The City Solicitor advised that the fare from one part of Vancouver to another should not exceed five cents. The Health Department paid Mrs. Frizzel $4.50 for making shirts, while Dr. Poole received $10 for a post-mortem examination. The Police Committee empowered to select an interim Police Chief until a permanent appointment is made.
This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
Palace Livery Stables, Burrard Street at Pender
City of Vancouver Archives AM1376-: CVA 1376-169
Original handwritten minutes:
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 7 pages 330 – 336
[Volume 7, Page 330]
The Council met on Monday October 12th 1896
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Schou, Banfield, McPhaiden, Brown, MacDonald, Bethune and Coldwell.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the City Solicitor giving it as his opinion that the fare to be charged by the Consolidated Railway Co. for each person from one part of the City to any other part should not exceed five cents. Filed.
From J.D. Langlois, asking for the payment of $5.00 claimed to be withheld from the estate of the late Fred Acteson. Referred to the Police Committee.
From J.B. Abernethy, asking for a sidewalk on the east side of St. George Street {from 7th Avenue to his house}. Referred to the Board of Works.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed.
The following Reports were received and read:
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday Oct 7th 1896.
Present: Aldermen Painter, McPhaiden, MacDonald, & Bethune.
The object of the meeting was to consider the question of tearing down certain shacks on the south side of Dupont Street which were condemned as being unsanitary by the authorities.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Texas Lake Ice Co Supplies $4.07
Mrs. Frizzell Making shirts $4.50
Dr Poole Post Mortem $10.00
Mr Nosste Labor $9.25
F. Ellison Supplies $35.26
[Volume 7, Page 331]
C.F. Foreman Supplies $88.33
C.I. Fagan Market Examination $5.00
I.M. Maclean Market Examination $5.00
McDowell & Co Supplies $90.02
Chas. Anderson Supplies $6.48
Clarke & Stuart Supplies $3.60
W.J. McGuigan Inquests $30.00
Mrs Reckett Making shirts $4.50
News Advertiser Supplies $43.31
Champion & White Scavengering $6.50
James Stark Supplies $11.50
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing $118.80
Urquhart Brothers Supplies $7.40
J.E. Gardner Interpreting $5.00
Weeks & Robson Supplies $14.30
From W.S. Wiffin protesting against his shacks being pulled down on the south side of Dupont Street and holding the City responsible in case they were pulled down. Filed.
From Dr. Thomas reporting that one Mrs. Scott a woman in destitute circumstances required medical attendance and asking for instructions in the matter. Filed.
From the Hospital Matron, Health Inspector and Milk Inspector furnishing reports. Filed.
From Drs Fagan and Maclean, New Westminster certifying that Mrs. Addison, an inmate of the Good Shepherd’s Home at Sapperton was insane. Resolved that a copy of the Doctor’s Certificate be sent to Mrs. Hain and that she be informed that the City considered that their liability ceased for the support of Mrs. Addison at the end of the three months agreed upon but that they have noted another $10 which must be taken as final.
From Drs Thomas and Johnston reporting that they had examined into the mental condition of ….
[Volume 7, Page 332]
… Julia and they were of the opinion that she was not a fit subject for asylum treatment. Filed.
From A. Gilmore, Victoria, protesting against the City’s right to interfere with his property on Dupont Street. Filed.
From Miss Macfie reporting that the sanitary grate in the City Hospital was almost as bad as before it was mended. Resolved that Mr. Macfarlane be communicated with and informed that if he does not fix the grate satisfactorily, the City will do so at his expense.
Signed D. McPhaiden, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
{Alderman Schou said that there were dogs running tagless in the East End. It was suggested that the pound-keeper had had trouble already over foxhounds. Ald. Coldwell said that the pound-keeper had stated that the said fox hounds had been found running tagless in the city and he had decided not to interfere in the matter.
Ald. Banfield said that prisoners were running wild as well as dogs. The Mayor said that he had been surprised to hear that women were allowed to go in to the jail on Sunday and stay as long as they liked without any guards being present. Ald. Coldwell said that there would be a report made on the matter He had not been aware that such meetings were being held. Ald. Brown said that if the guards could not do their duty they should be shown how or otherwise dealt with.}
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on October 9th 1896. Present: Aldermen Painter, McPhaiden and MacDonald
Mr. G. McLusky made application personally to be allowed to put up a lunch counter within the fire limits on Hastings Street. Referred to the City Engineer.
Petitions for improvements on Carolina Street, south of 12th and also Scott Street (today’s Fraser Street) between 6th and 9th Avenues were referred to Alderman Coldwell.
From H. Howard, 3rd Avenue stating that water from culvert flows over sidewalk at Pine Street. Referred to the Engineer for attention.
[Volume 7, Page 333]
From Mason & Co asking that sidewalk on Dunsmuir street in front of Lot 40, Block 46, DL 541 as far as the lane be fixed. Referred to Ward foreman to attend to.
From J. Mason and others asking that the lane in Block 78, DL 181 be graded. Referred to the Chain gang in turn.
Resolved that the tenders be received up to 4pm on Thursday the 22nd instant for the following new work:
Laying time sewer on Dupont Street from Columbia Ave to Carrall St.
The following contracts were awarded:
7th Ave – 6-foot walk, G. Wright @ 13.5 cents per foot
Broughton St – 6-foot walk, S. Sheridan 14.5 cents per foot
Thurlow St – 6-foot walk, S. Sheridan 13.5 cents per foot
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
C.R. & L. Co $6.50
Thomas Dunn & Co $104.40
J. Amand $136.10
S.A. Coye $5.65
Tait & Son $258.31
Rand Bros $2.00
R. Harrison $96.06
G. Cassady & Co $93.60
Clarke & Stuart $40.98
Robertson & Hackett $248.40
J.W. Fraser $88.34
Ironside & Rannie $10.80
Thomas etal Labor $744.80
Signed H.J. Painter, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Painter; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
[Volume 7, Page 334]
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday October 9th 1896
Present: Aldermen Banfield, Painter, Brown, Bethune and McPhaiden
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Telephone Co rents $26.15
News Advertiser supplies $336.18
Corporation of Chilliwack taxes $31.21
CPR Telegraph Co telegrams $4.86
The World P&P Co ads $23.70
Con Ry Co supplies $1468.74
The Postmaster supplies $13.00
WE Johnstone clerical work $60.00
City Treasurer supplies $1.20
From Messrs Bowser & Christie, Solicitors for Thos Smith and Mary Ann Smith claiming damages for injuries received through the defendants’ negligence. Referred to the City Solicitor.
From Jockey Club asking for a new lease of the grounds on Hastings. Laid over.
From CE Seymour offering to sell the YMCA building for $33,000. Referred to the Library Board & City Engineer.
From EJ Clark drawing attention to the fact that if default is made in carrying out the rock crushing contract, the plant becomes forfeited to the City. Filed.
From the Hon. E. Dewdney, Lieutenant Governor, acknowledging receipt of communication re the salary of the Police Magistrate. Filed.
Resolved that applications be invited for the position of Assessor for the City for the year 1896. Duties to consist of making ….
[Volume 7, Page 335]
…. Assessment on all new buildings erected since last assessment and entering into same in the Assessment Rolls, also taking the names of all owners and tenants and entering the same on the Assessment Rolls. Salary to be fixed at $150 for the job.
Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to write to Mr. H.O. Bell-Irving, and ask him if it is his wish that a By-Law be introduced to exempt from taxation the Automatic Can Co; also that he communicate with Miss Kendall informing her that it is not the intention of the Council to take any action towards the cancellation of the Rock Crushing Contract or the release of the Bondsmen.
Signed J.J. Banfield, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Banfield; Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the Report be adopted. Carried
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Painter; Seconded by Alderman Banfield
That a By-Law be introduced to amend By-Law No 181 known as the Fire Limit By-Law. Carried.
The By-Law was read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Brown; Seconded by Alderman MacDonald
That a By-Law be introduced to amend By-Law No 162. Carried.
The By-Law was read a 1st time.
[Volume 7, page 336]
Moved by Alderman Banfield; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Police Committee be authorized to appoint a Special Constable to act until a new Chief of Police is appointed. Carried.
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Alderman Coldwell
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law to regulate the erection and continuance of cow byres and stables. Carried.
Alderman Brown was appointed Chairman.
In Committee the By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Brown, seconded by Alderman Painter.
The Council then adjourned.
Thomas Francis McGuigan Henry Collins
City Clerk Mayor
Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; The City Council, October 13 1896, pg 2