Ward 1’s budget exhausted for this year – October 1, 1888

Ward 1’s budget exhausted for this year – October 1, 1888
Deadman's Island, Stanley Park, ca. 1895 photo courtesy City of Vancouver Archives

Ward 1’s budget exhausted: instituted separate accounts for each city ward. Work on False Creek Bridge, False Creek School House, and City Hospital continues. Brush, stumps, boulders and debris along the road to (Stanley) park not disposed of according to contract.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 499-513

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Vancouver Oct 1st 1888

The Council met on Monday October 1st at 7:30 P. M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Ald Lefevre, Clark, Dougall, Alexander, Oppenheimer & Humphries.

The minutes of the last regular meeting of Sept. 17 were read and adopted.

The minutes of a Special meeting of the Council held on Sept 26 were read and adopted.


From J. H. Carlisle asking for Gov’t grant to Fire Department. Rec’d.

From W. L. McDonald resigning position as Park Road Inspector.

From Mallandaine & Sansom re extra work on False Creek School house. Referred to Board of Works.

From G. F. Baldwin asking for instructions as to payment to M. Pasquale. Rec’d.

From R. G. Tatlow as the closing of a portion of Forbes St. Referred to Board of Works.

From E. Crow Baker re bal. due on Lot 14 Block 64, D. L. 185. Referred to Finance Committee.

From E. Crow Baker re purchase of remainder of Lot 16, Block 64, D. L. 185. Referred to Finance Com.

From James Orr et al re Street Railway. Referred to Com. Street Railways.

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From R. G. Tatlow et al re the improvement of Dupont St. Referred to Board of Works.

From James Hartney re burning of debris re his Park road contracts. Rec’d. Filed

From R. Wolfenden re copies of bound British Columbia Gazette. Referred to Finance Committee.


Finance Committee No 21

The Finance Committee met on Saturday Sept 22nd at 3 P. M. Present His Worship the Mayor, Ald Alexander, Clark, Dougall & Couth.

Your Committee recommend the payment of $2.90/100 to A. T. Black, Dept. Registrar of New Westminster District for registration of title deed to lot at Coal Harbour Bridge approach.

That the proposition to insure the horses belonging to the City be not entertained as the rate asked is much too high.

Re the work proposed in the Report of the Board of Works at our last Council meeting we recommend that no more work be let in Ward No 1 as the appropriation for said Ward is exhausted.

That no further work be let in Ward 5 as the appropriation for that ward is also exhausted.

An error in computation in reference to Ward 5 instead of a deficit there is about $500.00 still to the credit of Ward 5.

That the proposed repairs to False Creek Bridge to the amount of $760.00 be gone on with and this amount be

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charged to the contingent fund.

That the grounds of the New City Hospital be fenced forthwith there being funds at the disposal of the Committee for that purpose.

That although the appropriation for Ward No 1 is exhausted your committee considering the necessities of the situation would recommend the construction of a three plank sidewalk along Burrard St. from Georgia St. to Nelson St. at a cost not to exceed $110.00 to give access to the new school house in the West-End.

Your Committee would also urge the Board of Works to see that existing contracts do not exceed the Engineer’s estimate for the same as submitted to the Finance Committee.

Your Committee also desires to be furnished with a complete return of all street work done since the beginning of the year, said return to specify the name of street, name of contractor, Engineer’s estimate, amount paid, under the contract and balance to be paid on those contracts still unfinished, classified by wards, and arranged as per form attached to this report.

Signed R. H. Alexander, Chairman

Moved by Ald. Clark seconded by Ald. Dougall that the report of the Finance Committee be adopted as read. Carried.

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F. W. & L. No 18

The Fire, Water & Light Committee met on Thursday September 20th at 3:30 P. M.

Present Ald Humphries in the Chair and Ald Brighouse, Alexander & Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of the last meeting was read and adopted.

Your Committee would recommend that the Council agree with the Vancouver Water Works Co. to take Sixty Hydrants to be placed in the positions marked on accompanying map, marked in blue, and that the additional fifteen offered be taken when the company’s mains are extended to other parts of the City and that the City pay for said Sixty Hydrants at the rate of Fifty dollars per annum for each hydrant for one year.

And your Committee would further recommend that all water needed by the City for purposes other than Fire service be paid for by the City at the schedule rates of the Company or by a lump sum of Six hundred dollars per annum.

And it is also recommended that a contract be entered into by the City with the Vancouver Electric Illuminating Co. for street lighting for the ensuing year at the rates offered by said Company, and that the lights to be furnished under said contract be divided as follows; Fifteen 40 candle power lights, Forty five 32 candle

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power lights and fifty 20 candle power lights.

Signed J. Humphries, Chairman

Moved by Ald. Lefevre seconded by Ald. Humphries the report of the Fire, Water, & Light Committee be amended by adding the following – :

That the City Engineer be instructed to examine the character of the work of the Vancouver Water Works Co. with respect to the time in his opinion when they will furnish water to the City and furnish a report in accordance therewith.

Upon this motion being put it was found that a tie vote ensued and the yeas and nays be called the vote stood as follows:

Ald. Lefevre, Oppenheimer & Humphries.
Ald. Dougall, Clark & Alexander.
His Worship the Mayor using his prerogative in case a tie vote, voted yea, the amendment thus being carried.

On motion of Ald. Lefevre seconded by Ald. Humphries the report of the Fire, Water & Light Committee was adopted as amended. Carried.

Board of Works No 31

The Board of Works met on Monday Sept 24th at 3 P. M. Present Aldermen Brighouse, Humphries & Oppenheimer.

Your Committee would recommend:

1. That Mr. McAllister be allowed $2.00 per m. extra on the lumber for his contract on

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Hastings St.

2. That the Surveyor General be advised that it is absolutely necessary that the School house lot on South side of False Creek be fenced in and a well sunk thereon.

3. That Messrs Springer and Van Brauer be permitted to lay a terra cotta pipe from their building on corner of Cambie and Cordova St. to the foot of Cambie St. but such pipe shall be a 6 in one with T connections, all to be laid under the superintendence of the City Engineer and the City to furnish the pipe.

Ald. Oppenheimer dissented from this and asked that the question of the City furnishing the pipe be laid over.

4. That as the beach on the north side of Water St is getting foul from the accumulation of refuse drainage from buildings where drains connect with the shore, we would ask that Mr. Abbott be asked that to put in a culvert in the Railroad embankment at the foot of Abbott and Carrall Streets, and that the Board of Health be requested to look into this matter.

5. That the west half of Burrard St. from Robson to Nelson Streets be graded and levelled and that an 8 ft. sidewalk be built from Nelson to Georgia St. past the new school house at a cost estimated at $780.00

6. That the City purchase a wagon for City use.

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7. That the City Engineer report on the cost of filling Hastings St. from Abbott to Cambie St. and Cambie St. from Cordova to Hastings Street.

8. That that portion of Hastings St. in front of A. G. Ferguson’s new building be gravelled and that part of Cambie Street near Springer & Van Brauer’s block.

9. That the lanes for one block between Columbia Avenue and Westminster Avenue and between Powell Street and Oppenheimer Street west of Westminster Avenue be graded and ditched.

10. That the City purchase the following trees for street improvements, sugar and other Maples, Ohio Buckeye, English Ash, English Elm, Locust, Plane, Chestnut & laburnum trees.

The following accounts are recommended paid.

Mallandaine & Sansom commission on School house, Morgue & City Hall 92.55
F. X. Martin Groceries Park Road 73.50
Goodmurphy & McLellan 9th Ave 717.75
McDonald & Cameron Howe & Nelson 1,161.09
McDonald & Cameron Hornby St. 300.00
McDonald & Cameron Smithe St. 339.39
H. Connacher Robson St. 206.78

That several application for street improvements were presented to the Board but we regret we cannot comply with

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the requests for want of funds.

The communications of N. Allan. Co., Hawley & R. P. Myles were referred to the City Solicitor.

The Board then adjourned.

Signed S. Brighouse, Chairman

Board of Works No. 32

The Board of Works met on Friday Sept. 25th at 4 P. M. present Ald. Brighouse, Humphries & Oppenheimer.

The Board beg leave to recommend as follows:-

1. That the application of C. Hawley be granted.

2. That the application of T. D. Cyr be referred back to the City Solicitor.

3. That the application of A. Simpson to plan a stairway in sidewalk on Dupont Street to basement of his building be referred to the City Solicitor.

4. That the amount of E. Cook be referred to the City Solicitor.

5. That the communication of Mallandine & Sanson be referred to the Council for their opinion.

6. That the City Engineer be constructed to report and examine re the com-

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munication of John Callow.

7. That the widening of Hornby Street one block be done provided funds are available.

8. That the proposition of Mr. Clark be accepted provided funds are available.

9. That the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for repair on False Creek Bridge according to the plans as submitted to the Board.

10. That the Board be empowered to select and report on a site for a Pound.

11. That a sidewalk be laid on Pender Street three planks in width.

12. That the application of Nicol Allan to raise and enlarge a portion of his premises be refused.

13. That the following accounts be paid.

A. Godfrey & Co, $68.65
J. Dixon, School house 392.50
Cerra 6th Ave 143.43
S. Dominick, Seaton Street 33.20
Hugh Connacher, 7th Ave. 232.50
Hugh Connacher, Oppenheimer St. 614.70
Hugh Connacher, Heatley & Hawkes Av. 112.90
A. Bunker, Bate St. 261.00
A. Bunker, Hastings St. 291.60
A. Bunker, Gore Ave. 423.00
A. Bunker, Seymour Street 204.74

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The Board then adjourned.
Signed S. Brighouse, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander that action on Clause 3 of the Report of September 26th be laid over until the City Engineer report as to the estimated cost of the pipes & connections. Carried.

On motion of Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Alexander the Reports of the Board of Works were adopted as read with amendments. Carried.

Park Committee Report No. 1

The Park Committee desire to report that they have inspected the entire length of the Park Road and find that a large amount of debris has been left along the sides of the road injuring to a great extent the beauty of the drive, and which should certainly be removed.

Your Committee feel that this is a question which must be dealt with by the Council as in our opinion it lies between the Council & the Contractors.

Your Committee have examined the contracts and as we understand their intent, all logs & brush were to be burned on the road and this under the control of the City Engineer, and we would suggest that that official give immediate orders that the contracts be completed by the

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burning of the debris and that he personally direct and point out where such burning shall be done so as to avoid damaging the adjoining trees and shrubs and for any damage resulting from burning escape as directed the contractor should be held strictly accountable according to the terms of the contracts.

Your Committee desires to point out that a very considerable amount of work in the removal of the debris remains to be done which appears to us is a part of these contracts and if not done by the contractors will entail a considerable outlay on the part of the City to perform the work the contractors should have done.

We would also call attention to a few boulders appearing above the surface of the road and some roots, contrary to the specifications for the work.

Your Committee desire to start entirely anew and would therefore request that the Board of Works terminate all work with the expenditure of the last grant of $300.00 and that further appropriations be made in favour of the Park Committee.

We desire further to be informed of what funds are still available for Park purposes in order to determine

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our future operations.

Signed A. G. Ferguson, Chairman

On motion of Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander the report of the Park Committee was adopted as read.

Police Committee Report No. 8

The Police Commissioners met on Thursday September 20th at 3 P. M. Present His Worship the Mayor in the Chair & Aldermen Humphries, Alexander & Brighouse.

Your Committee would recommend that a Contract of hiring approved of by the City Solicitor be entered into by the members of the Police force of the City forthwith.

The monthly report of the Gaoler was received by your Committee showing the number of prisoners for the month and the cost of keeping the same.

The following bills were recommended paid.

G. L. Allan, Shoes $3.25
W. J. Smith, Drayage .50
A. Hambrook, Drayage .50
Stickeen Joe, Interpreter 5.50
J. Scuitto, Bread 27.05
VanVolumekenburgh, Meat 16.75
J. Owens, Spec. Constable 20.00
John Stickeen, Spec. Constable 6.00
F. X. Martin, Groceries 33.11
C. Nelson, Drugs 1.00
Dunn & Co., Paint 2.26
Frye & Co., Tools 10.65

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Signed D. Oppenheimer, Chairman


Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer that James Stanford be paid $650.00 this amount being first payment due on work done by him as certified to by the Architect in charge. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer that John McLaren be refunded the sum of $5.00 paid out by him for relief by orders of the Mayor. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Lefevre that the City Treasurer be empowered to pay to M. Pasquale the sum of $42.00 by way of a donation. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Alexander. That the Engineer give specific instructions to the Contractors where and how the debris shall be burned on the Park Road. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Alexander. That the City Engineer be instructed to lower the grade of the street and sidewalks on Hastings Street East and Carl and Jackson Avenue between Carl Avenue and Jackson Avenue and that the City Clerk call for tenders for said work. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the Government grant to the Fire Department less the disbursement for Hats and Caps be paid over to the Treasurer of the Department. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That His Worship the Mayor be empowered to charter a steamer and carriage to convey General Sir Fred Middleton around our City and Harbour upon his arrival here. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Humphries. That the Board of Works are hereby empowered to have Davie Street from Granville to Homer Street graded, if the cost do not exceed $325.00. This motion was laid over.

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Notices of Motion
By Alderman Humphries

I hereby give notice that I will introduce a By-Law at the next meeting of the Council for the purpose of purchasing land for the purpose of erecting a market and weigh scales in the West End of the City on Richards or Seymour Street.

By. Ald. Clark

I hereby give notice that at the next meeting of the City Council I will introduce a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 8 providing for the fixing of a license fee or duty for the manufacturing of, or trading in opium in the City of Vancouver.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk