The Fire Department to build or purchase a stable. Dr. Beckingsale paid $10.00 for conducting a post-mortem. Vancouver Gas company allowed to lay pipes under city streets, providing they do not interfere with sewers, and that the streets be left in as good repair as before. W.W. Ayers resigned as City Scavenger.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 71-77
Vancouver October 3rd 1887
The Council met on Monday October 3rd 1887 at 7:30 p.m.
Present – His Worship Mayor MacLean Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lockerby, D. Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and adopted.
From John Devine, submitting Auditor’s Report for August, and certifying to the correctness of the accounts.
From A.E. Gray, Editor of the Journal of Commerce, asking Council to subscribe for a number of copies thereof.
Moved by Alderman Hamilton
seconded by “ Sanders.
That the communication be referred to the Finance Committee to take the matter into consideration.
From Jos. W. McFarland, Secretary of the Electric Light Company acquainting Council that hoods would arrive in ten days.
Referred to F.W. + L. Committee
From Messrs Blair + McIntosh asking that the contractor replace plank raised in Alley between Water and Cordova Streets.
Moved by Alderman Hamilton
Seconded by Alderman Humphries
That the matter by referred to Mr. E. Mohun with instructions to notify Mr. Hardins to have plank replaced and if he fail to do so, that he proceed to have the work done and deduct the cost thereof from the contractor’s next estimate.
From Geo. M. Taylor and others asking Council to replace plan on Granville Street – South of the C.P.R. Hotels.
Referred to Board of Works.
From Owen Hughes asking for an increase of Salary.
Referred to Health Committee.
From H.J. Cambie requesting that a Sidewalk be built on Georgia Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Thos. Beckett, Secretary of the Fire Brigade asking on behalf of the Firemen that the Government Grant of five hundred dollars be paid over to them.
Referred to the F.W. + L. Committee to
confer with Brigade.
From G. McConnell asking Council to order the removal of piles blocking up the entrance to his lot on False Creek.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From G. McConnell requesting that Jackson Avenue South of Hastings Street be improved.
Action already taken.
From W.W. Ayer resigning his position as City Scavenger.
Moved by Alderman Clark, seconded by
Alderman Humphries.
That as W.W. Ayer is not fulfilling his duties as scavenger that his bondsman be notified that his contract with the City as City Scavenger be carried out.
Oppenheimer Bros. Rent of office $30.00 Finance
J. Miller, Post-office Box 1.45 “
Vancouver News-Advertiser 29.20 “
S. T. Tilley Stationery 15.35 “
R. Couth, Coal 14.00 “
Jacob Sehl, Furniture 143.00 “
C.P.R. Telegraph Co. 3.90 “
R. Matheson, Printing 6.00 “
F. W. Hart, Lamp Chimney 0.15 “
F. X. Martin, Groceries 39.42 Health
Hayes + McIntosh, Meat 22.57 “
Cowderoy Bros. 2.65 “
F. W. Hart – bedding etc. 25.75 “
Stevens + Son. Instruments 130.23 “
Jos. Smith, Interpreter 2.50 Police
Oppenheimer Bros. Coke 1.80 F.W.L.
Garden + Herman 2.00 Works
Woodaman + Edgar 1.20 “
G. McConnell 9.00 “
Hastings Mills Co. 31.68 “
Moodyville Saw Mill Co. 3.45 “
Health No. 19
The Board of Health met on Saturday September 24th 1887 and recommend the payment of the following accounts
Vancouver Wine Co., brandy $7.00
H. McDowell + Co. Medicine 4.80
Owen Hughes, Washing 6.00
Charles Nelson, Medicine 18.45
Hayes + McIntosh, Meat 17.14
F.W. Hart, bedding, etc 54.95
Walter Ashford, Milk 5.30
D.L. Beckingsale, Post-Mortem 10.00
A.M. Robertson “ “ 10.00
W.J. McGuigan Inquest 10.00
Campbell + Mason, bread 6.60
Cowderoy Bros. – Calico 1.00
A. McPherson, brandy 2.00
We have authorized AE. McCartney to prepare plans and specifications for the City Hospital, according to suggestions made by Dr. Edmunds of London, Eng and have appointed a Committee of four to select a side and report to this Board.
sgd D. Oppenheimer
Acting Chairman
Report adopted, Hamilton – Clark.
Works No. 57
The Board of Works met on Friday September 30th 1887 and report that the petition of the Vancouver Gas Company for permission to lay pipes on the public streets of the City has been considered.
We recommend that permission be granted on the condition that the pipes be laid at a distance of fourteen feet from the street boundary, running parallel thereto and on the side that will not interfere with existing drains and as indicated by the City Engineer.
Where gas pipes cross the street – approaches or crossings – the Company to leave same in as good repair as when found; also that they provide against all accidents and be responsible for any openings left or damage sustained while the work is in operation and everything to be done in accordance with the Street By-Law of the City of Vancouver.
This resolution to be communicated to others by the City Solicitor, who shall receive a letter of acceptance of these terms from the said Gas Company.
We also recommend that all the plank on the South Side of False Creek be given to Mr. Babbington to make a two foot sidewalk on the Westminster Road from Seventh Avenue to Ninth Avenue or as far as it will reach.
And that W.H. McDonald be notified to have the rocks removed from Jackson Avenue and that said Avenue be graded and made passable South of Hastings Street.
sgd L.A. Hamilton.
Report adopted Alexander – Lockerby.
F.W. + L No. 26
The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Monday October 3rd 1887 at 7:30 p.m. and report that the following accounts are recommended for payment:
E.W. Edwards Coal Oil 6.50
C.P.R. Co. 16.73
John McAllister 31.00
F.W. Hart 1.38
W.W. Ayer 11.50
Wm. Templeton 6.00
Herman Wraxdorf 1.00
Thos. Dunn + Co. 5.88
(sgd) Rich, H Alexander
Report adopted D. Oppenheimer – Clark.
Moved by Ald D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Humphries.
That the Board of Works build a stable or buy out the one now on Fire Hall Lot – for the use of the Fire Department.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander.
That the Board of Works be authorized to build a shed in connection with the City Hospital.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark.
That John Devine be granted twenty five dollars for his special audit of the Tax Book.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Sanders.
That the City Treasurer be authorized to place to the credit of the Sending Fund account of the City of Vancouver the amounts accruing due from debentures for $6,900, $150,000 and $14,100 and that the debenture for $27.. [unreadable, see original image] be placed to the credit of the Sending Fund of the $150,000 debentures
The Council then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk