Tenders for new police uniforms invited. Request for street light at the corner of 13th and Ontario St. denied for the present. Finance Committee’s recommendation to appoint C. McRae as Assessor was upheld.
A house for volunteer nurse Mrs. Hansell to the lepers on Darcy Island is proposed in co-operation with Victoria City Council.
This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Linda Evans
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Pol P4
Vancouver City Police in front of old City Hall and Police Station
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 557-565
Vancouver October 9th 1893
Council met on Monday October 9th 1893. Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Hobson, Franklin, Brown and Towler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From Cassady + Co. asking for the planking or macadamizing of Smithe Street from Cambie to Beattie.
Referred to the Board of Works
From W. C. Gardiner asking permission to cut wood in the Cemetery grounds.
From F. W. Hart, asking that the streets leading to his factory be planked or macadamized.
Referred to the Board of Works
From N. McLean asking that a sidewalk be constructed on Granville Street Bridge.
Referred to the Board of Works
From C.G. Johnson + Co. asking for the planking or gravelling of Smithe Street.
Referred to the Board of Works
From the Rev J. H. White Secretary of the Columbia Methodist College stating that it had been decided to locate the college in New Westminster.
From D. Oppenheimer enclosing a communication received from J. C. Rounding of Sydney N. S. re block of pavement.
Referred to the Board of Works
From Oppenheimer Bros. drawing attention to a stream of water running over Block 48.302.
Referred to the Board of Works
From the Minister of Militia stating that the petition of the Council re the reservoir in Stanley Park was still under consideration.
From J. A. Hicks and many others requesting that the Dominion Government be petitioned to take no further action re the shacks on the foreshore until next spring.
From H. Hackett et al, asking that the land west of Pender Street between Seymour and Richards be fixed up.
Referred to the Board of Works
From The Wellington Coal Yards asking the Council to cancel their coal contract.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.
The following Reports were received and read:-
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday September 29th 1893.
Present Alderman Cargill, Collins, and Hobson.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Tilley + Son supplies $29.25
A. St. G. Hamersley disbursements 239.65
News Advertiser supplies etc. 5.40
Van Elec Ry. + L. Co “ 5.00
2. That D. McRae be appointed assessor and that he be paid $200.00 for performing his duties.
3. That the communication from L. G. McPhillips re the taxes on the convent and
grounds be referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion thereon.
sgd Wm Cargill
Acting Chairman
The Board met again on Friday Oct 6th 1893. Present Aldermen Cargill Collins Hobson and Brown.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
C. F. Foreman supplies $4.55
Telephone Co rents 35.20
News Advertiser supplies 18.45
World P + P Co. “ 16.25
2. That the communication from Rand Bros. asking for a reconveyance of a certain portions of lots in Block 48, 196 be referred to the City Solicitor Engineer.
Re the communication from L. G. McPhillips the City Solicitor was of the opinion that the City is under no legal laibility to rebate taxes where no notice is received by resident owners.
sgd Wm Cargill
Acting Chairman
Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Towler
That the Report be adopted.
Moved in Amendment by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the Clause in reference to the appointment of an Assessor be struck out.
Amendment lost; motion carried.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Friday Oct. 6th 1893.
Present Alderman Collins Cargill Hobson and Towler.
It was recommended:-
1. That H. J. Empy Night Nurse be notified that
his services are no longer required.
2. That the communication from Champion + White asking for certain repairs at the crematory be referred to the City Engineer.
3. That the following accounts be paid:-
J. W. Kent Nursing $8.00
J. W. Currill Repairs 1.25
Mrs. Carrell Work 3.00
Steward + Mills wiring hospital 18.50
James Cornahan Scavengering .50
Chas Rea Labor 52.00
John McColl “ 15.00
Columbia Carriage Factory Supplies .75
Williams + Peters Repairs 3.00
J. A. Mills Medical attendance 7.50
F. S. Shamber Washing 6.00
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Brown
That the report be adopted.
F. W. + L. Committee
The F. W. + L. Committee met on Thursday Sept 28th 1893.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Cargill, Towler, Hackett and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-
1. That Alfred Whitaker be informed that the Committee cannot see its way clear at present to place and electric light on the corner of 13th Av. and Ontario St.
2. That in future no extra rates shall be paid regular men while attending on the driver.
3. That the following accounts be paid:-
B. C. Iron Works supplies 484.93
B. C. M. T. + T. Co. “ 113.19
Union S. S. Co. scows $275.00
sgd. J. L. Franklin
The Committee met again on Wednesday October 4th present the full Board.
The deputation from the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co. waited upon the Committee and submitted a proposition to furnish lights at a cost as follows:-
150 lights 43 cts per light
200 lights 42 “ “ “
250 “ 41 “ “ “
300 “+ over 40 “ “ “
on condition of a five years extension of contract. The Board do not feel inclined to enter into any fresh agreement with the Company at present but look to them to carry out their present agreement.
It was recommended:
1. That James Crawford who wrote regarding an extension of time in the cast iron pipe tender be informed that the Council cannot see its way clear to granting further extension of time.
2. That the following accounts be paid:-
News Advertiser Advertising $1.30
Geo Hunt + Sons Painting sign 1.50
H. S. Mills Co. Supplies 8.25
Tilley + Son “ 3.00
Geo Hunt Hardware Store “ 11.18
J. Dornan “ 25.00
Creamer + Langley “ 8.57
Hooper et al Labor 848.75
B. C. Iron Works Supplies 705.36
3. That the work of boring list [?] holes at the North side of the First Narrows be discontinued and that the City Engineer be authorized to report what compensation is due to Mr. Bellamy.
sgd J. L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Thursday September 28th 1893.
Present Aldermen Hackett (in the Chair) Brown and Franklin.
It was recommended:-
1. That the City Engineer look into the advisability of putting in an elevator attachment at the crusher and that Dr. Kendall continue sending down rock until further notice.
2. That the City Clerk be instructed to insert the usual advertisement re the painting of Powell St. with bituminous rock between Carroll St. + Westminster Av.
3. That the communication from the City Clerk re the collection of the bond of Leamy + Kyle be referred to the City Solicitor, also the claim of Messrs Potter and Flett for delay in connection with the Sewers.
4. That J. M. Holland be informed that it will be necessary for him to sign the usual bond in connection with the concrete sidewalk at the Holland Block before he can be paid any portion of the refund to be made to him.
5. That the Street Inspector be authorized to get enough earth to make the balance of the fill on 6th Av opposite John Devine’s house.
6. That a 6 ft sidewalk be put down for about 100 feet on the east side of Westminster Av at C. Goodmurphy’s new store and a crossing at 8th Av.
7. That the City Engineer prepare a list of streets which will require to be macadamized with crushed rock within the next year so as to estimate the amount of crushed rock at will likely be required.
8. That the following accounts be paid,
Boyd + Clandenning Jail drains $11.00
D. McGillivray Day labor 207.31
News Advertiser Advertising 5.40
Lomas et al. Labor 259.15
sgd J. W. Hackett
Chairman pro tem
The Board met again on October 5th
Present Alderman Hackett (in the Chair) Salsbury Brown and Franklin.
It was recommended:-
1. That the matter of the proposed entrance of the Vancouver and Lulu Island Railway along Howe Street be laid over pending further consideration.
2. That the communication from A. P. Horne asking for a sidewalk and surface drain on Broughton St be referred to the Street Inspector for attention.
3. That the communication from McIntosh + co re the cutting down of dangerous trees be referred to the Street Inspector.
4. That C. Sweeney be permitted to put down a cement sidewalk in front of the Bank of Montreal under the usual terms.
5. That the plans submitted by C. Cook for the Warehouse to be erected by the Hudson’s Bay Co on Water Street be approved subject to the usual copies being deposited in the City Engineer’s office.
6. That the Street Inspector be instructed to put down some old planking on Westminster Av. between 13th + 15th Avs, where it is wet.
7. That the Street Inspector be instructed to arrange to have a 6 ft sidewalk put down on the west side of Thurlow St. between Melville + Georgia St.
8. That the following accounts be paid:-
Tilley + Son Supplies $8.60
D. McGillivray Surface Drains
Carter Bros. Repairs $60.78
B. C. M. T. + T. Co. Supplies 54.42
L. M. Thomas 7th Av. 66.60
Boyd + Clandenning Sewer 841.84
McLennan + McFeely Supplies 36.90
Russell Leonard Concrete Work 13.89
J. M. Thomas Clearing in 185 594.00
H. Lomas et al Labor 257.90
sgd J. L. Hackett
Chairman pro tem
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the report be adopted.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Assessor be instructed to rate all improvements at 62 1/2 per cent of their actual value. That he make a count of all residences in the City, keeping separate those erected in 1893, also the number vacant at the present time.
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seonded by “ Hackett
That the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the supply of police uniforms, tenders to be in by 4 p.m. on Tuesday the 17th inst.
Rev. J. M. McLaren and Mr. J. B. Ker waited upon the Council with a view of getting them to erect a small house on Darcy Island for Mrs. Hansell who had volunteered to nurse the lepers there.
After hearing their view it was moved
by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by Alderman Hackett
That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Council of Victoria with a view of getting them to cooperate with this City in constructing the desired building.
The Council then adjourned to meet on Wednesday the 11th inst at 8 p. m.
F. Cope
Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk