A. Williams declined appointment as Police Magistrate with restrictions. $500 was set aside for the Free Library for the purchase of books only. Market Committee empowered to find out what it will cost to deaden sounds from the basement of the Market Hall. Evans Coleman and Evans to supply to the city garbage-burning facility one scow load of coal at $2.20 per ton delivered. Duncan McRae hired to build a 12′ x 16′ shelter for lepers on Darcy Island.
This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Bronwen Cripps
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 576-583credite
Vancouver November 23rd, 1891
The Council met on Monday November 23rd, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Carroll, Brighouse, Godfrey, Scoullar, Hobson, Templeton, Wm. Brown, McDowell and C.L. Brown.
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That C.L. Brown be approved Chairman
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted
The following communications were received and read:
From A. Williams refusing the position of Police Magistrate under the restrictions.
Moved by Alderman Wm. Brown
Seconded by “ Scoullar
That the communications be referred to the Police Committee and that Mr. Williams be invited to be present.
Moved in amendment by Alder (sic) McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That the communication be laid on the table to be taken up later in the evening.
Amendment Carried.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.
From the Market Clerk furnishing weekly report.
From W. E. Graveley notifying the Council that the Insurance on Fire Hall No. 1 would expire on November 29th and asking for a renewal.
From W. F. Salsbury stating that he would undertake to carry out the wishes of the Council re auditing the Water Works Co’s books
From the City Solicitor stating the assignment for the Eagle Crematory Co. was in order but required the CO’s seal.
From J. A. Fulton Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council asking the Council to get the permission of the Dominion Government to erect bathing houses on English Bay Beach.
Referred to Board of Works
From Wm. L. Magee for Minister of Marine acknowledging the receipt of a communication from the City Clerk re the control by the City over the ends of Street.
From C. C. Morrell on behalf of the Standard Oil Co asking for permission to erect a brick building on the C.P.R. reserve near Carl Av. for storing oil.
Referred to F. W. & L. Committee
From H. Mutrie at al on behalf of the Y.M.C.A. asking for the Market Hall for Dec. 1st for $10.00.
Moved by Alderman Wm. Brown
Seconded by “ Templeton
That the Market Hall be granted to the Y.M.C.A. on the evening of Dec. 1st, 1891 for the sum of $10.00.
From Trueman and Caple asking for a grant in consideration of their growing lectures on British Columbia in England.
Referred to Finance Committee
From the City Clerk of Victoria agreeing to the terms re the keep of Lepers on Darcy Island.
From His Worship the Mayor, asking the Council to pass a resolution authorizing the Mayor, City Engineer, and City Solicitor to accept the delivery of the Water Works.
Moved by Alderman Wm. Brown
Seconded by “ Templeton
That the mayor, City Engineer, City Solicitor and the Chairman for the Water Works Committee be authorized to take delivery of the works, plant and deeds of the Vancouver Water Works Co., at as early a date as they can arrange with the Company.
From D. Oppenheimer, Mayor, advising the Council to take immediate steps to purchase water pipes for necessary extensions.
Referred to Water Committee
The following Reports were received and read:
The Market Committee met on Wednesday November 18th, 1891,
Present Aldermen Godfrey, Wm. Brown, Templeton, Doering, and Brighouse.
It was recommended:
1. That the communication from J. Duff Stuart, Secretary of St. Andrews Society be referred to the Market Clerk.
2. That the Chairman be empowered to ascertain what it will cost to deaden the sounds in the basement of the Market Hall, and report.
The Committee met again on November 19th, 1891.
Present Alderman Godfrey, Wm. Brown, Brighouse and Templeton
A Communication was received from Thomas Mathews applying for the use of the Market building for the purpose of holding a public meeting on Saturday evening the 21st wish to discuss the Greer Case.
Resolved that the request contained in Mr. Mathew’s letter be granted.
Sgd. A. Godfrey
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Scoullar
That the Market Report be adopted.
The Finance Committee met on Friday November 20th, 1891.
Present Aldermen Brown, Hobson, and Carroll.
It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid: Palmer Bros Coal $21.00
2. That $500.00 be placed to the credit of the Free Library in the Bank of B.C. to be expensed in the purchase of books only.
3. That the Communication from Dr. Brede Meyer re the purchase of his mineral collection be not entertained.
Sgd. Wm. Brown
Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the Report be adopted.
The Health Committee met on Tuesday November 17th, 1981.
Present: Aldermen Carroll, Scoullar, and Templeton.
It was recommended:
1. That Evans, Coleman and Evans tender for supplying one scow load of Black Coal, at $2.20 per ton delivered, as tendered, be accepted provided that the caretakers at the crematory are satisfied that said coal is suitable for the purpose for which it is intended and that the City Engineer be instructed to have the beach where the scows are to be loaded cleared of rocks, etc.
2. That Duncan McRae be employed to frame here, and set-up on Darcy Island 12 ft. X 16 with two compartments with verandah for the use of the lepers, rustic to be used on the outside and the inside to be lined.
3. That the Health Inspector, as soon as this reading is read[y], be authorized to purchase a month’s supplies with sufficient beds and furniture, tools, etc.
4. That he be authorized to charter a steamer to carry the buildings and supplies to the Island.
Sgd. J. T. Carroll
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ Godfrey
That the Health Report be adopted.
The Board of Works met on Thursday November 19th, 1891
Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Wm. Brown, C. L. Brown, Templeton, & Godfrey.
It was recommended:
1. That C Hayes’ request for a 6 ft. sidewalk on the East Side of Thurlow Street from Burnaby to Pendril (sic) Street be granted and attended to by the City Engineer.
2. That the City Solicitor be furnished with all particulars necessary in connection with D. H. Morgan’s claim on Victoria Street and that the Solicitor be requested to give his opinion in reference to the same at the next meeting.
3. That the petition from L’Abbe de la Croix de Castries asking for a sidewalk and crossing adjoining his residence on Pender St. be referred to the City Engineer for attention.
4. That this Board approves of the plan of the basement for the new Bank of BNA building submitted by Mr. C. O. Wickenden Architect and the City Engineer be instructed to inform Mr. Wickenden of the regulation widths of the sidewalks as requested by him.
5. That the City Engineer be empowered to have a sidewalk put down on the Westminster Road from 7th Av to the Bridge on the east side.
6. That the Street Inspector be instructed to make an inspection of the East End Park and make out an Estimate for Malcolm Matheson, surety for McDonald and Barton, keeping back only such amount as will be necessary to complete the work.
7. That the following amounts be paid:
L. Beaumont, Thurlow St. $562.47
T & L Whitside, (unreadable) House 13.40
H.H. Spieir, Lumber 74.87
J. Mitchell, Blacksmithing 11.62
J.C. McCurdie, 10th Av. 74.13
A.D. McDonald, box drain 410.67
Wm Jones, Keefer St. 630.99
D. Gibbons, Cambie St. 107.47
Tho. Veitch, Teaming 304.43
James Foster, Cambie St. 480.72
Godfrey & Co, Supplies 20.00
J.P. Lawson, Repairs 10.10
E. Myers, lanes 12.06
W.G. Fraser, Hastings St. 167.62
W.H. Fraser, Hospital Wing 647.02
D. Gibbons, Robson St. 195.84 H Lomas etal. Labor 332.45
8. That J. Jackson be allowed to take what he needs from Hastings Street East for use in front of his residence on Mt. Pleasant.
9. That the communication from Rand and Bro. re Hotel Metropole basement be referred tot the City Engineer with power to act & report
10. The following petitions were received and laid over,
From M. Costello, Geo Pollay, Josiah Gossi and L McLean
Sgd. A. Godfrey
For Chairman
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the report be adopted.
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Templeton
That the account of Oldfield and Cook for the frame building to enclose crematory be paid the promised, being $700.00.
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Godfrey
That Alderman Carroll be re-imbursed for any money paid out on account of lepers from the time the Special Committee was appointed for their removal.
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Godfrey
That the Committee go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the appointment of a Police Magistrate
Alderman McDowell was appointed Chairman.
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the matter be referred to the Police Committee
Moved in amendment by Alderman Templeton, Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That application be again invited for the position of Police Magistrate, all application to be in at 4 P.M. on Monday November 30th, and that the restrictions be also advertised.
The Committee then rose and reported that applications would again be invited for Police Magistrate.
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer,
Thomas F. McGuigan City Clerk