Lands for CPR, Street Railway Identified – November 26, 1894

Lands for CPR, Street Railway Identified – November 26, 1894

Alderman Franklin granted leave of absence to the end of the year. Boundaries of the land given to the CPR to serve the sugar refinery were adjusted somewhat. Ends of certain lots required by the Street Railway Company were authorized to be sold for $900. The Water Committee to identify the lands it needs for the Dam, and the city will begin expropriating those lands.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer  Rachel Tsui

City of Vancouver Archives 162-19
View of Powell Street looking west from Raymur Avenue

City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 319 – 324
to see original handwritten minutes, click here

[Volume 6 page 319]
Vancouver November 26th 1894

The Council met on Monday, November 26th 1894.
Present His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen
Salsbury, Queen, McDowell, McPhaiden, Wm Brown,
C.L. Brown, and Bethune
The minutes of last meeting were read, and, ad-
The following communications were received
and read:
From E. Machin Secretary of the Free Library aski-
ing for the balance of their appropriation.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From John Wolf, asking for time for the payment
of his scavengers license.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Alderman Franklin asking for leave of absence
to the end of the year and requesting that Alder
man Wm Brown be appointed on the com-
mittees of which he was a member.
Moved by Alderman Wm. Brown
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That he be granted leave of

Moved By Alderman C.L. Brown
Seconded by “ McDowell
That Alderman Wm. Brown
be appointed on the committees vacated
by Alderman Franklin

[Volume 6 page 320]

From R.O. Atkins, asking for free water and ex
emption from taxes for a period of years in
consideration for the erection and carrying
on of refrigerating Works in the City.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From Mrs. A.E. Webster asking for exemption from
taxation on Lot 4, Block 112, 264A
Referred to the Finance Committee

From W. D. LeSuer, Secretary to the Post Master
General acknowledging receipt of communi
cation re free postal delivery

From John Mclaren reporting on the electric

From the City Engineer stating that the plans
of the Tatlow building on Hastings Street were in
accordance with the By-Laws
Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown.
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the plans of the Tatlow building
to be erected on Hastings Street next to the Bank
of B. N. A. be approved same having been exam-
imed by the City Engineer and found to con-
form to the requirements of the Fire ByLaw

The following Reports were received and read:

Water Committee
The Water Committee met on Tuesday November
20th 1894
Present – Alderman Wm Brown, Bethune and

[Volume 6 page 321]
From Evans, Coleman & Evans re Purdy & Williams
estimate on Reservoir

From Harris & McNeill re acceptance from Purdy & Williams
That the City Engineer make a plan showing
what lands are required around the Dam, and along
the pipe line for the purposes of the water works on the
north side of Burrard Inlet and that the Solicitor
take steps to expropriate same.

The following accounts were recommended for pay-
Ths. Dunn & Co                  Supplies      $103.49
Ths. Veitch                          Teaming          13.38
McLennan & McFeely        Supplies          41.21
Vancouver Gas Co.              “                         .50
W.L Tait                               “                      27.23
Vancouver City Iron Works “                      19.20
John Boyd & co                   “                        5.95
Robertson & Hackett           “                      11.09
Van Gas Co                          “                        8.00
B.C Iron Work Co                “                    363.15
A.E. Crickmay                     Duty                  3.55
W Hooper et al                    Labor             397.80
Sgd Wm Brown
Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the report be adopted

[Volume 6 page] 322

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday November
23rd 1894
Present the full board.
From M.C. McLean asking the Council to place
a By-Law for $50000 00 before the people to be spent
during the winter:

From W. E. Gravely asking for instructions to re-
new Policy No 2280332 covering the insurance
on Fire Hall No 1.
Request Granted

That the City convey to the Canadian
Pacific Railway Co the following described
piece of land viz “Commencing at a point on the
westerly limit of Raymur Avenue produced North
Sixty six feet from the westerly corner of Block 49
in the subdivision of Lot 181 aforesaid, thence north
in the continuation of the Westerly limit of Raymur
ave produced 64 feet, thence east 262 feet more or
less to the line of the westerly limit of Boundary
Avenue produced north, thence south, along
said limit produced 14 ft. 5 in, thence westerly
in a straight line to the place of beginning 266
feet more or less” ; in pursuance of the agree
ment made when the bonus was granted the
Sugar Refinery Co, and that a By-Law be
submitted to the ratepayers, at as early a
date as convenient to authorize the signing
of such conveyance and that the conveyance
already made to the C.P.R co be cancelled
the company having agreed to accept the

[Volume 6 page 323]
first described piece of land in lieu of the latter.

That if Messrs Rand Bros on behalf of the Vancouver
Improvement Co pay $900 00 for the ends of lots
Block 48.181 that the same be conveyed to them or
their assigns and that a By-law authorizing the sign
ing of the conveyance be submitted to the ratepayers
to vote on, as soon as conveniently can be.

The following accounts were recommended for pay-
H. Kersey          Repairs        $6.75
E. Kingcombe   on account   25.00
Sgd W.F. Salsbury

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ C. L. Brown.
That the report be adopted.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown.
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the City Clerk is hereby instructed to
notify forthwith the contractor for the crushed rock
that the City will accept no more of that mat
erial until further notice.

A member of the Council having taken objection to
the passage of The Resolution the Mayor decided
that it required a notice of motion before introduction

Volume 6 page [324]

Notice of Motion
Alderman Wm Brown gave notice:
(1) That he will move at the next regular
meeting of the Council that the member of the
Committees be reduced to five and the work of
some of them re arranged.
(2) that he will move the conditions on
which the Council will hereafter grant the use
of any of the streets of the City for street railway
purposes to any Company shall be a fixed sum
per mile or portion thereof, and a percentage
of the gross earnings.

The Council then adjourned
RA Anderson

Ths. F. McGuigan
City Clerk