

F.W. Hart, Pillows 4.00

“ “ Funeral 17.50

H.A. Berry, hauling wood 1.50

Owen Hughes, Washing etc 13.50

Abrams + Co. furniture 19.25

sgd G. L. Lockerby
for Chairman,

Adopted Hamilton – Clark.


A deputation of Clergymen appeared before the bar of the Council to ask that steps be taken towards the removal of Indian prostitutes in the portion of the City,

Laid over for consideration.


The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the Fire Limit By-Law with Alderman I. Oppenheimer in the Chair.

After reading on a clause the Committee rose and By-Law was laid over.


Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries,

That the City Clerk be authorized to advertize [sic] for tenders for Sections 3 and 5 of the Park Road.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Humphries gave notice that he would at next meeting of Council introduce a By-Law to request the expenditure of public money in street improvements.

The Council then adjourned.

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.