$500 to be given to the fire brigade for its work. Proposed agreement between the Vancouver City Iron Works Co. and the City was approved. City Solicitor gives his opinion that accounts in which “members of the corporation” [mayor or city councillors] are personally interested should not be paid.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 78-84
Vancouver Oct. 17th 1887
The Council met on Monday, October 17th 1887 at 7:30 p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Clark, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer, Isaac Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Alderman I. Oppenheimer objecting to a clause in the Report of the Board of Works relating to Hastings Road and Alderman Humphries to clause relating to Sidewalk on Cambie Street joining Water Street.
From D.L. Beckingsale, Secretary of School Board asking the Council to take into consideration the providing of further play grounds for the Public School and referring to the desirability of securing Block 53 immediately in front of the School for that purpose.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From R.G. Tatlow and others asking that lane running parallel with Alexander and Powell Streets, between Gore and Dunlevy Avenues be improved.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From R.G. Tatlow on behalf of the Improvement Company enquiring whether the City would be willing to bear their proportionate share of the cost of opening up Streets and lanes in District Lots 181 + 196 in the the [sic] event of the Company grading and chopping the remainder.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From W.S. Gore, Surveyor-General acknowledging receipt of resolution of Council re- Hastings and New Westminster Roads.
From Thos. T. Black, City Solicitor giving it as his opinion that accounts in which members of the Corporation were interested could not be paid.
F.W. + L. No. 27
The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Thursday October 13th 1887 at 8 p.m. and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts,
W.W. Ayer Firing Engine $5.00
H.A. Berry Drawing “ 10.00
R. Rutherford “ “ 13.00
Vancouver Wine Co. Barrel 1.50
Jos. Cornwall, Watchman 2.50
Royal City Planing Mills Co. 21.45
We have again considered the communication of the Fire Brigade re the Government Grant of $500.00 and would recommend that the whole of it be handed over to said brigade to be expended by them for the purposes appertaining to a fire brigade.
We ask for further time for the consideration of the petition of W. + J.J. Cargill,
sgd Jos Mannion
for Chairman
Adopted Ald D. Oppenheimer – Lockerby.
Owen Hughes appeared before the Bar of the Council to state requirements for the City Hospital.
The Agreement between the Vancouver City Iron Works Co. and the Corporation of the City of Vancouver was read and approved.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Sanders.
That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and execute Agreement on behalf of the Corporation.
Alderman D. Oppenheimer moved seconded by Alderman Lockerby the second reading of the By-Law amending By-Law No. 8.
Committee of the Whole, the Council went into Committee on By-Lay with Ald D. Oppenheimer in the Chair,
The By-Law was numbered 47 and amended in Committee.
The Committee rose to report By-Law as passed in Committee.
The Mayor resumed the Chair. By-Law read a third time on motion of Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre,
By-Law authorized to be advertized [sic] and engrossed on motion of Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman I. Oppenheimer,
The question of a site for the proposed City Hospital was taken up and discussed.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevere,
That the Special Committee meet and report to a Joint Meeting of the Health and Board of Works Committees on Friday next October 21st.
Chief Carlisle
Chief Carlisle appeared before the Bar of the Council to exonerate himself from charges preferred against him by members of the Fire Water and Light Committee re the non-supplying of proper fuel for the Silsby Heater,
Discussion deferred,
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre.
That the Board of Works be authorized to plank Westminster Avenue on the South Side of False Creek about four hundred feet further.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Lockerby,
That Alderman D. Oppenheimer be appointed to act on the Special Committee appointed to select the Hospital Site in place of Alderman Clark.
oved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Lockerby
That Alderman David Oppenheimer be authorized to advertize [sic] Bonus for Smelting Works at a cost not to exceed one hundred dollars.
Dr. A.E. Gray, Editor of the Journal of the Commerce asked the Council to purchase another thousand copies of his Journal,
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman I. Oppenheimer,
That the matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act.
Ayes 4, Nays 3,
The Committee then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk