City to call for tenders for the construction of a City Hospital. The City Engineer to estimate the cost of constructing a road around the park and call for tenders. By-Law introduced by Alderman D Oppenheimer to license pawnbrokers and second-hand stores.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 78-84
Vancouver Oct 10th 1887
The Council met on Monday October 10th 1887 at 7:30 p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lockerby, Mannion, David Oppenheimer, Isaac Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From E. Cook asking permission to occupy a portion of Hastings Street with building material and also to have a road way across Sidewalk and depositing a cheque for $20.00.
Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman I. Oppenheimer
That permission be granted to him subject to the provisions of the City By-Laws.
From Jos Clandening and others praying Council to make the alley-ways between Oppenheimer and Hastings Streets and Columbia Avenue and Westminster Avenue made passable for teams.
Referred to the Board of Works, with power to act.
From W. + J.J. Cargill petitioning Council to allow their carriage shed to remain on Fire Hall Lot.
Referred to F.W. + L. Committee.
From J. and J. Taylor, giving notice that note for $412.00 was due.
From W. C. Hargrave praying permission to build a verandah in front of his premises on Oppenheimer St.
Police. No. 16
The Police Committee met on Thursday October 6th 1887 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
R. Rutherford, Hauling Wood $4.00
H. Fyfe Salary for September 60.00
Peter Smith, Interpreter 2.50
Thos. J. James, Stage Hire 6.00
John M. Steward, Boarding Prisoners 82.50
John McLaren, Prisoner to N. W. [unreadable]3.00
sgd Jos Mannion
Adopted Alexander – I. Oppenheimer.
Health. No. 20
The Board of Health met on Saturday October 8th 1887 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
Stevens + Son, Instruments $130.23
F.W. Hart, Bedding etc 25.75
Cowderoy Bros. Towels 2.65
Hayes + McIntosh, Meat 22.51
F.X. Martin, Groceries 39.42
Vancouver Wine Co. 5.00
H. McDowell + Co. 26.45
Owen Hughes, Washing etc 12.50
Charles Nelson, Medicine 5.25
W. Ashford, Milk 14.00
H.E. Langes, Medical Attendance 20.00
B.B. Skinner, draying 1.50
J.W. Palmer, Wood 3.50
Campbell + Mason, Bread 7.25
sgd D. Oppenheimer
Acting Chairman.
Adopted Hamilton – Mannion.
Finance No. 31
The Finance Committee met on Thursday October 6th 1887 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
R. Matheson, printing ballots $6.00
C.P.R. Telegraph Co. 3.90
Jacob Sehl, Furniture 143.00
Robert Couth, Coal 14.00
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 15.35
News-Advertiser 29.20
J. Miller, Rent of P.O. Box 1.75
F.W. Hart, Lamp Chimney 15 cts
Returning Officers 25.00
Tattersall Stables 3.00
We recommend that a further appropriation of $1200.00 be placed to the credit of the Fire Water and Light Committee and that the City purchase one thousand copies of the Journal of Commerce for distribution.
Sgd D. Oppenheimer
Adopted Alexander – Hamilton.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Hamilton.
That that portion of Report of Finance Committee containing an item in which members of the Council were personally interested be struck out and the matter referred to the City Solicitor.
Works. No. 58
The Board of Works met on Friday October 7th and recommend the payment of the following accounts:
R. Rutherford, Hauling Lumber $4.00
W.T. Whiteway, Architect 64.50
E.B. Hermon 2.00
Woodaman + Edgar 1.20
Hastings Saw Mill Co. 31.68
Moodyville “ “ “ 3.45
Queen Bros. 11.00
Angus McLellan, Georgia St. 245.00
James B. McKim, Drain 244.44
“ “ “ Cordova St. 1025.88
E. Mohuir, on account 150.00
Wm. Harkins, Sewers. 245.03
“ “ Cambie St. 225.10
Dunsmuir. 201.85
William Harkins, Alexander St. 473.40
“ “ Powell “ 210.60
“ “ Georgia “ 516.60
W.L. McDonald, Hastings “ 698.10
“ “ 7th Avenue 99.37
Henry Bowers, Paid 173.60
McDonald + Cameron Granville St. 1968.20
Boyd and Clendenning, Keefer “ 576.00
“ “ Jackson Av 248.90
“ “ Oppenheimer St. 130.00
Thos. Dunn + Co., Nails 10.00
We recommend that the unexpected balances on Prior Street, Water Street and Hastings Road be devoted respectively to the laying of a Sidewalk on Johnston Street, the fixing of the Sidewalk on the North End of Cambie Street and grading Hastings Road at the lower end of Powell Street.
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Adopted Alexander – Hamilton
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lockerby.
That the Park By-Law be read a third time.
By-Law ordered to be engrossed and Gazetted on motion of Alderman Humphries seconded by D. Oppenheimer.
Bonus By-Law read a third time on motion of Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Sanders.
By-Law ordered to be engrossed on motion Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Mannion.
Alderman D. Oppenheimer introduced a By-Law to amend By-Law no. 5 by providing for the licencing of Pawn-brokers and Second Hand Stores, which was read a first time.
Alderman Hamilton introduced a By-Law to amend Health By-Law which was read a first-time.
By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Alexander.
Fire Limit By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander.
The Agreement between the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver City Iron Works Co. was read and referred to the City Solicitor for amendments thereto.
Moved by Alderman Alexander Seconded by Alderman I. Oppenheimer.
That a communication be addressed to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works calling his attention to the manner in which the Hastings and Westminster Roads have been improved.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Sanders.
That the Board of Works be authorized to instruct an Engineer to prepare an estimate of the cost of constructing the road around the Public Park and have tenders called for forthwith.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mannion.
That the Board [of] Health in conjunction with the Board of Works be authorized to call for tenders for the construction of the City Hospital and that they select a site and make preparations for the just case of the same.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander.
That the City Treasurer be instructed to send to J. + J. Taylor $412.00 in payment of work for City safe.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk