The plumbing by-law was also completed.
This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 page 566 only
[volume 5 page 566]
Vancouver October 11th 1893
The Council met on Wednesday October 11th 1893.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Alderman Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson and Towler.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the amendments to the Plumbing By-Law be read a second time.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole for its consideration with Alderman Hackett in the Chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Collins seconded by Alderman Cargill.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Towler
That H. R. Bellamy be paid the sum of $230 in full settlement of his account for boring test holes at the first narrows.
The Council then adjourned
F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk