Council Declares Holiday to Attend Fair – October 7, 1895

New Westminster Agricultural Fair, 1904

Thursday Oct 10, 1895 was declared a public holiday to allow the citizens to visit the Agricultural Fair at New Westminster. Two police officers to be reprimanded: Officer MacLean for not reporting an infraction of the Sunday Closing By-Law; Officer North for allowing a prisoner to escape from his custody.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Hal Bell-Irving

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives CVA 677-739
Crowd gathered at New Westminster agricultural fair, 1904

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
Series 31 Volume 6 pages 784 – 790

To see photos of the handwritten pages for this date, click the buttons below (two parts):

[Volume 6 page] 784

Vancouver October 7, 1895

The Council met on Monday, October 7th, 1895,

Present: Acting Mayor Brown and Aldermen Coupland, Gallagher, Queen, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Sanders, Bethune and McDonald.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From A.W. Scoullar, stating that he had received notice that his services as Plumbing Inspector were no longer required and asking the Council to define his duties as Health and Water Inspector.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From James McGeer, asking the Council to pass a resolution certifying both to his capacity and diligence while he acted as Milk Inspector.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From James Raney, asking for the contract for clearing Westminster Road in front of his premises and allowing the cost to stand against his taxes.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Mason & Co, asking for permission to remove their watch sign from 139 Cordova Street to 64 Cordova Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Welsh Bros etal, asking the Council to submit a By-Law to pay the creditors of Purdy & Williams on the Reservoir contract. 
Referred to the Finance Committee

From Wm Ward, reporting on the electric lights

From J.A. Lester, asking for the opening up of Cedar St.
Referred to the Board of Works

[Volume 6 page] 785

From J. R. Linton, asking the Council to use their influence with the Dominion Government to secure a title for him of the land occupied by him on the Foreshore.

From Hodgson & Co, asking the Council to name the lanes of the City.
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Provincial Secretary and Chief Commissioner of Lands & Works, asking for copies of correspondence relating to Deadman’s Island.
Filed for reference

From G. F. Monckton, asking the Council to engage to submit a By-Law to the people when his smelter stock was subscribed.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From Alderman Clandenning, asking that James McGeer be removed outside the bar of the Council Chambers.
Mr. McGeer retired when requested by the Mayor.

From Geo Martin, C.M.C., South Vancouver, asking the Council to bear half of the cost of grading a road running between the City Boundary and Blocks 499 & 500, Subdivision 472.
Referred to the Board of Works

From J. Mahoney, stating that stagnant water was standing on Lot 21, Block 20, D.L. 196.
Referred to the Board of Works

The following reports were received and read,

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday Oct 2nd 1895 
Present – Aldermen McPhaiden, Brown and McDonald.


From Dr. Thomas, stating that he was not acting in the capacity of Medical Health Officer when he examined the corpse of Mrs. Gilchrist.

[Volume 6 page] 786

Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Gilchrist to that effect and that he will have to settle with Dr. Thomas.

From the City Solicitor reporting on the complaint of C. L. Brown as follows: “In answer to your containing letter received from C. L. Brown complaining of certain treatment of his son when in the hospital at the hands of a surgeon. The City is in no way responsible for the treatment of patients in the hospital by doctors, as long as the medical attendants have proper certificates and diplomas as surgeons or physicians and are otherwise of good standing in their profession the Council can do nothing more and if any redress has to be sought by Mr. Brown in this case it must be against the surgeon and not the City.”

From Carriere & Craemer, submitting the names of Angelo Calori and Alphonse Farrion, as their bondsmen on Scavenger License.

From Miss Macfie, furnishing hospital report.

Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to examine the verandahs of the old hospital and report as to their condition.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
J.A. Mills                  Medical Examinations           $10.00
W.J. McGrufain        Inquests etc                            50.00
A.H. Thomas            Medical Attendance                  8.00
H.E. Lamfis              Medical Attendance                   5.00
H.F. Foreman           Supplies                                  13.56
J. Stevens & Son     Supplies                                    6.45
M. Carriere               Scavenging                               1.75
International Ice Co. Supplies                                    7.15

[Volume 6 page] 787

E. Hudson                 Labor                                        1.55
Champion & White    Scavenging                                .50

Sgd  D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman Clandenning
Seconded by Alderman Sanders
That – The Clause in reference to Dr. Thomas and Gilchrist be
referred back to the Committee

Moved by Alderman Gallagher.
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.
That – The Report as amended be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 4th 1895.
Present – the full Board,

Resolved that the Assessment Commissioner be instructed to assess the building belonging to the Sugar Refinery situated on Boundary Avenue,


From G.W. Hobson – Secretary of the Fire Underwriters, stating that the Companies would be willing to pay the license from the time of the completion of the reservoir
Laid over

From Mrs. M. A. McGregor etal, asking the Council to make a grant towards a home for young women,
Referred to the favorable consideration of the incoming Council

Resolved that 10 per cent be retained off the accounts of the Assessors until the Court of Revision 

The contracts of James Brooks and G. Griffiths were submitted for approval,
Laid over until sureties are furnished.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

[Volume 6 page] 788

Leo Cassidy @ Co.  Supplies                               $13.96
G.H. Blair.                 Carpentering                            5.33
Thos Dunn @ Co      Supplies                                18.25
The World P&P Co.   Ads                                        11.92
Nero S  Advertiser     Supplies                                  5.00
Bon Key & Light Co.  Lights                                    73.90
Crowder & Penzer     Supplies                                22.26
Clarke & Stuart          Supplies                                13.04
C.L. Brown                 Salary on account                  210
R.N. Cooke                Salary on account                  180
N. Mutrie                   Salary on account                   270
T.W. Kerfoot               Drayage                                   1.00

Sgd Alex Bethune

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by Alderman Gallagher
That the report be adopted.

Fire Market & Police Committee

The Fire Marshall & Police Committee met on Monday, October 7th 1895

Present – the full Board


From J.A.Reid – Pound Keeper, furnishing Report up to the 30th of September 1895.

Referred to the City Auditor to examine into

Resolved that the Contractor for making the police uniforms be authorized to proceed with the work of making tunics for the police officers, that the Sergeant’s uniform be a tunic trimmed with black braid and black buttons and that the Chief wear a sack trimmed with black braid and bars.

Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to reprimand Officer McLean for not reporting a case of an infraction of the Sunday Closing By-Law.

[Volume 6 page] 789

Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to reprimand Officer North for allowing a prisoner to escape from his custody.

Resolved that ex Chief of Police McLaren, ex Sergeant Haywood and ex Officer McLeod, be notified to turn in within three days the balance of their uniforms, and other accoutrements still in their possession.

Resolved that the License Inspector be sworn in as a police officer.

Resolved that, as the Police Magistrate has not been in a fit condition to perform his duties for the last three weeks be it resolved that the resolution recommended at a meeting of this Committee on August the 12th be read in conjunction with this report and form a part thereof.

The recommendation was as follows:-

“That whereas this Council is of the opinion that it is in the interest of the City of Vancouver that the appointment of G. A. Jordan Esq. as Police Magistrate of the City of Vancouver should be cancelled and such office of Police Magistrate be declared vacant forthwith.”

Therefore be it resolved that this Council doth most respectfully recommend that such appointment be cancelled by the Lieutenant – Governor in Council and that the said office be declared vacant forthwith. And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded by the City Clerk to the Provincial Secretary, the Attorney General and Mr. G.A. Jordan.

Sgd W.H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman Gallagher,
Seconded by Alderman Coupland,
That – the Report be adopted.

[Volume 6 page] 790


Resolved that the Acting Mayor be requested to proclaim Thursday the 10th next a Public Holiday to allow the citizens to visit the Agricultural Fair at New Westminster

Moved by Alderman Gallagher,
Seconded by Alderman Coupland,
That – the City Clerk write F. L. Cotton M.P.P. and J.W. Horne ex M.P.P. for particulars as to the arrangements entered into with the Late Hon. John Robson re Deadman’s Island.

The Board then adjourned.

Henry Collins

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk