St. Paul’s Church On The Move – November 28, 1898

St. Paul’s Church On The Move – November 28, 1898

The Vancouver Pet Stock Association granted use of the Market Shed December 20 – 23. Letter received from W. A. Mace asking permission to move St. Paul’s Church to corner of Pendrell and Jervis Streets.
Permission granted. Council did not approve the Water and Market Committee’s suggestion that D. Madison be retained as diver for $200.00

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Carole Wilson

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives Ch P37 –
[St. Paul’s Church being raised prior to move to Jervis Street]

Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 555-561

Volume 8 page] 555

The Council met on Monday November 28th, 1898.
Present- His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From R.A. McMorran asking for permission to rock or plank Westminster Road between 9th & 11th Avs.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From J. L. Franklin, Woking, England making a suggestion as to how the souvenir copies of the Weekly Province should be distributed in England.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From T. M. Roach drawing attention to the building which is being erected on Keefer Street in rear of Keefer Street behind Hogg Block.
Referred to the Board of Works and the City Solicitor.

From Hing Kee et al asking for a crossing on Dupont Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.

From J.C. Dixon Secretary of the Poultry and Pet Hog Association asking for a grant of $100.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From McLennan & McFeely asking to be furnished with the amount of hardware purchased up to the present.
Referred to the Board of Works.

[Volume 8 page] 556

From Messrs Bowser, Godfrey & Christie Barristers asking for stay of proceedings on behalf of J. Spooner owner of shed on Hastings Street which was ordered to be pulled down.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Henderson City Clerk of Ottawa stating that their Curfew By-Law was repealed being found unworkable.

From H. McLennan And W.S. Ashworth applying for positions on the Police Force.

From W. Godfrey asking for a hydrant on the corner of Burnaby & Nicola Streets.
Referred to the Market Committee.

From J.A. Lester Secretary of the Firemans Benefit Association asking for the use of the City Hall for a ball on the night of the 10th of February 1899.
Referred to the Market Committee.

From Smith Bros drawing attention to a Drain running through their property on Pender Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Friday November 25th 1898.
Present Aldermen Painter, Neelands, Foreman and McMorran.

J. Buntzen of the B.C. Electric Railway and Light Co. and Superintendent Campbell interviewed the Board in regard to petition to extend the Street Railway System along Davie Street to Denman Street and on the latter Street to Robson Street.
Resolved that the Board recommends

[Volume 8 page] 557

that permission be granted to construct a double track street railway on the streets asked by using a 56 lb. T rail and resolved that the matter of the terms be referred to the Railway and Light Committee.

From the Sechelt Trading Co. complaining of the condition of Abbott Street North of Water St.
Referred to the Engineer.

Several objections to paying Street Sprinklers accounts were laid over.

From W. A. Mace asking permission to move St. Paul’s Church to corner of Pendrell and Jervis Streets.
Permission granted provided Mr. Mace enters into a Bond agreeing to indemnify the City against all accidents, claims, etc and leaves the streets as in as good a condition as they now are.

From Wm Foster re sewage in Block 64. D.L. 186.

From J. Munroe and W. Pedder Expressmen asking for permission to erect a shed for Streets near express shared corner Abbott and Hastings Streets.
Resolved that permission be granted provided the shed is open on one side and built according to the directions and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and subject to its being removed at any time when ordered by the Board of Works.

An application by J.O. Smith to move a small frame building from Cordova Street to Hastings Street was refused.

The Manager of the R.C.P. Mills interviewed the Board to get the North end of Victoria Drive rocked or planked to where the Marine

[Volume 8 page] 558

Railway is to be built.
Ordered to be planked 14 ft. wide from where the rock now ends.

Resolved that the owner of the small building on Lot 34 Block 13 D.L. 196, the front of which has been altered be notified that he must remove same within 24 hours failing which the City will have same pulled down or removed and cost charged to the property.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

W.L. Jack & Sons Supplies $43.97
B.C. Mills “ 76.86
Robertson & Hackett “ 2.58
A.E.E. Clark Rock 386.49
Thos. Veitch Del. Rock 157.05
Campbell Rannie & Co. Contract 12000.
C.P.R. Telegraphs Telegrams 2.63
Van. Gas Co. Gas 11.75
Evans, Coleman & Evans Supplies 12.50
Robertson & Peppard Express 1.00
B.C. Elec. Ry Co. Supplies 5.00
S. Elkins etal Labor 1410.74

sgd H.J. Painter

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ McMorran
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the clause in relation to the removal of the shed on Lot 34 Block 13 D.L. 196.

Water and Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday November 23rd 1898.
Present Aldermen Brown, Townley, Neelands and McMorran.


From the Vancouver and Pet Stock Association asking for the use of the Market Shed for their

[Volume 8 page] 559

exhibition from December 20th to 23rd inclusive.
Moved by Alderman McMorran that they be granted use of the Market Shed on those dates.

Moved by Alderman McMorran
That S. Madison be granted the sum of $200 for diving and for use and repairs of diving gear.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Armstrong & Morrison Supplies $2.50
Water Rate Collector Disbursements 5.20
Thos. Dunn & Co. Supplies 42.08
Robertson & Hackett “ 15.06
Thos. Veitch Teaming 28.90
F. H. Cawley Painting .75
B. C. M. T & T. Co. Supplies 22.74
Geo. Hurst “ 18.70
Can. Genrl Elec Co. “ 6.50
Water Works Pay Roll labor 528.51

sgd Wm. Brown

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by ” McMorran
That the Report be adopted.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ Foreman
That the clause in reference to S. Madison be referred back for recommendation.
Amendment Carried.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ McMorran
That the Report as amended by adopted.

[Volume 8 page] 560

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday 22nd 1898.
Present the full Board.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

J. Storey Supplies $3.50
W.C. Marshall Express 1.50
John Boyd & Co. Supplies 2.23
T. Young Interpreting 2.00
Dominion Fish Co. Supplies 7.55
McDonald BrP. Express .50
J.C. Woodrow Supplies 36.92
J. Dodson “ 29.60
W. I. Senkler Medical Examination 5.00
Valley Dairy Co. Supplies 4.60
John Currell Repairs 4.75
W.H. McMorran Express .50
M. Grossman Supplies 11.70


From Geo. Thorpe etal applying for positions on the Police Force.

From B.H. Short complaining that boys are breaking windows etc in the Baptist Sunday School Hornby Street.
Referred to the Chief of Police for attention.

From J.A. Lester Secretary of the Firemen’s Benefit Fund asking for help.
Referred to next year’s Council.

From A. Gough City Clerk of Nanaimo stating that the Curfew By-Law was not yet in force.

From the Chief of Police asking for five frieze overcoats for his men and asking permission to have waterproofs in use put through a process to make them more waterproof.
Referred to the Chairman and Chief of Police with power to act:

[Volume 8 page] 561

From T. F. Robinson accusing Police Officer McKeown of being intoxicated on the 9th inst:
Laid over until next meeting when both parties will be present.
sgd R.A. McMorran

Moved by Alderman McMorran
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday November 25th 1898.
Present Aldermen McQueen, Painter, Brown and Bruce.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

City Treasurer Stamps $4.75
Mining Critic Supplies 12.15


From the City Auditor certifying to the correctness of the City’s accounts for September and October.

From Dr. Poole rendering an account for $10.00 for attending one Griffiths who was injured while in the employ of the Water Works Department.
Resolved that the account be paid if Griffiths will sign a release holding the City harmless from further liability in the matter. The City Solicitor was instructed to prepare the necessary document.

From Oppenheimer Brs. Stating that they had appointed Wm. Farrell as their arbitrator on the expropriation of their piece of land on the corner of Carroll and Alexander Streets desired by the City and asking that a date be fixed for holding the Court of Arbitration.

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Resolved that Mr. Cambie be notified to meet Mr. Farrell for the purpose of appointing a 3rd Arbitrator and fixing a date for meeting.

Resolved that tenders be received up to Friday December 9th 1898 for the purchase of $10,000 worth of Local Improvement Debentures

sgd Jas McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by “ Bruce
That the Report be adopted.

Notice of Motion

Alderman McMorran gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would move that a special policeman be appointed for looking after the Hall Doors and Stairs leading up to the Council Hall.

The Council then adjourned.

James F. Garden

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.