C.P.R. continues to press for tax exemption – November 29, 1897

C.P.R. continues to press for tax exemption – November 29, 1897

McClary Manufacturing Company sent in plans for a new warehouse at 303 Cordova St. (pictured, still standing). City Lawyer gave the opinion that Council “had no power” to exempt C.P.R. lands from taxes. Former Mayor David Oppenheimer sent in a letter in support of the C.P.R.’s request for the Cambie Grounds to be exempt from taxation.

This document was transcribed in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
Series 31, Volume 8, pages 79-86

To see or download pictures of handwritten minutes click the buttons below (2 parts)

Vancouver November 29th 1897

[Volume 8, Page 79]

The Council met on Monday November 29th 1897

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, McQueen, McPhaiden, Neelands, McPhaiden, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. McDonald and Bethune. The Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and adopted.


From the Chairman of the Park Commissioners asking for an additional grant of $200.00 to cover wages owing etc.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From J. Lawlor Woods, President and General Manager of the Dominion Publishing Co asking the Council to subscribe for copies of a work on Canada entitled “Canada from Ocean to Ocean”. Referred to Finance Committee.

From William Gaskell asking for a sidewalk on 9th Avenue East.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Robert McPherson, M.P.P., asking the Council to send in an estimate of the sums required for the year ending June 30th 1897.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From the City Solicitor furnishing an opinion on the City’s right to exempt the property of the CPR Co.
Filed for reference

From W. Oppenheimer advising the …..

[Volume 8, Page 80]

……Council to consider favorably the request of the CPR Co for exemption from taxation on their proposed terminal buildings, etc.
Filed for reference

The following Reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday November 26th 1897.
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
J.W. Jackson repairs $.50
A.St G. Hamersley law costs $101.30
L.M. Jones supplies $3.00
W.E. Johnstone salary $60.00


From Ernie Morf offering to engrave a map of the Klondike.

From Charles Woodward enclosing circulars showing how he was advertising Vancouver as an outfitting point for the Klondike.

From W. I. Seymour Wells asking for the refund of an Auctioneer’s License paid by him as he only held one sale.

From the Collector of Customs requesting the City to pay over amount of fines imposed on two Chinese recently arrested on the charge of smuggling.
Referred to the City Solicitor.

Signed James McQueen,

Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, page 81]

Light, Railway & Tramway Committee

The Light, Railway & Tramway Committee met on Friday November 26th 1897.
Present: Aldermen McPhaiden (in the Chair), McQueen, Townley, Brown and D.G. McDonald

The following applications were received for Electric Lights:

From D. McKenzie etal for a light on the corner of Ash Street & 6th Ave

From J.G. Campbell etal for a light on the lane north of Hastings Street between Homer and Cambie Streets.

From Thomas Burfit etal for a light on the corner of Quebec & Lorne Streets.

From Charles Slade etal for a light on the corner of 12th Ave & Sophia Street

From W.H. Wood etal for a light on the corner of 15th Ave & Westminster Ave.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
That all applications for lights be laid over.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McDonald,
That all the applications be granted;
amendment lost, motion carried

Moved by Alderman McQueen

That this Committee recommends that the City Solicitor be request to report whether the present operating by the BC Electric Railway Co’s service of one car per day each way across Ninth Avenue has forfeited the right of the Company to their Charter on that Avenue and if so, can the Company revive their rights to the Charter by a renewal of the service required by the Agreement with the City.

Resolved that the attention of the Street Railway Company be drawn to the fact that they have not yet put fenders on their cars nor do they keep the globes of the street …..

[Volume 8, Page 82]

… lights clean, as requested by the Council.

Signed D. McPhaiden,

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the Report be adopted as read.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by Alderman D.G. McDonald

That that portion of the Report in relation to the placing of additional street lights be referred back to the Committee and that the balance of the Report be adopted.

Amendment lost;
motion carried.

Water & Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday November 24th 1897.
Present: the full Board

Mr. Paterson of the Salvation Army waited upon the Committee asking for free water for the Salvation Army shelter.
It was resolved that they be allowed free water till the end of the year.

The Chairmen and the City Engineer were empowered to purchase furniture for the Mayor’s office and the Committee room.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
W. Armstrong supplies $2.50
R. Campbell & son supplies $27.00
George Hardy cartage $2.50
Champion & White supplies $697.55
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $3.95
John Boyd & Co supplies $22.58
McLennan & McFeely supplies $10.04
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $11.10
Water Works Payroll labor $615.55

Signed William Brown,

[Volume 8, Page 83]

Fire & Police Committee

The Fire & Police Committee met on Tuesday November 23rd 1897.
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
E. Clough express hire $.50
F.A. Lee hack hire $.75
BCMT & T Co supplies $7.35
J.M. McLean police duty $32.00
William Ralph supplies $.75
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $29.35
James Freel supplies $3.00
C.S. Philp supplies $8.61
R. Campbell & son supplies $32.90
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $7.32


From William McGirr asking for an increase of salary.
Laid over.

From Sergeant Johnston stating that he was getting better and stating that he would now take his ten days’ vacation.

From H. Bell-Irving etal favoring the establishment of a Vaudeville Theatre.
Laid over.

Resolved that the salary of the License Inspector be increased to $75.00 per month dating from the 1st of November.

Signed D.G. McDonald,

[Volume 8, page 84]

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman D.G. McDonald
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Friday November 26th at 10am
Present: the full Board


From H. Grieve asking that the verandah at the Oriental Hotel be allowed to stand.
Laid over.

From J. R. Linton regarding his shacks at pier on S.S. Wharf.
Referred to the City Solicitor & Health Inspector.

From J. Mason & Co in reference to a new sidewalk east of Campbell Avenue.
Referred back to enquire on which street it is wanted.

From Williams & Barker re state of cribbing at Seaton Street near the Brewery. Referred to the City Engineer to examine & report.

From Mrs. Lucas Hunt re condition of Georgia Street.
Being attended to.

From J. Buntzen on behalf of the Street Railway Co re repairs to pavement along their rails stating they consider the season too far advanced.

From Hip Yick and others asking for a crossing on Dupont Street about halfway between Columbia Avenue & Carrall Streets.
Referred to the Engineer with power to act.

Resolved that the City Engineer be authorized to get two pairs of long rubber boots for the men flushing the sewers.

[Volume 8, Page 85]

From E.H. McMillan calling attention to condition of lane in Block 73, DL 541.

Foreman to attend to.

Mr. Timberlake submitted a plan of addition (one storey) to Miller’s block in rear at lane.
Plan approved.

McClary Manufacturing Co submitted plans of proposed warehouse to be built NW corner Cambie & Water Streets basement and 3 stories (sic). Plans approved. {Note: this is 305 Water Street and still standing today}

Ward 3 – Resolved that tenders be called to be sent in direct to the Engineer by 4pm on Friday next with power to open and award same for the following work:
Foot single dressed sidewalks on both sides of Oppenheimer Street from Gore Avenue to Dunlevy Avenue.

Ward 4 – Resolved that the City Clerk notify the owner of Block 69, DL 196 to clear off the dangerous overhanging stumps etc which endanger the passers by on the Hastings Street sidewalk fronting that block.

Ward 5 – Resolved that the foreman put in a cedar culvert at 7th Avenue at small creek near Prince Edward Street; also lay a 6-foot walk on north side on 9th Avenue from the Fire Hall to Ontario Street; also lay a 5-foot walk on east side of Westminster Avenue from 8th Ave to 9th Ave.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Globe Sign Works supplies $4.20
Robertson & Hackett supplies $161.78
S. Elkins labor $1061.15

Signed H.J. Painter,

Moved by Alderman W. S. MacDonald;
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted…

[Volume 8, page 86]

…after eliminating clause in reference to calling tenders for laying sidewalks in Ward 3.


Moved by Alderman Brown;
Seconded by Alderman D.G. McDonald
That the following account be paid:
M. Rockett Market Hall repairs $329.55

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman W.S. MacDonald
That the following account be paid:
Thomas Dunn etal supplies etc $97.85

Moved by Alderman Neelands;
Seconded by Alderman Townley
That the Mayor and Chairman of the Finance Committee interview the management of the CPR Co as to the best terms on which the City can acquire Blocks 48 & 42, DL 541 {Note: these lots were known as the ‘Cambie Street Grounds’}.

Reconsideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the amendments to the Trades License By-Law be reconsidered and finally passed.

The Council then adjourned to Friday December 3rd at 2.30pm.

Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk

W. Templeton


Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; City Council, November 30th 1897, pg 2