Council requests Post Master General move the post office “before the rainy season sets in” to some point between Abbott and Carroll Streets. The picture shows the small clapboard post office on Hastings Street. Board of Works was authorized to build a Kitchen and Water Closet in rear of City Hall and a gaol yard.
This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 122-131
Vancouver Oct 5th 1886
The Council met on Tuesday Oct 5th 1886 at 7.30.p.m.
Present Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, Dunn, Humphries, E.P. Hamilton, L.A. Hamilton and Northcott.
Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton, that Alderman L.A. Hamilton be appointed Chairman in the absence of the Mayor.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
A Communication was read from Thos. C. Sorby complaining of the annoyance caused by Steam whistle.
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Cordiner that the Communication of Thos. C. Sorby be allowed to lie on the table.
Communication from W.S. Gore Surveyor-General, re boundaries of Carrall Street, referred to the Board of Works on Motion of Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Dunn.
The City Engineer sent in his estimate of the cost per foot for the improvements on Carroll Street and Cordova Street.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that the report of the City Engineer showing the division of the cost of the Local improvements on Cordova Street be approved of by this Council. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Humphries, that the Report of the City Engineer showing the division of the cost of the Local improvements on Carrall Street be approved of by this Council. Carried.
A petition was read from the property owners on Cambie Street between Hastings Street and Water Street praying for the improvement of said street.
Petition referred to the Board of Works on motion of Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott.
A petition was read from certain inhabitants of the City of Vancouver praying for the placing of the Post Office in a more central location.
Moved by Alderman Peter Cordiner seconded by Alderman Northcott.
Whereas the present location of the Post Office in the City of Vancouver is highly inconvenient for the great majority of the merchants and inhabitants of the said City; and a petition signed by a large number of the most influential Citizens and businessmen of the City has requested this Council by resolution petition the Post Office Department of Canada to alter the site of said Post Office to a more Central position
Be it therefore resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that this Council is of the opinion that the present location of the Post Office in this City is highly inconvenient for the great majority of the merchants and inhabitants thereof and that a more central location of same is necessary and that the Post Master General be requested to alter the location of same before the rainy season sets in to some point between Abbott and Carroll Streets in said City.
And be it further resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to prepare a copy of this resolution to be signed by said City Clerk and the Mayor and be sealed with the seal of this Corporation and that same be forwarded with the petition of the Citizens presented to this Council to the Post Master General of Canada.
They yeas and nays being called for the results were as follows.
Yeas. Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, E.P. Hamilton and Northcott.
Nays. Aldermen Humphries.
Motion carried.
The following accounts were presented
Abrams Aird & Corp 42.15 Board of Health
William Harkins 584.50 Board of Works
Vancouver Herald 23.50 Finance
Palmer Brothers 1.00 F.W.L.
Geo. Gibson 31.73 Board of Works
John. M. Stewart, feeding prisoners 171.00 P. Com.
H. McDowell & Co 23.90 B. of Health
J.R. Tait 15.00 B. of Health
W. Ashford, Milk 3.40 B. of Health
W.B. McDougall 6.00 Finance
Fire Water & Light Committee.
The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Wednesday September 29th 1886 at 3 o’clock, p.m.
The following accounts referred to this Committee by Council we recommend to be paid.
Berry and Rutherford 6.50
Vair and Miller 13.90
Thos. Dunn & Co. 122.50
Thos. Dunn & Co. 24.28
A. Connor 3.00
Ayer & Son 17.00
J.W. Palmer 10.00
Forbes & Luton 3.00
D. Fulton 1.00
DD. Fulton 4.00
In order to guide the Council in passing a by-law to issue general debentures we send in the following estimates for fire purposes.
Fire Engine 6905
Fire Hall 694
Lamps 250
Hook & Ladders 1000
Four tanks 1000
Fire Bell 122
Constructed tanks 1052
Freight on Engine 343
Extras 500
Total $12466
sgd J.R. Northcott
The Council went into Committee of the whole on motion of Alderman Dunn with Alderman Northcott in the Chair.
The accounts were examined and found correct and the Committee rose to report.
Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Dunn that Report of F.W.L. Committee be adopted as a whole.
Finance Report
The Finance Committee met on Friday October 1st 1886 at 3 o’clock, P.M.
The following accounts were recommended to be paid.
Vancouver Daily News printing 5.25
F.W. Hart, Chairs 11.45
British Columbian 7.00
John P. Lawson 16.00
Times Printing & Publishing Co. 15.00
We have opened the tenders for Water Street Debentures and would recommend the acceptance of A.G. Ramsay’s bid at par.
We have instructed the City Solicitor to prepare two by-laws, one for 6,900 for expenses of Fire Engine and the other for 14,100 for extra fire purposes, City Hall, Lots in Lien of Lots on which Fire Hall is built and thus improvements which action we trust will meet with the favorable (sic) approval of Council.
“sgd” Thos. Dunn
The Council went into Committee of the Whole with Alderman Dunn in the Chair.
After examining the accounts in Committee and finding them correct, they rose to report and adopted the report as a whole on motion of Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton.
Report of Police Commissioners.
The Police Commissioners met on Wednesday September 27th 1886 at 2 o’clock, P.M.
The account of Thos. Dunn for 2.70 for picks and handles supplied to police force was examined and found correct and we ask the Council to place that amount to the credit of the Board to pay the said account.
M.A. MacLean
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that the Police Commissioner be credited with $2.70 to satisfy the account of Thos. Dunn & co.
Report of Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Tuesday September 28th and Tuesday October 5th 1886 and submit the following report.
We have called for tenders for the painting of the City Hall and Fire Hall and the improvements of Powell Street, Oppenheimer Street & Westminster Avenue, and have received the following.
(1) Painting.
Pyatt & Vivian
City Hall $195
Fire Hall 80
Durham & Cook
City Hall 180
Fire Hall 80
W.T. Milross
City Hall & Fire 16c per yard.
A.J. Marks City Hall & Fire Halls 257.00
We recommend to the favorable (sic) consideration of Council the tender of A.J. Marks for the painting of the Fire Hall and City Hall, his being the lowest.
(2) Improvement of Oppenheimer Street.
Stephenson & McCraney
Clearing & grading 75c per 1 foot
6 foot sidewalks 29c per 1 foot
8 foot sidewalks 34 1/2c per 1 foot
16 foot plank road 89 1/2c per 1 foot
William Harkins
Grubbing & grading per 1 foot 70c
Sidewalks per 1 foot 37c
Road planking placed in Streets 15.00 per m.
McDonald & Cameron
Grading & grubbing per 1 ft 73c
Sidewalks 10 feet wide 44c
Sidewalks 8 feet wide 38c
Sidewalks 6 feet wide 32c
Street planking per m ft 15.00
We recommend to the Council the acceptance of the Tenders of William Harkins for Powell Street and Westminster Avenue and Stephenson & McCraney’s for Oppenheimer Street theirs being the lowest tenders.
We have called for tenders for Columbia improvements to be received up to Wednesday at Noon.
In the matter of the account referred to this Board by the Council for the cutting of trees on 200 A by Mr. Patterson as this work was not authorized by the Board of Works or Council we do not feel justified in recommending its payment.
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Report adopted on motion of Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott.
The following By-laws were read for the first time.
A By-law to authorize the issue of $6900 in Debentures in payment of the price of a Steam Fire Engine, Hose and Hose Reels, and
A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures of $14100 for permanent improvements.
Moved by Ald. Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign contracts between the City and William Harkins for the improvements of Powell Street and Westminster Avenue and with Stephenson and McCraney for the improvement of Oppenheimer Street and with A.J. Marks for the painting of the City buildings. Carried.
Moved by Alderman E.P. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Cordiner that the Board of Works be authorized to build by contract a Kitchen and Water Closet in rear of City Hall and build gaol yard and other work required. Carried.
Notices of Motion.
Alderman L.A. Hamilton gave notice that he would introduce two by-laws on Monday October 11th 1886 to authorize the issue of Debentures for Cordova Street and Carrall Street.
Alderman Humphries gave notice that he would introduce a motion at next regular meeting of Council regarding the fore-shore rights of the City.
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Dunn that this Council stand adjourned until Thursday at 3 o’clock P.M. Carried.
Carried in a division.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk