Board of Trade Criticizes Lack of Places of Amusement in Vancouver – October 18, 1897

The Board of Works requested that the Harbour Master “exercise his authority as to the prevention of tugs, small steamers and scows from tying up and delivering produce at City Slip, Gore Avenue” (pictured above). In response to a recent criticism by the Board of Trade about the lack of places of amusement in Vancouver, City Clerk McGuigan was asked to forward to the Board of Trade a copy of the City By-Laws … under which clause any citizen is empowered to establish and operate a concert or music hall.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives
CVA Bo P102 – Andy Linton’s Yachts at City Wharf

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
Series 31 Volume 8 pages 38-45

To see or download images of the handwritten pages from this date, click the buttons below (two parts):

[Volume 8, Page 38]

The Council met on Monday October 18th 1897

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, McQueen, Clandening, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. McDonald and Bethune. The Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and adopted.


From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From J. Buntzen Comptroller, BC Electric Railway Co, acknowledging receipt of communications re placing of new lights.

From Harry Symons acknowledging receipt of communication containing copy of resolution passed by Council re smelter.

From W.D. Brydone-Jack stating that there were several cases of typhoid fever. {Two cases of fever on 13th Avenue, between Westminster Avenue and Westminster Road, caused no doubt by being forced to use well water, as there was no city water supply on that street; 3 cases on 10th Avenue due to bad drainage etc}.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From H.W. Phippen, drawing attention to (the) loose {and unsafe} railing on Westminster Avenue Bridge.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From D. A. Mackenzie etal, asking for a street light on the corner of Ash Street and 6th Avenue, Fairview.
Referred to the Light Committee.

From E. J. Galloway stating that he was fined {$15} for keeping a second-hand store without license {and wished remittance}.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

[Volume 8, page 39]

The following Reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 15th 1897.
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
The World P&P Co ads $29.55
E. Clough express hire $2.50
H. Kersey labor $1.25
F.A. Barnes clerical work $3.00
News, Advertiser ads $28.44
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $9.61
F. L. Prior clerical work $5.00
Caswell Co supplies $3.00


From the City Solicitor advising the City to settle the case of Jun Kee for $300 for loss sustained by him during the destruction of the shacks on Dupont Street. Resolved that the advise (sic) of the City Solicitor be followed and that the amount agreed upon be paid over.

From Harris & Bull, Solicitors for D.L. McAlpine MD, claiming compensation for the lowering of the sidewalk in front of Lot 5, Block 9, DL 196 on Westminster Avenue. Referred to the City Solicitor & City Engineer.

Signed James McQueen,

Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Brown.
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, page 40]

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday October 14th 1897.
Present: Aldermen W.S. MacDonald (in the Chair), Bethune and McQueen.


From Evans, Coleman & Evans complaining of the condition of Alexander Street.
Referred to the Ward Foreman for attention.

From Robert Brunt, etal, asking for a 6-foot walk on Lorne Street.
Laid over.

From H. Connacher re stones piled on his premises by waterworks men, corner 9th Ave and Carolina Street.
Referred to Engineer to examine.

From Mrs. Blackstock on behalf of Miss Isaacs in reference to her proposed structure at entrance to Stanley Park Bridge.
City Clerk to inform her as to the circumstances.

Resolved that the Harbour Master be requested to exercise his authority as to the prevention of tugs, small steamers and scows from tying up and delivering produce at City Slip, Gore Avenue pictured on thi).

Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to see to the removal of all verandahs obstructing the sidewalks on any of the streets.

From Carter Brothers submitting plan for brick addition to building occupied by Clubb & Stewart; Cordova Street.
Resolved that the plan be approved being found to be in accordance to requirements of Fire Limit By-Law.

Resolved that a 6-foot sidewalk be laid …..

[Volume 8, page 41]

… on 12th Avenue and Lansdowne Avenue, Mount Pleasant, by day work under the direction of the City Engineer and Alderman Bethune.

Resolved that the owner of the stones piled up at Keefer Street and Westminster Avenue be requested to have removed all such as are obstructing the street.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
James Stark supplies $9.70
Thomson Brothers supplies $2.65
BC Elec Ry Co supplies $10.00
G. Griffiths Granville St Bridge $487.17
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $95.67
J. Wood supplies $1.50
R.C.P. Mills Co supplies $99.48
R. Clark supplies $12.00
Robertson & Hackett supplies $42.76
E.J. Kendall crushed rock $762.23
Thomas Veitch delivering “ “ $288.27
Evans, Coleman& Evans supplies $1.60
S. Elkins etal labor $1435.90

Signed W.S. MacDonald,
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman W.S. MacDonald;
seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Report be adopted.

Water & Market Committee

The Water & Market Committee met on Wednesday October 13th 1897.

Present: Aldermen Brown, McQueen and D.G. McDonald


From the BCMT & F Co. asking to have the water rules for the R.C.P. Mills and Hastings Sawmill combined as both accounts were paid from the one office.

[Volume 8, Page 42]

From S. H. Holmes asking for a reduction on meter account for September, as a wagon ran over the pipe and broke it and this amount of water was run through before the pipe could be repaired.
Laid over to enquired into.

The following tenders for fitting the inside of the Market building were received:
Lapoint & Holmes $301
R.C.P. Mills $390
Robertson & Hackett $377.70
Van Sash & Door Co $366.00

Referred to the City Engineer and M. Rackett who recommended the acceptance of the tender of Lapoint & Holmes the lowest tenderers.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Armstrong & Morrison jack screws $27.40
Champion & White supplies $833.35
John Boyd & Co supplies $9.88
BCMT & T Co supplies $178.61
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $76.26
W.E. Grace supplies $100.00
George Hardy expressage $4.00
BC Elec Ry Co supplies $5.00
Clarke & Stuart supplies $4.25
City Grocery Co supplies $4.40
William Ralph supplies $1.50
News, Advertiser supplies $2.00
Van Hardware Co supplies $1.50
Water Works Pay Roll labor $597.10

Signed William Brown,

Moved by Alderman Brown;
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, page 43]

Fire & Police Committee

The Fire & Police Committee met on Tuesday October 12th 1897.
Present: Aldermen D.G. McDonald, Townley, McQueen and W.S. MacDonald
Alderman D.G. McDonald was appointed regular Chairman.

The following accounts were recommended for acceptance:
E. Clough supplies $7.00
News, advertiser supplies $6.50
CPR Co Telegraph telegram $2.39
S. James interpreting $8.00
J. Dodson supplies $18.85
V.J. Straube supplies $2.00
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $14.70
Clarke & Stuart supplies $4.00
Thomas Clough drayage $.50
Can Gen’l Elec Co supplies $114.00
City Treasurer disbursements $10.50
J. C. Woodrow supplies $23.68
M. E. McLean supplies $2.00
City Grocery Co supplies $20.75
C. S. Philp supplies $6.89
McDowell & Co supplies $9.40
Brachman & Ker supplies $81.89

Resolved that a mattrass (sic) and an iron bedstead be purchased for Fire Hall No 3.


From the Chief of Police reporting that he had suspended Officer Colivell/Colwell (?) for neglecting to report at the Police Station for duty from the 1st to the 4th of October.

From Officer Colivell tendering his resignation as police officer.
Resolved that his resignation be accepted.

Signed by D.G. McDonald,

[Volume 8, page 44]

Moved by Alderman D.G. McDonald;
Seconded by Alderman W.S. MacDonald
That the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman W.S. MacDonald;
Seconded by Alderman D.G. McDonald

That the following account be paid:
J. W. Mallory inspecting women’s ward $48.00

Moved by Alderman Brown;
Seconded by Alderman Clandening
That the following account be paid:
M. Rockett etal work on Market $407.55

Moved by Aldermen McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Clandening
That an electric street light be placed on the corner of Homer and Cordova Streets instead of in the centre of the block between Cambie and Abbott Streets on Cordova Street and that the light at the Whitham Block be not moved to Sich’s Corner as formerly recommended.

Moved by Alderman D.G. McDonald;
Seconded by Alderman Clandening
That the question of placing additional street lights be laid over to be considered by the Light Committee.

Moved by Alderman W.S. MacDonald;
Seconded by Alderman Clandening
In view of a resolution passed by the Vancouver Board of Trade recently appearing in the City papers re proper places of amusement for our citizens and visitors. This Council is of the opinion that ….

[Volume 8, page 45]

…. some of the gentlemen who expressed their views at said meeting are not aware that the By-Laws of the City make ample provision for the establishment and supervision of such places.

That the Clerk be instructed to forward to the Board of Trade a copy of the City By-Laws and that he also specially direct their attention to By-Law No 160 and amendments thereto (Clause 35) under which clause any citizens is empowered to establish and operate a concert or music hall. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk

W. Templeton


Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; City Council, October 19th 1897, pg 2