Cabs available on Abbott Street – October 16, 1893

Cabs available on Abbott Street – October 16, 1893

Cabs may stand on Abbott Street between Water and Hastings Streets.

The contractor for Westminster Ave. must put back on the street the same quantity of earth as he hauled away to the premises of private parties. The federal government gave permission to build a reservoir in Stanley Park.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Trans P24
horse drawn carriage on Abbott Street, 1891

original handwritten minutes here : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 567 – 572

[vol 5 pg 567]
Vancouver October 16th 1893

The Council met on Monday October 16th 1893. Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown, Towler. The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From Davis Marshall + McGill asking for the balance due to the B. C. Pottery Co. for supplying sewer pipes.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From the Minister of Militia and Defence giving permission to the City to proceed with the work of constructing a reservoir in Stanley Park pending the passing of an Order in Council.

From the ratepayers of Block 5 O. G. T. asking for repairs to the lane.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Oppenheimer Bros. asking that bituminous pavement be put down on Westminster Av.
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Toilet + Towel Supply Co. offering to supply towels etc. to the different departments.
Referred to the Health Committees

From Stanley James, City Auditor submitting Auditors Report for June + July.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Finance Committees

The Finance Committee met on Friday Oct 15th 1893.


Present Aldermen Cargill, Collins, Hobson and Brown.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Wellington Coal Yards Supplies $22.94

2. That the communication from L. G. McPhillips re the taxes on the cement be laid over.

3. That the City Solicitor be instructed to take proceedings for the recovery of the bond put up by Messrs Leamy + Kyle for the construction of Cambie Street Bridge, if considered by him advisable.

sgd Wm Cargill
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Oct 12th 1893.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Franklin and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-
1. That the Street Inspector see that the contractor on Westminster Avenue puts back on the street where required the same quantity of earth as he hauled away to the premises of private parties.


2. That permission be granted for cabs to stand on Abbott St. north of Water St. and south of Hastings St.

3. That the Street Inspector be instructed to put in a ditch to carry away the water in Block 48, 200d and that the Messrs Oppenheimer Bros. be informed that the stumps, roots +c in question belong to them and not to the City.

4. That the Street Inspector be instructed to put down a 2” by 12” plank the whole length of Granville Street Bridge.

5. That the piece of street asked to be macadamized by F. W. Hart etal be added to the list.

6. That the Street Inspector to give his attention to the cleaning and fixing up of the lane in Block 34. 541.

7. That the Street Inspector arrange to have the 6 ft. walk being put down on Thurlow St extended as far as Robson St; also that he put down a 3 plank walk on Pender St. from Thurlow westward about 150 ft where needed.

8. That the following accounts be paid:-
J. Potter Sec 8. Sewers $201.48
do “ 9 “ 362.70
Potter + Flett “ 5 “ 131.66
T. M. Thomas 7th Av. 42.51
W. H. Kendall Crushed rock 2478.42
Thos. Veitch del “ “ 581.90
Leamy + Kyle Lumber 66.61
T. M. Thomas Lanes to 16 + 92 17.65
B. C. Land + Trust co. Cement walk 192.08
Thos Dunn +co. Supplies 4.15
J. Mitchell Blacksmithing 1.15
H. Lomas etal Labor 307.95
sgd H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Brown


That the account in favor of the B. C. Land and Investment co. be referred back.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report as amended be adopted.

F. W. + L. Committee

The F. W. + L. Committee met on Wednesday October 11th 1893.
Present the full Board.
The following tenders were received for cost iron pipes.
A. Gartshore $52.00 per ton of 2240 lbs
B. C. Iron Works 54.00 “ “ “ “ “
W. L. Keene + co. 58.70 “ “ “ “ “

It was further recommended:-
1. That the telegram received from the Minister of Militia giving the City permission to go on with the reservoir in Stanley Park be filed.

2. That the City Engineer be requested to furnish a report of the present state of the water works system end to make such recommendations as he may think desirable for the future conduct of the works.

3. That Mr. Bellamy be paid $230.00 in full for testing the mouth of the Capilano River.

4. That six 5/8” and two 2 1/2” Hersey meters be ordered.

5. That the following accounts be paid:-
C. F. Foreman Supplies $13.53
S. Forbes Horse shoeing 3.00
C. S. Philip Supplies 10.30
G. F. Foreman “ 78.73


London Carriage Works Supplies $1.00
Crowder + Penzer “ 166.36
Thos. Dunn “ 3.20
W. A. Getin horse shoeing 3.00
Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co. supplies 1.13
C. M. Hawley “ 2.05
McLennan + McFeeley “ 8.09
Canadian General Electric Co. “ 1.25
G. L. Allan “ 55.25
G. F. Wilson “ 12.00
Thos Veitch Teaming 215.06
Godfrey + co. Supplies .24
Wellington Coal Yards “ 7.25
B. C. M. T. + T. Co. “ 3.97
G. L. Allan “ 6.00
Champion + White “ 42.00
Wellington Coal Yard “ 25.62
Thos Dunn “ 30.41
Keefer + Godden Towing 53.50
Crowder + Pender Supplies 17.71
Union S. S. Co. Hire of blocks 60.00
Creamer + Langley Supplies 1.49
News Advertiser “ 1.10
Atkins + Atkins
A. O. Leask Duty + Freight in Cable 52.50

sgd. J. L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted.


The Board then adjourned.
F. Cope
Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk