All building materials and debris to be removed from Vancouver streets – October 14, 1889

Ongoing investigation of police department by Mr. Justice Drake extended to include officials of police court. Street inspector given five days to notify all parties to remove building materials and refuse from city streets.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteers
Margaret Sutherland and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 166 -176

[volume 3 page 166]

Vancouver Oct 14th 1889

The Council met on Monday, October 14th 1889.

Present His Worship, the Mayor, Aldermen Brighouse, Clark, Costello, Horne, Mason, McConnell, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Hon. John Robson informing Council that there were no funds available for the construction of a new road to the cemetery. Filed.

From F. C. Stover, Agent for the California Electrical Works, acknowledging receipt of
communication from City Clerk re extension of time for the construction of the Fire Alarm System. Filed.

From John Devine, City Auditor asking for further information re financial statement. Filed.

From S. Gough, City Clerk, Nanaimo thanking the Mayor for the invitation to be present at the reception to the Governor General. Filed.

From J. W. McFarland, Secretary of Vancouver Water Works Co. asking for a settlement of his account. Referred to Finance Committee.

From H. F. Keefer, Contractor on the Market building recommending that the walls of the building be thickened half a brick. Filed.

[volume 3 page 167]

From F. C. Cotton asking Council to request Mr. Justice Drake to extend the scope of his
investigations so as to include the business of the Police Court. Filed.


Works No 29

The Board of Works met on Thursday, October 10th 1889.

Present Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Horne, McConnell and Oppenheimer. We beg to recommend:
1. That the School Trustees be given second hand plank for the construction of platforms and sidewalks around the Schools in the City.

2. That the Vancouver Wharfage and Storage Coy be asked to pay D. J. McDonald at $66.70 for bracing and strengthening the City Wharf for the 1st of July Celebration as per Agreement with the Mayor.

3. That Thos. Stephenson, Street Superintendent be instructed to examine and report upon the trees planted upon the streets of the City giving the number living and dead, such report to be furnished to the Board of Works at its next meeting.

4. That the City Engineer and Alderman Brewer be appointed to wait upon the Street Railway Coy to ascertain what is necessary to be done in the matter of laying the Street Railway across Westminster Av. Bridge with a view of coming to some arrangement in the matter.

5. That a Committee consisting of the Board

[volume 3 page 168]

of Works be appointed to examine into all petitions for Street improvements and report at next meeting of said Board.

6. That the Street Inspector be instructed to notify all parties having building material on the Streets and refuse matter not required for immediate use, to have same removal within five days, otherwise the Corporation will carry out the work at the expense of the parties in fault.

7. That the basement drain be extended along the west side of Columbia Avenue, commencing at Powell Street and extending to the South Side of Oppenheimer St.

8. That the following accounts be paid:

H. Connacher, Columbia St. etc. $549.06
D. McAlister, Seventh Av. 279.65
Hugh Archibald, Georgia St. 205.89
McDonald & Barton, Seventh Av. 227.07
A. Godfrey & Co. Supplies 14.50
S. R. Conner, Hack Hire 5.00
Boyd & C. Sec 3, Hastings St. 440.40

A. W. McDonald, Georgia St. 40.80
Alex McDonald, Lumber 7.00
Henry Langtree, Labor 7.00
W. B. Murray, Comox St. etc. 726.44
Thomson Bros. Supplies .75
D. J. McDonald, Westminster Av. 351.90
R. H. Wallace, Granville St. 854.86
Martin and Balkwell, Davie St. etc. 497.88
P. Atkinson etal. Street Work

Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman 56.25

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Salsbury. That the Report be adopted. Carried.

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Unfinished business

Under the head of unfinished business His Worship the Mayor read a press copy of a letter addressed to Hon. Mr. Justice Drake on the subject of extending the scope of the Police
investigations so as to include the Police Court Officials.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Salsbury, seconded by Alderman Clark. That the Park By-Law be read a third time. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Salsbury, seconded by Alderman Clark. That the Sum of twenty five hundred dollars be placed at the disposal of the Committees preparing for the reception and
entertainment of His Excellency, the Governor General, the Same to be applied under the direction of this Council. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer, seconded by Alderman Mason. That the City Clerk be
instructed to advertise for a pound keeper stating salary required for his services and to furnish his own horse or without horse; tenders to in by Monday next. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McConnell, seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the following account be paid:

Special Police $202.40 Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the following accounts in connection with the west point be paid:

L. Burke etal. Labor $201.00
Fewster & Co. Feed 6.85

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Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Whetham. That His Honour Mr. Justice Drake be requested to extend his investigation into the conduct of the business of the Police Court, the actions of any Justice of Justices of the Peace acting therein and a far as may to him seem fit into the method of and as followed in respect to monies received by the Police Court or by any of its officials and that proper and sufficient notice be given all persons of any charges it may be the
imitation to bring against them. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk